

уторак, 28. април 2020.

Intervju: Daniel Tikvicki

Intervju: Daniel Tikvicki

Svi sedimo, okrenuti sami sebi u ovom rutavom korona vremenu. Ali jedna stvar ne miruje. To je Underground u kome uvek možete uživati. Ovih dana malo smo prozborili koju sa našim saborcem, magom, koji stoji iza Librarion Records & Fanzines, a to je Daniel Tikvicki.

1. Zdravo Daniele, kako živi Underground u doba Korone?

Daniel: Andergraund živi bez obzira na okolnosti dok postoje entuzijasti koji će da se rade i trude. Međutim, iako su svi možda bili iznenađeni odlukama države, čini mi se da smo svi ostali zatečeni i samim tim što pošta baš i nije funkcionisala, sve je stalo na trenutak. Od ove celokupne situacije, izolacije, društvenog otuđenja, očekujem da će se ljudi uželeti koncerata i produkata malih izdavača i da će to barem malo oživeti - ostaje da vidimo. 

2. Postao si u podzemnim vodama poznat po svom Librarion-u, koji je od fanzina prerastao u izdavačku kuću, ne malog kvaliteta, možemo slobodno reći. Šta nam o tome možeš reći? Kada i kako je sve počelo? 

Daniel: Hvala ti na lepim rečima, mada, ja sam uvek bio skroman čovek. Malo ću da skratim istorijat, jer je više faktora uticalo na sam koncept. Sve je počelo kao zamisao još 2012. godine, kada sam počeo da se zasićujem literarnim konkursima i produkcijom koja je obećavali presipavanje iz šupljeg u prazno, umesto afirmacije književnog stvaralaštva. Fanzin Librarion, a potom i istoimena izdavačka kuća, bez nekih većih pretenzija je potekao 2014. godine i smatram da sam barem sebi dokazao da mi sav taj ostareli, akademski opterećen svet pesnika i pesnikinja (čast izuzecima) nije potreban da se izrazim i da ću uvek imati svežije i isplativije ideje, na koncu svega. Ne znam koliko je pesnika i grafičara/kolažista, bendova i projekata prodefilovalo mojom etiketom, ali posle 8 brojeva Librariona, 27 brojeva metal fanzina Nekrst (sa omladincem Andrejem Romićem, mojim sugrađaninom), još nekolicinu literarno-vizuelnih projekata i preko 50 albuma, mislim da sam u izvesnom smislu postigao to da imam poznanstva na sve strane u regionu, nekolicinu dobrih drugara koju sam imao čast da upoznam koji se bave istim stvarima kao i ja, dospeo sam do kultnog ljubljanskog Radio Študenta - svakako očekujem da to bude i bolje nego što je sad i omladinu koja će nastaviti sve ovo.

3.  DIY izdavaštvo ima li svoju cenu?

Daniel: Sve ima svoju cenu, materijalnu i nematerijalnu, iako ja dajem prednost ovoj drugoj. Međutim, kompromis i nagon da se odustane od DIY / Uradi-sam principa me ne privlače, stoga je za mene lično to zona komfora, gde ne odgovaram ikome ili bilo čemu, bez ograničavanja i uslovljavanja. Do sada se niko nije usudio da me ubedi u suprotno, jer naposletku, DIY je samo nova verzija hobija, koja se (ponekad) može i naplatiti, sve dok postoji međusobni dogovor između izdavača i naručioca, da tako postavim stvari. 

4. Ti imaš i svoje muzičke projekte? Upoznaj naše čitaoce nešto više o tome?

Daniel: Imam dva za sad, doduše, neaktivna: bend Atär i moj synthnoise projekat Протонеурозис. Njihova budućnost je neizvesna, pre svega zbog nedostatka slobodnog vremena, ali o tom potom. Najviše bih voleo da reaktiviram bend, što ne zahteva mnogo stvari, ćale mi je bubnjar, prijatelj basista, žena ima pevačke sposobnosti - najveći problem sam ja, iz razloga što sam spori kompozitor. :)

5. Sa kim ti je bilo najlakše, a sa kim najteže za saradnju? 

Daniel: Sve dok neko poštuje moje vreme, strpljenje i ima razumevanja za rokove, koje uvek probijam, dotle saradnja i druženje mogu da teku neometano. Imao sam problema sa izvesnom osobom iz određenog benda, ali mu opraštam, jer je mlad, ne mogu ja da pratim taj tempo hiperprodukcije, niti želim. 

6. U današnje vreme, verujem da podrška porodice i najbližih znači puno, zar ne?

Daniel: Iako imam podršku u svemu što radim, malo sam se zaneo sa celim konceptom, jer sam smatrao da mogu da ispratim i dešavanja u undergroundu, odgovorim na njih, i da se bavim porodicom. Međutim, već duže vreme "kaskam" i sa jednim i sa drugim, stoga sam odlučio da se više posvetim deci i supruzi, naročito iz razloga što mi prvenac ima izvesne razvojne smetnje, oko kojih se borimo svakodnevno. O tome ne govorim nikad, ali sada osećam potrebu i nadam se da ovo neće niko shvatiti kao razlog za žaljenje, to je život, borba - porodica jeste najvažnija. 

7. Šta muzika predstavlja za tebe? Na koji način te definiše?

Daniel: Muzika, pored toga što je volim od detinjstva, kao granu umetnosti i životnu potrebu, ona me je bezbroj puta spasila od loših misli, ljudi i događaja, rame uz rame sa poezijom. Muzika me podseća na moju suprugu, koja takođe ima dara za istu. Kao recenzent sam imao priliku da se susretnem sa raznim bendovima, projektima, sa mnogo njih sarađujem, ali i utičem, nenamerno, kao neki alternativni "influenser". :)

8. E, sada hajde podrobnije objasni šta je to u muzičkom smislu te reči, „nojz“? 

Daniel: Noise je fizički gledano, nabacani skup frekvencija koji se očituje kao buka, šum koje čovek registruje kao neartikulisani, šišteći zvuk. Međutim, kao žanr pripada eksperimentalnoj i ambijentalnoj muzici. Uz nekoliko podžanrova, noise je beskompromisna muzika, koja ne trpi niti pati od trendova. Međusobno se nazivamo "nojzerima" od milošte, što bi rekli, ali svakako postoji međusobno poštovanje. Takođe, uvreženo mišljenje je da su nojzeri ograničeni samo na jedan ili dva mikrožanra, ali je istina da ljudi u nojz svetu koje sam imao prilike da upoznam imaju poprilično eklektički ukus, kakav imam i ja - sve dok mi pričinjava zadovoljstvo, žanr mi je apsolutno nebitan, bio mejnstrim ili teški andergraund. Ipak, urođeni hermetizam žanra ne dozvoljava praktični upliv bilo kog (neeksperimentalnog) žanra, ali je zato noise bitan deo rock/metal kulture (noise rock, noiseore, grindcore, noise black metal...).  

9. A, nešto o planovima za budućnost?

Daniel: Ne želim više išta pompezno da najavljujem, u skladu sa mogućnostima, radiću pritajeno i kada zaista imam vremena.
Poslednja dva izdanja koja sam uradio jesu projekti mojih drugara, koji cene moj rad ali i ja njihov, a oba albuma su samo za entuzijaste:

Librarion se neće nikada ugasiti, ali će trenutno preći u gerilu - kad izađe nešto, izašlo je, ukoliko izađe na portalima, izaćiće, fizičkih izdanja neće biti neko vreme. 

10. I na kraju, šta bi poručio našim čitaocima? 

Daniel: Smatram da u ovom trenutku bi trebalo svi da sačuvamo zdravu pamet i strpljivo sačekamo da se situacija na svim poljima poboljša. Čuvajte sebe i druge. Podržite umetničke napore malih izdavača, bendova, umetnika, bilo kupovinom, bilo menjažom - ne može da škodi.

субота, 11. април 2020.

Intervju: Sebastian (H.ø.s.t)

Sebastian (H.ø.s.t) 

History, dark ambient music colored by the admixtures of martial industry. It is all packed into a H.ø.s.t project from Poland. We talked to Sebastian these days, so we are sharing this interview with you..

1. Why the name H.ø.s.t? When and how was came that idea?

Sebastian: I chose Høst as my first ideas were inspired by the black metal scene.
The idea for the project came to me around 2012. The first pieces were heavily post-apocalyptic, surrounded by vibes of war and totalitarianism. They was inspired by some black metal bands. Later, I became more fascinated with the martial industrial scene.  

2. You define your music as  Dark Military ambient, inspired by the war and history. What is the impact of that?

Sebastian: I wanted to translate my interest in history and war into musical taste, which is based on dark sounds.

3. H.ø.s.t is?

Sebastian: In Norwegian it means autumn. As I said, the first idea was inspired by black metal and dark ambient.

4. Last album "Desecration of peace" was well received by the audience, which was to be expected. How are you satisfied with him?

Sebastian: I am very pleased with it. I promised to produce material together with Mr.Wolf a few years ago and we managed to implement this idea. With the THEUSZ project, we managed to create a joint song that was placed on the CD. Other projects also contributed to this material.

5. You often collaborate with other artists (Jowisz, etc). What are your experiences of these cooperations? Will You continue to explore music with other musicians and artists that you'll be sharing the listeners?

Sebastian: Once, I was able to play with the Grave of Love project as a live drummer. It was great cooperation. In 2019, the project performed as a support band before Rome in Poland, which is a great honor. I hope that the project will develop even more and will be successful.

 6. What is the music for you ? In which way music defines  you?

Sebastian: Music has expanded my knowledge of historical, philosophical and cultural topics, and has shaped my worldview for the course of the modern world, as well as political and religious doctrines. This attitude can easily be called a countercultural, internal opposition to human behavior and contemporary reality.

7. I also saw that you were engaged in photography. Can you tell readers more about this?

Sebastian: I deal with urban exploration and photography of abandoned places and industrial plants. You can safely call it urban archeology, because in the process we manage to find interesting documents and things related to how a given place used to function, and photograph them. If anyone is interested, I invite you to my page and to the page managed by my friend with whom I cooperate.

 Sebastian Black Silesia: www.facebook.com/sebastianblacksilesia 
 Sassy Silesian: www.facebook.com/SassySilesian/

8. Plans for future?

Sebastian: I try to learn to play keyboard to improve my skills and be able to create something new. Time will tell...  

9. A concert in Serbia, perhaps? 

Sebastian: Unfortunately, I don't plan any more concerts. 

10. And in the end what will you tell readers in Serbia?

Sebastian: Greetings to all people associated with the martial industrial, neofolk and black metal scene in Serbia. Don't be mindless sheep of the modern world. Let's stay in the Opposition! Let's create counterculture! 


понедељак, 6. април 2020.

Intervju: Mr. Wolf (Jowisz)

Mr. Wolf (Jowisz)

Mr. Wolf, the man who makes history with his Jowisz project talked to us about his plans, music, history..

1. Why the name Jowisz? When and how was came that idea?

Mr. Wolf: Jowisz in Polish language means Jupiter, a name of the central god from Roman pantheon. It is a universal symbol of war, power, leaders and strenght, hence it reflects well the military character of my project. I decided to use the Polish form because I wanted to emphasize the Polish origin of my creation. Here, the martial music scene is small, it is a great honor to represent it.
My project appeared in 2013, initiated during a conversation with the artist from H.o.s.t. I had the idea of creating something of my own and it was the igniter of this decision. I was inspired also by the music of Arditi, Triarii and several other, greater than me. 

2. You define your music as  Martial Dark Ambient / Experimental, inspired by the WWI. What is the impact of that?

Mr. Wolf: Natural evolution and looking for a way for my child. Jowisz was initially a project focused on the late Middle Ages, but this direction was soon abandoned. The impact was made through the split material with another Polish project Rtęć. We created common work about the Great War. There are not many voices telling about the trenches from 1914-1918, so I concluded that it would be an interesting and unexplored niche, especially in Poland. And so the cult of rats and trenches was born.

3. Jowisz is? 

Mr. Wolf: Dark visions from the no man's land, depths of trenches and the life of its citziens. The essence of horror and hopelessness of the First World War with a pinch of mysticism and mystery. A history telling  through atmosphere and background, with a minimal amount of other stimuli like words, lyrics etc.

4. Last album "The Rat Carnival" was well received by the audience, which was to be expected. How are you satisfied with him?

Mr. Wolf: The Rat Carnival was my attempt to approach the topic in a slightly different way than on the main materials such as Trench Rat's Banquet dilogy, while maintaining the style of Jowisz. I'm fully satisfied like every time when I manage to create and publish something new. Expand the project with another release. 
By the way, currently, this is the material I have listen to the most from row of my compositions.

5. You often collaborate with other artists (H.O.S.T, etc). What are your experiences of these cooperations? Will You continue to explore music with other musicians and artists that you'll be sharing the listeners?

Mr. Wolf:
I like collaborative materials but only when it has a deeper meaning. Rtęć and H.o.s.t are two friendly projects,  closely related to the story of my own. It's always an interesting experience to listen to such material combined from two (or more) smaller ones and treat it as one - the whole thing looks like a step into the unknown and brings a completely different reception of music.
Of course, I'm open to other common materials, but mainly focused on collaborations with other martial projects. I can't imagine Jowisz in a split material, for example with a space ambient project or a completely foreign genre. The whole must make sense.  

6. You are a member of EAA. What you think about it and what it means for you and your project? 

Mr. Wolf: I share some of Aleksandr Dugin's views, while others I consider to be wrong. He is certainly an interesting figure and his publications are worth reading even for someone who is not interested in such ideas. A large proportion of very valuable projects and people  are associated with EAA. It is an honor to accompany them. Also, I like the vision of such an international group of musicians, writers and activits of industrial, neofolk, martial and related genres.

7. What is the music for you ? In which way music defines  you?

Mr. Wolf: Music is an important part of me and accompanies me all the time. It is a step above objective reality. Wandering anywhere without making the slightest move. It can recall the past and predict the future. Summon something that does not exist.
However, I feel respect only for this music, which has content and spirit, derived from the underground. I respect honesty and true creators who add their stone to the scene and make this journey possible. I hate artificiality, turning art into a cash machine, banging on popularity to collect applause from the masses and then, create at the request of the masses.
How does music define me - I can't answer. You can't express it, you feel it and you are it.

8. Mr. Wolf Propaganda?

Mr. Wolf: My lonely fortress on the global network dedicated to Jowisz, mini-label Spatha Production and myself personally, especially rural life and personal thoughts about music, society, memories, history and more. Such a little loneliness to share with other maniacs like me.

9. Plans for future?

Mr. Wolf: At this moment, after The Rat Carnival I don't have any plans for Jowisz. This project resulted in more materials than I'd ever expected. This obviously doesn't have to mean the end, time will tell what comes next. Currently, I burn my thoughts and ideas in a different form of creativity - I write a book, also inspired by the World War One.  

10. A concert in Serbia, perhaps?

Mr. Wolf: Not. Jowisz is only a studio project. 

11. And in the end what will you tell readers in Serbia?

Mr. Wolf: Regards for all  good people. Kosovo je Srbija!