

недеља, 17. јул 2016.

Recenzija: Pravia - Bestie ze Wschodu, (2016.)

Pravia - Bestie ze Wschodu, (2016.)

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Pagan metal oduvek volim. Volim taj osećaj povratka svojim korenima i starim bogovima. Još kada je dodat i prizvuk death metala, to čini da osećaj bude još bolji. Takav je upravo bend Pravia iz Poljske. Ove godine su izdali svoj prvi album Bestie ze Wschodu. Album je izdala Art Of The Night Productions, takođe iz Poljske. Cover doista zanimljivo urađen, nema šta.

Album ima devet pesama i otvara ga Intro. Kratka najava onoga što će tek uslediti dok slušamo album. Sledećom drugom numerom Krwawy Król Karkonosz, udaraju na prvu. Sirovo i nabijeno, teškim tonovima od samog starta. Bas, bubanj udaraju samo tako. Ubacuje se growl vokal. Uigrani momci i to nam kazuju svojim tonovima. Dobar start. Na samom početku posebno se vokal izdvaja, koji nas u svakom pogledu uništava na onaj pozitivan način. Treća numera Sadistic. Naziv pesme u potpunosti odgovara tekstu. Zvuk gitare nas vodi. Baca nas na zemlju growl vokal.  Počinjemo da skačemo i slemujemo.  Rifovi udaraju po nama dok uživamo u jednoj od boljih pesama na albumu. Četvrta pesma Bestie ze Wschodu. Lagani rif uz vojnički zvuk bubnja nas vodi. Poziva Svaroga, starog boga Slovena. Klanjamo mu se, ponizno spuštamo glave. Čista rokačina od muzike i mi smo negde na sedmom nebu. Pred kraj pesme dolazi nam solaža, malo duža, tek toliko da nas pripremi za završni udarac. Definitvno najbolja pesma na albumu! Prešli smo na petu pesmu Implosion. Cepaju nas po šavovima da nam se kičma raspada. Skakanje uz pesmu je neizbežno. Totalna eksplozija. Nismo ni primetili da slušamo šestu pesmu W Jedną Stronę. Istim tempom nastavljaju. Tonovi su sve brži i brži. Vokal sve grublji, sve teži. Odlična pesma. Sedma numera, Dying Heart Of The Ancient God. Vraćamo se opet starim bogovima i to nam jako prija. Ne popuštaju nijednog trenutka. Dozvali su stare bogove. Pijemo sa njima, postajemo junaci mitologije svog naroda. Došli smo do pretposlednje pesme Zmora. Taj stari slovenski demon je došao po nas. Pesma prepuna slovenske mitologije, uostalom kao i ceo album. I poslednja pesma koja je pred nama je Legacy Of Lechia. Pesma koja se sluša u dahu. Ostavljaju nam zaveštanje kao potrebu da trajemo i širimo njihovu muziku.
Utisci? Bend iako relativno mlad, nastupa kao da je na sceni dugi niz godina. Svojim tonovima i tekstovima čuvaju slovensku tradiciju i mitologiju od potpunog zaborava. Hvala im na tome. Ovim albumom sam postao njihov muzički fan. Pored ruskog pagan death metal benda Лешак, sada mogu reći da sam našao još jedan omiljeni bend iz gore pomenutog žanra. Svaka čast momci, samo nastavite oštro i ne posustajte, jer bogovi su na vašoj strani. Slava!

pagan death metal
Bestie ze Wschodu
Art Of The Night Productions, (2016.)

01: Intro
02: Krwawy Król Karkonoszy
03: Sadistic
04: Bestie ze Wschodu
05: Implosion
06: W Jedną Stronę
07: Dying Heart Of The Ancient God
08: Zmora
09: Legacy Of Lechia

Ocena: 8,75/10.


Pravia - Bestie ze Wschodu, (2016.)

Pagan metal always love to listen. I love the feeling of returning to the roots and ancient gods. Since he added the connotation of death metal, it makes sense to be even better. This is precisely bend Pravia from Poland. This year they released their first album Bestie ze Wschodu. The album was issued Art Of The Night Productions, music label also of Poland. Cover made really interesting, true slavic indeed.

The album has nine songs and opens the Intro. Brief announcements of what is yet to come as we listen album. Following another track Krwawy Król Karkonosz, hit the first. Raw and charged, heavy tones from the start. Bass, drum beat like that. Inserts the growl vocals. A swift guys and to show us with amazing tunes. A good start. At the beginning of a specific vocal is allocated, which us in all respects to that destroys a positive manner. The third track Sadistic. Name the song completely fits the text. The sound of the guitar leads. He throws us to the ground growl vocals. We begin to jump and dance. Riffs strike at us while we enjoy in one of the better songs on the album. The fourth song Bestie ze Wschodu. Light riff with a military drum sound leads. Calls Svarog, the god of ancient Slavs. We adore him, we humbly lowered his head. Amazing sounds of music and we are somewhere in the seventh heaven. Before the end of the song comes solos, a little longer, just to prepare us for the final blow. Definitely the best song on the album! We went to the fifth song Implosion. Tear us apart at the seams to be the backbone of our breakup. Jumping to the song's inevitable. Total explosions. We did not even notice that we listen to the song sixth W Jedną Stronę. Continue at the same pace. Tones are faster and faster. Vocals and more rough, more difficult. Great song. The seventh track, Dying Heart Of The Ancient God. We're back to the old gods, to be very good. Do not give in at any moment. Invoke the old gods. Drink with them, we become heroes of the mythology of our people. We came to the penultimate song Zmora. That old Slavic demon came to us. Song filled of Slavic mythology, just like the whole album. And the last song is Legacy Of Lechia. Song to listen to the breath. Leave us a legacy as a need to last and expand their muzka.
Tips? Although a relatively young band, performing as if it were on the scene for many years. Its tones and texts stored Slavic tradition and mythology from complete oblivion. I thank them for that. On this album, I became a fan of their music. In addition to the Russian pagan death metal band Lešak, I can say that I found another favorite band from the aforementioned genre. Well done guys, keep sharp and not delay, because the gods are on your side. Slava!


pagan death metal
Bestie ze Wschodu
Art Of The Night Productions, (2016.)

01: Intro
02: Krwawy Król Karkonoszy
03: Sadistic
04: Bestie ze Wschodu
05: Implosion
06: W Jedną Stronę
07: Dying Heart Of The Ancient God
08: Zmora
09: Legacy Of Lechia

Mark: 8,75/10.

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