Jowisz / H.Ø.S.T - Ages of Determination
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Sa martial projektima Jowisz i H.Ø.S.T smo se već upoznali preko Webzina. Obojica dolaze iz bratske nam zemlje Poljske i neguju istoriju kroz svoju muziku. Sada nam predstavljaju zajedničko split izdanje Ages of Determination, koje je izdala Spatha Production. Album ima ukupno sedam pesama i konceptualno obuhvata period istorije od 1870. do 1945. godine.

Album otvara numera The Franco - Prussian War, koju izvodi Jowisz. Zvuci doboša nas uvode u rat, koji je označio početak kraja borbe za dominaciju u Evropi. Bubnjevi su sve jači. Osvojeni su Mec i Sedan. Imperator je zarobljen, Prusi se bilže Parizu. Drugo carstvo bliži se kraju, Nemački Rajh je stvoren! Druga numera A Child of Strasbourg, Jowisz nastavlja tamo gde je i stao. Alzas i Lorena, te plodne žitnice Imperije Francuske, kao ratni plen odlaze. Treća numera All Rats Know the Dance of Bayonets, Jowisz nas vodi u vreme Velikog rata i suludog rovovskog rata. Tonovi su drugačiji, prodorniji, baš kao i samo naoružanje toga doba. To najbolje pacovi znaju kako je, jer bajonet je jedino ono što im na kraju preostaje! Četvrta i poslednja numera koju nam Jowisz predstavlja je Bad Omen. Loše znamenje je ono što je pratilo vojnike Velikog rata. Samo je smrt bila siguna, sve ostalo je lutrija.
Drugi deo ovog odličnog split albuma čine numere koje nam predstavlja H.Ø.S.T. Prelazimo na petu numeru Siegge 1944. Priča o Varšavskom ustanku, opsadi grada i čuvenoj radio stanici, koja je širila slobodu dok načistička čizma po drugi put nije sravnila grad i nažalost porazila ustanike. Šesta numera Niedobschutz 1945. Jedan potpuno interesantan način na koji nam je prestavljena prestonica Vojvodstva Šlezije. Poslednja i nema manje interesantna numera je Wolfpack. Ajkule mora čuvaju Atlantik. Čopori su spremni kao zapete puške. Verujem da bi i sam admiral Denic bio ponosan na ovu numeru (lični utisak).
Utisci? Meni je ovaj split album, prosto odličan kao istoričaru. A, verujem da bi i dobro došao kada bi se i u školama koristio kao udžbenik za nastavu istorije, što toplo preporučujem. Ja sam na svojim časovima istorije već upoznao moje učenike sa muzikom projekta Jowisz i H.Ø.S.T!
Jowisz - Martial Dark Ambient / H.Ø.S.T
martial dark ambient
Ages of Determination
Spatha Production, split (2019.)
Spatha Production, split (2019.)
Ocena: 10/10.
made by: Predrag G.
Jowisz / H.Ø.S.T - Ages of Determination
We have already met the martial projects of Jowisz and H.Ø.S.T through Webzine. Both come from our fraternal country of Poland and nurture history through their music. We are now represented a joint split Ages of Determination, published by Spatha Production. The album has a total seven songs and conceptually covers a period of history from 1870 to 1945.
The album opens with the track The Franco - Prussian War, performed by Jowisz. Drum sounds bring us into the war, which marked the beginning of the end of the struggle for domination in Europe. The drums are getting stronger. The Metz and Sedan were conquered. The Emperor is captured, the Prussians are reported to Paris. Another empire is nearing its end, the German Reich was created! The second track of A Child of Strasbourg, Jowisz continues where he left off. Alsace and Lorraine, and the fertile granaries of the Empire of France, leave as spoils of war. The third track of All Rats Know the Dance of the Bayonets, Jowisz takes us through the time of the Great War and the Crazy Trench War. The tones are different, more penetrating, just like the weapons of the time. This is what the rats know best, because the bayonet is the only thing left in the end! The fourth and final track Jowisz presents to us is Bad Omen. A bad omen is what accompanied the soldiers of the Great War. Only death was a certainty, all else was a lottery.
The album opens with the track The Franco - Prussian War, performed by Jowisz. Drum sounds bring us into the war, which marked the beginning of the end of the struggle for domination in Europe. The drums are getting stronger. The Metz and Sedan were conquered. The Emperor is captured, the Prussians are reported to Paris. Another empire is nearing its end, the German Reich was created! The second track of A Child of Strasbourg, Jowisz continues where he left off. Alsace and Lorraine, and the fertile granaries of the Empire of France, leave as spoils of war. The third track of All Rats Know the Dance of the Bayonets, Jowisz takes us through the time of the Great War and the Crazy Trench War. The tones are different, more penetrating, just like the weapons of the time. This is what the rats know best, because the bayonet is the only thing left in the end! The fourth and final track Jowisz presents to us is Bad Omen. A bad omen is what accompanied the soldiers of the Great War. Only death was a certainty, all else was a lottery.
The second part of this great split album consists of tracks presented by H.Ø.S.T. We move on to the fifth track Siegge 1944. The story of the Warsaw Uprising, the siege of the city and the famous radio station, which spread freedom until the Nazi boot downed the city for the second time and unfortunately defeated the uprisings. Sixth track Niedobschutz 1945. One completely interesting way in which the capital of the Duchy of Silesia was presented to us. The last and no less interesting track is the Wolfpack. Sea sharks guard the Atlantic. The packs are ready as stun guns. I believe Admiral Denic himself would be proud of this track (personal impression).
Impressions? To me, this split album is just great as a historian. And, I believe it would come in handy if it were used as a history textbook in schools, which I strongly recommend. In my history classes, I have already introduced my students to the music of the Jowisz and H.Ø.S.T!
Jowisz - Martial Dark Ambient / H.Ø.S.T
martial dark ambient
Ages of Determination
Spatha Production, split (2019.)
Spatha Production, split (2019.)
Mark: 10/10.
made by: Predrag G.
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