BloodSoil - Endtimes, (2016.)
(Scroll down for English)
BloodSoil, martial projekat Aeon-a iz Španije, oduvek me je oduševljavao. Volim martial muziku i sasvim je logično da pratim njegov rad od samih početaka. Pred vama je njegov poslednji i najnoviji album Endtimes, u izdanju Rage in Eden Records-a. Samo fizičko izdanje u potpunosti oslikava martial industrial u muzičkom žanru. Na cover-u jasno vidimo, haos je u prestonicama Evrope, jer "narodi sa mora" su stigli. Album ima šest pesama potpuno iskovanih u sirovom i pravom martial industrial-u.
Otvara ga numera Endtimes, uz cvrkute ptica, koje smenjuju zvuci sirene i upućuju nas na opasnost kao uvod u ono što nas čeka u Modernom svetu. Umirijući proročki glas nam sve objašnjava. Sve shvatamo i sve znamo, jer mi smo svedoci vremena u kome živimo. Lagano smo prešli na pesmu broj dva The March. Brže tonove čujemo. Pozivaju nas na marširanje. Odličan osećaj je stvoren. Adrenalin raste. Kao vojnici marširamo, jer Stara dama je u opasnosti. "Narodi sa mora" pristižu i traže utočište. Slušamo treću numeru Resistance. Otpor se javlja! Sukob se ne može izbeći. Fascinantni tonovi nas napadaju, dok mi uživamo. Već slušamo četvrtu pesmu Social Dissolution. Zvuk zvona i horskog pevanja nas uvodi u priču. Jedan nestvaran instrumental u martial žanru sa proročkim pozadinskim vokalima. Jedna od boljih pesama na albumu (lični utisak). Došli smo do pete i pretposlednje pesme Collapse. Kolaps stiže. Uzbuna je na svim nivoima. Domovi, porodice su ugrožene. Tradicija narušena. Povređenih ima svuda. Pad i propast su blizu. Agonija. Poslednja pesma The Hidden Truth i kraj albuma. Savršeno za kraj, najbolja pesma na celom albumu. Proročki opet slušamo glas, koji nam kazuje pravu istinu i suštinu Modernog sveta. Sve je smišljeno unapred, upakovano i servirano. Stari svet se mora otrgnuti. Svet jednakih, kakav se prezentira u takozvanom Modernom svetu, jednostavno ne postoji!
Utisci? BloodSoil, opet proročki najavljuje "sumrak Starog sveta", i to čini upravo svojom muzikom. Muzikom protiv politike Modernog sveta na najbolji mogući način. Tako nešto u potpunosti podržavam. Neka se glas što dalje čuje, neka se Stara dama probudi i vrati ono što joj pripada!
martial industrial
Endtimes, (2016.)
01: Endtimes
02: The March
03: Resistance
04: Social Dissolution
05: Collapse
06: The Hidden Truth
Ocena: 9,5/10.
Predrag G.
BloodSoil - Endtimes, (2016.)
BloodSoil, martial Aeon project from Spain, has always fascinated me. I love martial music, and it is quite logical to follow his work from the very beginning. In front of you is his last and most recent album Endtimes, published by Rage in Eden Records. The physical release is fully reflected in martial industrial music genre. On the cover clearly see chaos in the capitals of Europe, because "the peoples of the sea" have arrived. The album has six songs full minted in raw martial law and industrial-u.

the track Endtimes, with bird songs, which alternate sounds of sirens
and point to the danger as an introduction to what awaits us in the
modern world. Prophetic voice we explained everything. All understand and know everything, because we are witnessing the times in which we live. Slowly we move on to number two song The March. Faster hear the tones. They invite us to march. Excellent feeling is created. Adrenaline increases. As the soldiers march because the Old lady is in danger. "The peoples of the sea" are coming and are seeking refuge. We're listening to the third track Resistance. Resistance occurs! The conflict can not be avoided. Fascinating tones attacking us while we enjoy. Already we hear the fourth song Social Dissolution. The sound of bells and choral singing introduces us to the story. One fanciful instrumental in martial genre with a prophetic background vocals. One of the better songs on the album (personal impression). We reached the fifth and penultimate song Collapse. The collapse is coming. Alert at all levels. Homes, families are threatened. Tradition impaired. Injured everywhere. Decline and Fall of the close. Agony. The last song The Hidden Truth and the end of the album. Perfect for the end, the best song on the whole album. Again we hear the prophetic voice that tells us the truth and essence of the Modern world. Everything is deliberately pre-packaged and served. Old world must break away. Council equal, what is presented in the so-called modern world simply does not exist!
Tips? BloodSoil again prophetically announces "the twilight of the Old World," and it makes just his music. The modern music against the policy of the Modern world in the best possible way. Something I fully support. Let the voice be told, let the Old lady wakes up and return what belongs to her!
martial industrial
Endtimes, (2016.)
01: Endtimes
02: The March
03: Resistance
04: Social Dissolution
05: Collapse
06: The Hidden Truth
Mark: 9,5/10.
Predrag G.
Predrag G.
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