Urze de Lume - "Vozes na Neblina"
(Scroll down for English)
Urze de Lume, dark folk bend iz Portugalije, koji neguje tradiciju i kulturu drevne Iberije, predstavio nam se ponovo sa svojim novim izdanjem Vozes na Neblina, izdatom od strane Equlibrium Music, 2017. godine. U pitanju ce Digifile CDEP u limitiranoj verziji od 300 primeraka. Sam izgled u sklopu tradicije Iberijskog poluostrva. Izdanje ima četiri numera (dva instrumentala i dve naracije). Gosti na albumu su njihova braća po oružju iz benda Arnica. Zaplovimo zajedno u istoriju Iberije.
Album otvara prva numera, Vozes na Neblina I, koju nam svojim govorom uz pucketanje vatre prezentuju gosti iz benda Arnica. Polako koračamo zajedno sa njima i prelazimo na drugu numeru Quando as Nuvens Escurecem. Po zvucima zaključujemo da Urze de Lume svira za nas. Osećate li kakvu emociju oni nama svojim kompozicijama pružaju? Ravno je blaženstvu! Čisti i jasni tonovi nas okružuju. Nema dileme da je Iberija ponovo slobodna. U to smo definitivno ubeđeni. Prešli smo na treću numeru, Vozes na Neblina II. Za nas opet nastupaju gosti iz benda Arnica. Svojim glasom vode nas do poslednje numere Outono Eterno, najbolje na čitavom albumu (lični utisak). Zvuci gitare otvaraju stazu ispred nas. Priključuje se zvuk doboša, udaraljki. Emocija je sve jača. Praporci se čuju, oko nas su. Potpuno nas obuzimaju. Iberija je potpuna. Mi smo obuzeti i ponosni zauvek!
Šta reći za kraj? Naši čitaoci su već upoznati sa radom ovog fantastičnog benda. Možemo reći da Urze de Lume spada u sam vrh svetskih izvođača dark folk žanra. A, to su itekako i ovim izdanjem pokazali i dokazali. Toliko!
Urze de Lume
dark folk
Equlibrium Music, (2017.)
01: Vozes na Neblina I
02: Quando as Nuvens Escurecem
03: Vozes na Neblina II
04: Outono Eterno
Ocena: 10/10.
made by: Predrag G.
Urze de Lume - "Vozes na Neblina"
Urze de Lume, a dark folk band from Portugal that nurtures the tradition and culture of ancient Iberia, has introduced itself to us again with its new edition of Vozes na Neblina, released by Equlibrium Music. It will be Digifile CDEP in a limited edition of 300 copies. The look itself is part of the tradition of the Iberian Peninsula. The edition has four tracks (two instrumentals and two narratives). Guests on the album are their brothers in arms from the band Arnica. Let's sail together into the history of Iberia.
The album opens with the first track, Vozes na Neblina I, presented by the guests from the band Arnica with their speech. We slowly walk along with them and move on to another track, Quando as Nuvens Escurecem. By sounds we conclude that Urze de Lume is playing for us. Do you feel the emotion they give us in their compositions? It is equal to bliss! Pure and clear tones surround us. There is no dilemma that Iberia is free again. We are definitely convinced of that. We moved on to the third track, Vozes to Neblina II. Again, guests from the band Arnica perform for us. With their voice they lead us to the last track Outono Eterno, best on the whole album (personal impression). Guitar sounds open the track in front of us. The sound of the drum, the percussion, is connected. The emotion is growing stronger. Flags are heard, they are all around us. They completely overwhelm us. Iberia is complete. We are overwhelmed and proud forever!
What to say in the end? Our readers are already familiar with the work of this fantastic band. We can say that Urze de Lume is one of the world's top performers of the dark folk genre. And, they have shown and proved it with this edition. Cheers!
The album opens with the first track, Vozes na Neblina I, presented by the guests from the band Arnica with their speech. We slowly walk along with them and move on to another track, Quando as Nuvens Escurecem. By sounds we conclude that Urze de Lume is playing for us. Do you feel the emotion they give us in their compositions? It is equal to bliss! Pure and clear tones surround us. There is no dilemma that Iberia is free again. We are definitely convinced of that. We moved on to the third track, Vozes to Neblina II. Again, guests from the band Arnica perform for us. With their voice they lead us to the last track Outono Eterno, best on the whole album (personal impression). Guitar sounds open the track in front of us. The sound of the drum, the percussion, is connected. The emotion is growing stronger. Flags are heard, they are all around us. They completely overwhelm us. Iberia is complete. We are overwhelmed and proud forever!
What to say in the end? Our readers are already familiar with the work of this fantastic band. We can say that Urze de Lume is one of the world's top performers of the dark folk genre. And, they have shown and proved it with this edition. Cheers!
Urze de Lume
dark folk
Equlibrium Music, (2017.)
01: Vozes na Neblina I
02: Quando as Nuvens Escurecem
03: Vozes na Neblina II
04: Outono Eterno
Mark: 10/10.
made by: Predrag G.