Смута - Путь (Soundage Productions, 2015.)
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Dugo su na muzičkoj sceni. Preko deset godina sviraju pagan metal. Stacionirani su u Rjabinsku (Rusija). Iza sebe imaju pet albuma i jedan singl. Svojim najnovijim, ujedno i petim poslednjim albumom pod imenom Путь u izdanju Soundage Productions, napravili su veliki korak napred. Oni su bend Смута, jedan od boljih bendova današnjice. Rad njihov pratim od samih početaka i svakim novim albumom sam sve više oduševljen i potpuno očaran njihovom muzikom. Volim tu kombinaciju toplog ženskog vokala, growl vokala i tradicionalnih instrumenata. To su sve upakovali i prezentovali na najnovijem albumu. Ima devet pesama plus jednu cover pesmu Ярило, benda Raznotraviye. Digipack izdanje sa bookletom od preko deset strana izgleda super. Tu su tekstovi pesama i fantastične ilustracije. Posebno po lepoti izdvaja se cover fotografija samog albuma. Put je pred nama i mi krećemo.
Prva pesma Жизнь-дорога, brzi tonovi i growl glas. Flauta se uključuje kao i ženski vokal. Dobar osećaj, a tek smo na početku. Tonovi se šire oko nas. Odlično smo krenuli i već slušamo drugu numeru Отомстить. Već na samom startu vidimo da sa njima nema šale. Dobra kombinacija vokala. Posebno se izdvajaju "teški" tonovi, koje stvaraju bas i električna gitara. Tekst sasvim na mestu i uživanje je potpuno. Nismo ni primetili da smo prešli na Солнцестояние . Budi nas sirovi growl vokal. Toliko nas trese da na zemlju padamo. Klavijature nas podižu i mi počinjemo da igramo. Ako ste mislili da je to kraj, prevarili ste se. Rifovi su sve brži i sve se oko nas trese. Pesmom Вечность в один миг, usledili su malo mirniji tonovi, opušteniji ženski vokal, kao predah pred nastavak bitke i sledeće pesme В путь. Vodi nas flauta i growl vokal. Žestoki tonovi šibaju po nama, tu nemamo dileme. Prelazimo na šestu pesmu Зима. Zvuk vetra se čuje uz horsko pevanje. Uključuje se i growl vokal. Tonovi su teži. Zima je oko nas. Surovost nam se sprema. Kraj je blizu. Duga i hladna zima je tu ispred nas, to nam flauta kazuje. Pesmom Смерть, nastavljamo naše putovanje. Pesma podseća pomalo na prog uticaj. Tekst odličan i opet dobro upakovana kombinacija ženskog i muškog vokala. Jedna mračna pesma, ali nam prija svakako. Smrt je realnost i to znamo. Osma pesma Страха след, zvuci zrikavca na samom početku. Zamenjuju ih gitarski rifovi uz odlične primese folk elemenata. naravno, tu je i nezaobilazna flauta. Ništa nije izostavljeno. Došli smo i do pretposlednje pesme Птицы i uz zvuke ptica uzivamo u jednoj mirnoj numeri. Sklad flaute i gitare uz predivan ženski vokal. Dobra melodija svakako, prija našim ušima. Ostala je za kraj poslednja Ярило, obrada pesme benda Raznotraviye. Za sam kraj jedna razbijačka pesma. Završavaju album na isti način na koji su ga i započeli. Opasno i dosledno do samog kraja.
Album je svakako prodrmao pagan/folk scenu. Posle albuma На Север (čiji sam veliki fan), bend se popeo stepenicu više i unapredio svoju muziku do najsitnijih detalja. To me posebno raduje, jer ih cenim i poštujem. Njihov rad podržavam, a publika u Srbiji i šire to isto treba učiniti. Podržite kvalitetno, podržite iskrenost u tekstovima, jednostavno podržite dobar bend. Verujte mi nećete pogrešiti. Slava!
pagan metal
Soundage Productions, (2015.)
01: Жизнь-дорога
02: Отомстить
03: Солнцестояние
04: Вечность в один миг
05: В путь
06: Зима
07: Смерть
08: Страха след
09: Птицы
10: Ярило - bonus track ("Raznotraviye" cover)
Ocena: 9, 5/10.
Смута - Путь (Soundage Productions, 2015.)
Long on the music scene. Over ten years of playing pagan metal. Are stationed in Rjabinsk (Russia). They have five albums and one single. His latest, also the fifth album called Путь published Soundage Productions, made a big step forward. They are a band Смута, one of the best bands of today. I follow their work from the very beginning and every album I've ever more enthusiastic and totally fascinated by their music. I love this combination of warm female vocals, growl vocals and traditional instruments. These are all packed and presented the latest album. There are nine songs plus one cover song Ярило, band Raznotraviye. Digipack edition with a booklet of ten pages look great. There are texts of songs and stunning artwork. Especially in beauty stands out the cover photo album. The road ahead of us and we're moving.
The first song Жизнь-дорога, quick tones and growl voice. The flute is included as well as female vocalist. Feels good, and we are only at the beginning. The tones are spreading around us. Great we started and already we hear another track Отомстить. At the very beginning we can see that with them, no joke. Good combination of vowels. Especially interesting are the "hard" tones, which create a bass and electric guitar. Text entirely in place and enjoying it fully. We did not even notice that we move on to Солнцестояние. Be our raw growl vocals. So many of us shaken to the ground fall. Keyboards raise us and we start to play. If you thought this was the end, you are wrong. Riffs are faster and everything around us shaking. The song Вечность в один миг, there were a little calmer tones, relaxed female vocalist, as a break before continuing battle and the next song В путь. Take us flute and growl vocals. Furious tones lashed at us, there's no issue. Moving on to the sixth song Зима. The sound of the wind can be heard along chorus. Turns on and growl vocals. Tones are heavier. Winter is around us. The brutality in store for us. The end is near. The long and cold winter is here in front of us, it tells us the flute. Смерть song, we continue our journey. The song reminds a bit of a prog influence. Text excellent and again well packed combination of male and female vocals. One dark song, but we like anyway. Death is a reality and we know that. The eighth song Страха след, cricket sounds at the beginning. Were replaced by guitar riffs with excellent ingredients of folk elements. Of course, there is the ubiquitous flute. Nothing is left out. We have come to the penultimate song Птицы and with the sounds of birds are enjoying a peaceful track. The harmony of flutes and guitars with beautiful female vocals. The good melody certainly feels good to our ears. She stayed for the end of the last Ярило, cover song of the band Raznotraviye. To the very end of a tough song. They finish the album in the same way that it started. Dangerous and consistently to the very end.
The album is certainly shook pagan / folk scene. After the album На Север (of which I am a big fan of), the band have gone step up and improve his music to the smallest detail. That made me very happy, because they appreciate and respect. Their work supports, and audience in Serbia and beyond to do the same. Support quality, support honesty in the texts, just support good band. Believe me you will not go wrong. Слава!
pagan metal
Soundage Productions, (2015.)
01: Жизнь-дорога
02: Отомстить
03: Солнцестояние
04: Вечность в один миг
05: В путь
06: Зима
07: Смерть
08: Страха след
09: Птицы
10: Ярило - bonus track ("Raznotraviye" cover)
Марк: 9, 5/10.