

недеља, 11. јануар 2015.

Recenzija: Sonnenkind - Eulenspiegels Wiederkehr (2014.)

Sonnenkind - Eulenspiegels Wiederkehr

"Iako, on svojim tekstovima pokazuje svu raskalašnost post - Modernog sveta, dokazuje upravo ovim albumom da se muzikom može boriti protiv politike, globalizma..."

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Rudolf Sonnenkind, nemački folk umetnik, koji stoji iza imena projekta Sonnenkind, izdao je svoj drugi album Eulenspiegels Wiederkehr. Nakon urađenog intervjua, red je došao i na naš Celtic - Slavic Webzine Serbia da da mišljenje o novom albumu.

Eulenspiegels Wiederkehr, ima ukupno sedamnaest numera, a sam fizički izgled nas već na samom početku uverava da se možemo nadati nečemu dobrom. Počeli smo. Već od prve numere, osećamo dobre vibracije, ali i pomalo, na onaj krajnje interesantan način i politički motivisane tekstove. To je upravo ono što ovog umetnika krasi, a i moje mišljenje je da je i on toga itekako svestan. Muzika je uvek opuštena i prijanja uhu. Iako, on svojim tekstovima pokazuje svu raskalašnost post - Modernog sveta, dokazuje upravo ovim albumom da se muzikom može boriti protiv politike, globalizma (moj lični utisak). Naravno, to nije sve. Na ovom fantastičnom albumu, možete čuti, osetiti pesme o ljubavi, prijateljstvu, farmaceutskoj industriji i mnoge druge teme. Njegov opus se tu nikako ne zaustavlja, jer Rudolf svojom melodijom čini nas vrlo srećnim bez obzira na sam tekst pesme, da li je o politici, ljubavi, tuzi ili bilo čemu drugom. Ono što nas još drži srećnim je upravo ta njegova fascinantna energija. Shvatamo da je muzičar, koji stvara muziku. Peva na nemačkom jeziku, što me posebno raduje, jer u njemu vidim nekog, ko svojim pesmama neguje  nemačku folk muziku. Na albumu se posebno izdvajaju numere Eulenspiegels Wiederkehr (nemačka srednjovekovna legenda), Besuch am Morgen, kao i VS-Blues, a ubedljivo najbolja numera na ovom isto tako fantastičnom albumu je upravo Der Wunsch des Alten, gde možete videti svu toplinu njegove muzike (opet moj lični utisak).
Utisci? Prosto fantastični! Do preslušavanja ovog albuma, nisam ni sanjao da postoji nešto tako dobro i sa puno emocija, što je moja greška i to priznajem. A, vi, dragi čitaoci, ako želite da uživate u dobroj muzici, koja će vas učiniti srećnim, zbog koje ćete uživati, u nekim momentima se i nasmejati, što pre nabavite svoj primerak albuma! Topla preporuka. Nećete se pokajati!

Eulenspiegels Wiederkehr
German folk
Alte Welt Klangwerke (2014.)

01: Eulenspiegels Wiederkehr
02: Freiheit
03: Besuch am Morgen
04: Autobahn
05: VS-Blues
06: Der Individualist
07: Willkommen...
08: Ein ziemlich zeitgemaBes Liedchen
09: Dr. Pharma
10: Draht nach oben
11: Der Wunsch des Alten
12: Ballade vom Goldenen Kalb
13: Freundschaft
14: Goldener Herbst
15: Regen
16: Elfentranen
17: Am Ende

Ocena: 10/10.

Sonnenkind - Eulenspiegels Wiederkehr

"...their texts shows all abandon post - modern world, this album proves that music can fight against the politics, globalism..."

Rudolf Sonnenkind, German folk artist, who stands behind the name of the project Sonnenkind, he released his second album Eulenspiegels Wiederkehr. After the interview, which is made, the next step was to our Celtic - Slavic Webzine Serbia to give an opinion on the new album.
Eulenspiegels Wiederkehr, has a total of seventeen tracks, and the physical layout of this album at the beginning assures that we can hope for something good. We started. From the first track, feel good vibes, but a bit on the extremely interesting and politically motivated texts. That is exactly what the artist adorns, and my opinion is that he is well aware of that. Music is always relaxed and adheres ear. Although he shows all his writings abandon post - modern world, this album proves that music can fight against the politics, globalism (my personal impression). Of course, that's not all. On this fantastic album, you can hear, feel songs about love, friendship, pharmaceutical industry and many other topics. His work there can not stop, because Rudolf its melody makes us very happy regardless of the lyrics, whether it's about politics, love, sadness, or anything else. What holds us still happy it was this his fascinating energy. We realize that the musician who creates music. He sings in German, which I am very happy because I see in him someone who cherishes in his songs German folk music. The album stand out the track Eulenspiegels Wiederkehr (German medieval legend), Besuch am Morgen, and VS-Blues, and by far the best track on this also fantastic album is Der Wunsch des Alten, where you can see all the warmth of his music (again my personal impression).
Impressions? Simply fantastic! By listening to this album, I never dreamed that there was something so well and with a lot of emotion, it was my mistake and I admit it. And you, dear readers, if you want to enjoy good music, which will make you happy, because you will enjoy, at some point and laugh, as soon as get your copy of the album! Warmly recommended. You will not regret it!

Eulenspiegels Wiederkehr
German folk
Alte Welt Klangwerke (2014.)

01: Eulenspiegels Wiederkehr
02: Freiheit
03: Besuch am Morgen
04: Autobahn
05: VS-Blues
06: Der Individualist
07: Willkommen...
08: Ein ziemlich zeitgemaBes Liedchen
09: Dr. Pharma
10: Draht nach oben
11: Der Wunsch des Alten
12: Ballade vom Goldenen Kalb
13: Freundschaft
14: Goldener Herbst
15: Regen
16: Elfentranen
17: Am Ende

Mark: 10/10.

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