

уторак, 19. јул 2016.

Recenzija: Black Velvet Band - Pożoga, (2015.)

Black Velvet Band - Pożoga, (2015.)

Doom folk metal, dobra kombinacija koja nam dolazi iz Lublina u Poljskoj, pod imenom Black Velvet Band. Bend čine petorica vrsnih muzičara, koji su nam nakon prvog albuma, EP-a i singlova, podarili novi drugi album Pożoga. Album je objavila muzička izdavačka kuća Art Of The Night Productions. Cover i naslovna strana super urađene. Album ima sedam pesama ispevanih mahom na poljskom jeziku. Sama kombinacija folk žanra sa doom varijantama meni stvara veliko zadovoljstvo, a i još veći izazov prilikom pisanja recenzija.

Prva numera Ruiny. Horski vokal uz zvuke gitare otvaraju album. Prebacujemo se na brže tonove, gde se uključuje i vokal. Dobre vibracije na samom startu. Bubanj daje takt, vokal u stopu prati, koji se u samom početku izdvojio kao zvezda vodilja. Uz odličnu gitarsku solažu za sam kraj prelazimo na drugu numeru Nowa Krew. Žestoki rifovi kreću, uključuje se čisti vokal. Jedna od boljih pesama na albumu. Uživamo u svakom tonu, koji bend stvara. Novu krv tražimo i u tome ne odustajemo. Posebno se izdvajaju gordi gitarski rifovi, koji poseban šmek daju ovoj pesmi. Sledeća pesma broj tri Nie Mamy Skrzydel. Čujemo lagani zvuk akustične gitare. Vokal takođe lagan, čini da uživamo u ovoj svojevrsnoj baladi. Drugi deo brži i baladu ostavljamo iza nas dok počinjemo da igramo. Došli smo do sredine albuma i četvrte pesme Kolowrot. Lagani tonovi, počela je pesma koja obećava. Rif gitare se niže u nastavku. Pokazuje sve svoje uticaje doom žanra. Kakav doom vokal dok muzika prati u stopu. Odličan osećaj svakako stvaraju. Za kraj pesme lagani tonovi, samo kratko, da zadaju završni udarac bržim tonovima. Savršeno! Peta numera Zamieć. Opet krećemo sa laganim tonovima, koje u stopu prati vokal. Tonovi se nižu oko nas, dok plešemo. Dobar osećaj blaženstva su stvorili, tako da nama ostaje samo da uživamo. Šesta numera Z Tej Ziemi Powstalem. Istim tempom nastavljaju i udaraju samo tako. Vokal gromoglasan i širi se sobom dok slušamo pesmu. Bubanj daje takt, kao vojna izvidnica, dok se pripremamo za boj. Pripremili su nas za bitku i poslednju numeru na albumu. Došli smo do pesme Imperium, koja je ujedno i najduža pesma na celom albumu. Zaštitni znak postaju ti lagani uvodi u svakoj pesmi i to me potpuno oduševljava. Oni taktički pripremaju svoj napad i to je evidentno. Ne, to je odlično. Počeli smo i sa bržim tonovima. Nećemo se predati. Imperium će pobediti. Savršeno za kraj.
Utisci? Momci, šta da vam kažem. Sve više napredujete i pravite sve bolju muziku. To ste upravo ovim albumom i dokazali. Ne skrećite sa svoga puta, samo tako nastavite. Verujem u vas. Slava!

Black Velvet band
folk doom metal
Art Of The Night Productions, (2015.)

01: Ruiny
02: Nowa Krew
03: Nie Mamy Skrzydel
04: Kolowrot
05: Zamieć
06: Z Tej Ziemi Powstalem
07: Impreium

Ocena: 8,5/10.


Black Velvet Band - Pożoga, (2015.)

Doom folk metal, a good combination that comes from Lublin in Poland, this is Black Velvet Band. The band consists of five great musicians, and after the first album, EP's and singles, here a new second album Pożoga. Album published music label Art Of The Night Productions. Cover and layout done super. The album has seven songs mostly in polish. The mere combination of folk genre with doom variants gives me great pleasure and an even greater challenge when writing reviews.

The first track Ruiny. Choral vocals with the sounds of guitar opens album. Switching to faster tones, where includes vocals. Good vibrations at the start. Drum gives tact, vocals closely followed, which in the beginning singled out as the guiding star. With great guitar solo for the very end to cross another track Nowa Krew. Furious riffs range, including the clean vocals. One of the better songs on the album. We enjoy every tone that the band creates. We're looking for new blood, and that does not give up. Especially interesting are the proud guitar riffs, which give a special flavor to this song. Next song number three Nie Mamy Skrzydel. We hear a slight sound of acoustic guitars. Vokal also lightweight, seems to enjoy this kind of ballad. The second part of the ballad faster and leave behind us as we begin to play. We came to the middle of the album and fourth songs Kołowrót. Light tones, began a song that promises. Guitar riff is lower below. It shows all influences of doom genre. What doom vocals, while the music goes wherever. Be sure to create a great feeling. For the end of the song light tones, just briefly, to inflict the final blow faster tones. Perfect! The fifth track Zamieć. Again, we start with light tones, which is closely followed vocals. Tones are dotted around us while we dance. A good sense of bliss are created, so that we are left only to enjoy. The sixth track Z Tej Ziemi Powstalem. Continue at the same pace and beat just like that. Thunderous vocals and spreads them while listening to the song. Drum gives tact, as well as military advisers, as we prepare for the fight. They prepared us for battle and the last track on the album. We came to the song Imperium, which is also the longest song on the whole album. The trademark of these becoming light introduced into each song and it inspires me completely. They tactically prepare attack and this is evident. No, that's great. We started with a faster tones. We will not surrender. Imperium will win. Perfect for the end.
Tips? Guys, what can I say. More progress and make all the better music. You've just proved this album. Do not deviate from its path, keep going. I believe in you. Slava!

Black Velvet band
folk doom metal
Art Of The Night Productions, (2015.)

01: Ruiny
02: Nowa Krew
03: Nie Mamy Skrzydel
04: Kolowrot
05: Zamieć
06: Z Tej Ziemi Powstalem
07: Impreium

Mark: 8,5/10.

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