

уторак, 22. децембар 2015.

Paleowolf novom pesmom Permafrost slavi dolazak zime!

Paleowolf novom pesmom Permafrost slavi dolazak zime!

[Scroll down for English]
Slavimo dolazak zime - uz numeru "Permafrost". U slavu večnog leda, leda koji je sada samo na polovima, a nekada je veliki deo planete bio okovan njime. 

Bilo je nekada davno vreme masivnih glečera koji prekrivaju planinske vence... Vreme kada se život odmara, hibernira, ulazi u privremeni san... Neka bića su i tada aktivna, snalaze se u grubim uslovima, uključujući i naše prastare pretke... koji danju lutaju po hladnoći i belini u potrazi za hranom, a noću se greju uz vatre i proslavljaju uspešan kraj novog dana, spremajući se za sledeći izazov sutra. U zadnjem delu pesme otkriva se nada za novi život, koji čuči zarobljen ispod leda, a čije će vreme tek doći, kada se masivni glečeri povuku i dođe planetarno proleće. Jos jedan globalni ciklus prirode i život nastavlja da ide napred sigurnim korakom.
Cela pesma je posvecena dolasku zime, njenoj lepoti i u slavu je tog neminovnog prirodnog ciklusa koji trebamo poštovati kao sastavni deo života.


Paleowolf new song Permafrost celebrates the arrival of winter!

 Hear the glory of the eternal ice - ice that is now just at the poles but once our entire hemisphere was bound by it.
Once upon a time, there were massive glaciers that covered vast mountain ranges... It was a time when life was resting, hibernating, entering into a temporary sleep. Some creatures were still active even then, facing the rough conditions; and some of these were our ancient ancestors. During the day they wandered through the cold and whiteness in search for food; and at night they were heated by the fire, celebrating the successful end of a new day, whilst getting ready for the next challenge tomorrow. At the end of the track, hope is revealed for a new life, that lays dormant and trapped under the ice and whose time has yet to come, when massive glaciers retreat and planetary spring comes. Another global cycle of nature - and life continues to move forward at a steady pace.
The entire song is dedicated to the arrival of Winter, her beauty and to the glory of the inevitable natural cycle, a cycle that should be respected as an integral part of all and eternal life.

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