

среда, 8. фебруар 2017.

Recenzija: Somnare - Bellum Esse, (2016.)

Somnare - Bellum Esse, (2016.)

(Scroll down for English)
Somnare, duo iz Španije koji čine DP Rey i Pilar Molina u poslednje vreme zaokuplja moju pažnju. Nisam puno znao o njima, sem novog albuma Bellum Esse. Nakon preslušavanja uvideo sam da je ovaj bend fantastičan. Prosto mi je bilo krivo što ovaj bend nisam ranije otkrio. Krenuo sam u temeljno istraživanje samog projekta sastavljenog od izvrsnih multiinstrumentalista. Svoju muziku definišu kao Neoclassical Darkwave/Martial i stvaraju je kao pravi umetnici. Stvaraju muziku sa dušom. Uspostavljen je kontakt sa bendom i album Bellum Esse došao je do mene. Muzička izdavačka kuća Lichterklang uvidela je kvalitet i izdala album. Samo fizičko izdanje urađeno je u maniru pravog neoclassical darkwave muzičkog žanra. Nebesko plava boja je sveprisutna, dok kamena statua oslikava martial prisustvo. Album ima osam pesama i krećemo sa preslušavanjem. 

Počinjemo sa prvom pesmom Ruhig. Čujemo neoclassical vokal, koji nas uvodi u njihov svet. Tonovi se razlivaju, nastaje mistika. Već na samom startu vidimo savršenu kombinaciju neoclassical i martial muzičkog žanra. Prelazimo na drugu numeru, Bellum Esse. Ovom pesmom uspevaju da ožive "mrtav jezik", stari latinski. Pesma nabijena sirovim martial tonovima. Vokal maestralan. Čujemo i violončelo, što mi se posebno sviđa kao kombinacija uz martial muzički žanr. Dok naše uzbuđenje raste prelazimo na treću pesmu Passages of Melancholy. Gitara DP Rey-a se čuje dok proizvodi nežne tonove. Melanholija je oko nas, to nam ukazuje violončelo koje čujemo. Uživamo i ne želimo ništa da menjamo. Za kraj totalna katarza dok uživamo u vokalu Pilar Moline. Blaženstvo! Četvrta pesma Desertum Infinitus i sledeća peta Humanitatis Dormit vode nas u neki drugi svet. Martial žanr nas udara tako jako da ne možemo da ustanemo. Savršena kombinacija se nastavlja. Došli smo do šeste numere The Earth Slave. Brži tonovi su oko nas. Slušamo najbolju pesmu na ovom savršenom albumu (lični utisak). Horski vokal nas obuzima, dok tonovi postaju sve brži. Osećaj je nestvaran i to morate lično doživeti da biste me u potpunosti razumeli. Došli smo do pretposlednje sedme pesme Ego. Nastavljaju da nas i dalje uspešno obasipaju tonovima koje stvaraju violončelo, bas i dobijamo martial/neoclassical užitak. Naš ego postaje bitan. Mi postajemo Oni. Oni postaju Mi. Postajemo Jedno! Poslednja numera The Sun carved my Tears. Osećajno za kraj, savršeno za beskraj!
Utisci? Ovaj album, kao i ovaj projekat moraju se daleko čuti. Ja dajem svoj doprinos ovde u Srbiji, jer oni to jednostavno zaslužuju. Pridružite mi se da zajedno uživamo u muzici osećanja. Nećete se pokajati!

Neoclassical Darkwave/Martial
Lichterklang, (2016.)

01: Ruhig
02: Bellum Esse
03: Passages of Melancholy
04: Desertum Infinitus
05: Humanitatis Dormit
06: The Earth Slave
07: Ego
08: The Sun carved my Tears

Ocena: 10/10.


Somnare - Bellum Esse, (2016.)

Somnare, duo from Spain who make DP Rey and Pilar Molina lately attracts my attention. I did not know much about them, except for the new album Bellum Esse. After listening I realized that this fantastic band. Freedom to me was wrong that this band did not previously discovered. I went for a thorough analysis of the project, composed of excellent multi-instrumentalist. Their music is defined as Neoclassical Darkwave / Martial and make it like a real artist. Create music with soul. Contact was established with the band and the album Bellum Esse came to me. Music publishing house Lichterklang realized the quality and issued the album. Only the physical release was done in the manner of a true neoclassical darkwave music genre. Sky blue color is ubiquitous, while stone statue portrays martial presence. The album has eight songs and we start listening.

We start with the first song Ruhig. We hear neoclassical vocals, which introduces us into their world. Tones smears, resulting mysticism. At the very beginning we see a perfect combination of neoclassical and martial music genre. Moving on to another track, Bellum Esse. This song managed to revive a "dead language", the old Latin. Song charged raw martial tones. Masterful vocals. We hear the cello, which I really like as a combination with the martial music genre. While our excitement grows pass on the third song Passages of Melancholy. Guitar DP-Rey and be heard while the products are gentle tones. Melancholy is about us, it shows us that we hear cello. We enjoy i do not want anything to change. The place of total catharsis, while enjoying the vocals Pilar Moline. Bliss! The fourth song Desertum Infinitus and the next fifth Humanitatis dormit lead us into another world. Martial genre hit us so hard that we can not stand up. The perfect combination continues. We came to the sixth track The Earth Slave. Faster tones are all around us. We listen to the best song on this album is the perfect (personal impression). Choral vocals overtakes us, while tones are becoming faster. The feeling is unreal and that you have to experience personally to completely understand me. We came to the penultimate seventh song Ego. We continue to remain successful showered with shades that create a cello, bass and get martial / neoclassical pleasure. Our ego becomes essential. We become they. They become me. We become one! The Sun carved my Tears. last track. With feeling for the place perfect for endless!
Tips? This album, and the project must be far away to hear. I give my contribution here in Serbia, because they simply deserve. Join me that together we enjoy music feelings. You wont regret!

Neoclassical Darkwave/Martial
Lichterklang, (2016.)

01: Ruhig
02: Bellum Esse
03: Passages of Melancholy
04: Desertum Infinitus
05: Humanitatis Dormit
06: The Earth Slave
07: Ego
08: The Sun carved my Tears

Mark: 10/10.

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