

субота, 2. јануар 2016.

Recenzija: TSIDMZ / Svart1 - Le due rose di Costantinopoli, SkullLine (2015.)

TSIDMZ / Svart1 - Le due rose di Costantinopoli, SkullLine (2015.)

[Scroll down for English]  
Solimano i Raimondo udružili su svoje snage i podarili nam novi split album, Le due rose di Costantinopoli, u izdanje SkullLine. Album je posvećen gradu Istoka i Zapada, nebeskom Konstantinopolisu. Rad ove dvojice impozantnih umetnika odlično poznajem, i izuzetno cenim. Njihova muzika otvara nove horizonte shvatanja modernog sveta. Album štampan u malom broju primeraka čini još vrednijom muziku, koja se na njemu nalazi. Devet pesama se nalazi na albumu i podeljene su na deo koji izvodi TSIDMZ, kao i na deo koji izvodi Svart1, dok je poslednja deveta numera zajednička pesma. 

Prvom numerom, Lettura di San Luca (Canto Ortodosso in Arabo), koju izvodi TSIDMZ, pravoslavlje se širi oko nas. Shvatamo da je liturgija počela, to nam kazuje arapski jezik koji čujemo. Divno. Tonovi krajnje pomirljivi i nastoje da nas potpuno upoznaju sa mistikom Nebeskog grada. Druga pesma, Kalkynis, u izvođenju Svart1. To nam tonovi kazuju. Svako ko poznaje rad ove dvojice umetnika raspoznaće bez gledanja te specifične tonove koje oni stvaraju. Tonovi obavijeni Orijentom su oko nas. Raimondo to savršeno radi. Preispituje naše misli i vodi nas u neki drugi svet. Sledeća, Al-risâlah, a movie by Moustapha Akkad, u kratkoj numeri TSIDMZ predstavlja film. Dobar prelaz na četvrtu pesmu, Karsaz, u izvođenju Svart1. Tonovi i arapski jezik. Savršenstvo umetnosti sklada. Jedna od boljih pesama na album (lični utisak). Te tonove ne možete rečima opisati, morate ih definitvno osetiti čitaoci moji. Rastapaju se po sobi, dok slušamo album i uživamo. Shvatamo Istok i Zapad su jedno! Sledeća,  L'incontro del Saladino con Riccardo Cuor di Leone, sada u izvođenju TSIDMZ. Vraća nas u vreme velikog Saladina i Ričarda Lavlje Srce. Podseća na sudar Istoka i Zapada, ta dva toliko ista, a opet različita sveta. Prelazimo na, Gmaïr, u izvođenju Svart1. Odmah nas drmaju tonovi, koji odlično zvuče. Umetnik zna šta radi i to dobro radi. Sedma pesma, Alla corte di Federico II, u izvođenju TSIDMZ. Putujemo stazom Fridriha II uz pratnju klavira. Flauta se uključuje i mi uživamo. Dolazimo do pretposlednje numere, Behluwan, u izvođenju Svart1. Melodija koja objašnjava drugu stranu islama. Onu dobru, koju svi zaboravljaju. Poslednja numera, Ascensione, ujedno i najduža pesma na albumu, delo je zajedničkog rada. Prodorni tonovi za početak. U daljini javljaju se koraci. Neko dolazi. Nebeski grad je blizu. Susrećemo se sa njim i hodamo njegovim ulicama. Uključuju se sve brži tonovi, što nam izuzetno prija. To su ti tonovi, koje danas retko možete čuti u muzici. Kvalitet tonova kod ove dvojica muzičara svakako postoji. Ubedljivo najbolja numera na albumu i jedna savršena melodija na ovom još savršenijem albumu. 
Završna reč. Album je produciran maestralno. Plod rada ove dvojice fantastičnih umetnika je pred nama i predstavlja definitivno jedan od boljih split albuma protekle godine. Muzika koja istražuje istoriju kroz vekove i pomera granice  svakako. Muzika koju trebate slušati sa pažnjom i uživanjem, jer to svakako zaslužuje. Muzika koja traje, muzika koju stvaraju istinski umetnici. Spojite Istok i Zapad u jedno i uživajte!

TSIDMZ / Svart1
SkullLine, (2015.)

01: TSIDMZ - Lettura di San Luca (Canto Ortodosso in Arabo)
02: SVART1 - Kalkynis
03: TSIDMZ presents Al-risâlah, a movie by Moustapha Akkad
04: SVART1 - Karsaz
05: TSIDMZ - L'incontro del Saladino con Riccardo Cuor di Leone
06: SVART1 - Gmaïr
07: TSIDMZ - Alla corte di Federico II
08: SVART1 - Behluwan
09: TSIDMZ/SVART1 - Ascensione

Ocena: 9/10. 

TSIDMZ / Svart1 - Le due rose di Costantinopoli, SkullLine (2015.)

Solimano and Raimondo joined their forces and give us a new split album, Le due Rose di Costantinopoli, the release SkullLine. The album is dedicated to the city of East and West, the heavenly Constantinople. The work of these two great artists imposing know and admire. Their music opens up new horizons for understanding the modern world. Album printed in small numbers makes it even more valuable to music, which is located on it. Nine songs from the album, is divided into a part that performs TSIDMZ, as well as the part that performs Svart1, while the last track is the ninth joint song.
The first track, Lettura di San Luca (Canto Ortodosso in Arabo), performed by TSIDMZ, Orthodoxy spread around us. We understand that the liturgy began, it tells us that we hear the Arabic language. Great. Tones extremely apologetic and we are trying to fully acquainted with the mysticism of the celestial city. Another song, Kalkynis, performed Svart1. This gives us tones show. Anyone who knows the work of these two artists know without looking at those specific tones that they generate. Tones Orient wrapped around us. Raimondo to work perfectly. Reviewed our thoughts and lead us to another world. Next, Al-Risala, a movie by Moustapha Akkad, a short song TSIDMZ represents film. Good transition to the fourth song, Karsaz, performed Svart1. Tones and Arabic. Perfection Art Fund. One of the better songs on the album (personal impression). These tones can not describe in words, you have to definitely feel my readers. Dissolve the room while listening to the album and enjoy. We understand the East and West are one! Next, L'Incontro del Saladino con Riccardo Cuor di Leone, now in execution TSIDMZ. Takes us back to a time of great Saladin and Richard the Lionheart. Recalls the collision of East and West, the two much the same, yet different world. Moving on, Gmaïr, performed Svart1. Immediately us shaking tones that sound great. The artist knows what he's doing and it works well. The seventh song, Alla corte di Federico II, performed TSIDMZ. We travel the path of Friedrich II with piano. The flute is included and we enjoy. We reach the penultimate track, Behluwan, performed Svart1. The melody that explains the other side of Islam. The good, we all forget. Last Track, Ascension, also the longest song on the album is the work of the joint work. Shrill tones for starters. In the distance there are steps. Someone's coming. Heavenly city is near. We meet with him and walk its streets. This includes all higher tones, which gives us very good. That these tones, which today rarely can hear the music. Quality colors of these two musicians certainly exists. By far the best track on the album and one perfect tunes on this album even more perfect.
Closing remarks. The album was produced masterfully. The work output of these two fantastic artists before us and is definitely one of the better split album last year. Music that explores history through the ages, and pushes the limits of course. The music you need to listen with care and enjoyment, because it certainly deserves. Music that lasts, the music he creates true artists. Connect East and West into one and enjoy!

TSIDMZ / Svart1
SkullLine, (2015.)

01: TSIDMZ - Lettura di San Luca (Canto Ortodosso in Arabo)
02: SVART1 - Kalkynis
03: TSIDMZ presents Al-risâlah, a movie by Moustapha Akkad
04: SVART1 - Karsaz
05: TSIDMZ - L'incontro del Saladino con Riccardo Cuor di Leone
06: SVART1 - Gmaïr
07: TSIDMZ - Alla corte di Federico II
08: SVART1 - Behluwan
09: TSIDMZ/SVART1 - Ascensione

Mark: 9/10.

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