Morhana - When The Earth Was Forged, (2015.)
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Morhana, folk metal bend iz Poljske. Na muzičkoj sceni su već deset godina. Svoj muzički pravac definišu kao folk metal. Tekstovi pesama okreću se temama iz Bretonske i Slovenske mitologije. Krajem 2015-e pod pokroviteljstvom velike izdavačke muzičke kuće, Art Of The Night Production, izdali su svoj novi album When The Earth Was Forged. Album ima jedanaest pesmu plus bonus numeru Giants Of Ice. Cover odlično urađen i savršeno prikazuje sam trenutak stvaranja Zemlje. Okrećemo se detaljnoj analizi samog albuma i našeg doživljaja.
Putovanje započinjemo numerom Intro, koja nas tekstom okreće starim Bogovima. Prelazimo na drugu pesmu When The Earth Was Forged. Gitara i violina nas uvode u pesmu. Melodija krajnje prijatna. A, onda growl vokal. Odličan start. Violina, toliko upečatljiva da uživamo. Ni ne primećujemo da smo već u sledećoj pesmi Morhana. Boginja straha, smrti, smenjivanja godišnjih doba. Pesmu otvara neprevaziđenji zvuk violine. Sneg je oko nas, dozivamo njeno ime. Kljanjamo se njenim senima i žrtvu u njenu čast prinosimo. Odlična pesma i mi igramo u Moraninu čast. Bliži se kraj pesme i čujemo akustičnu gitaru i flautu dok je užitak potpun. Sledeća pesma Mgła. Otpevana na poljskom jeziku predstavlja jednu od najlepših na albumu (lični utisak). Progresivni gitarski uvod, protkan zvukom violine nas vodi kroz pesmu. Vokal sasvim prilagođen melodiji da je naše samo da uživamo. Kada budete preslušavali album znaćete o čemu pišem. Magla je otišla i mi prelazimo na sledeću pesmu The Traveller, najdužu pesmu na albumu. Čujemo zvuk violine, koji nas poziva da u bitku krenemo. Vokal na sa na dalek put vodi. Naš dom je daleko od nas, ali se vraćamo njemu. Od sredine pesme, tonovi su brži dok naše uzbuđenje raste. Pesma podseća pomalo svojim zvukom violine na celtic uticaje, što mene posebno raduje. Sledeća pesma je Trolls On The Sea. Idemo dalje na sever u potrazi za trolom. Dobra kombinacija mitologije i uticaja skandinavskog folk metala. Violina i bubanj u duetu razbijaju nas načisto, ali na onaj predivan način. Opušteni smo i uživamo. Ništa nam više ne treba, za kraj flauta. Sedma numera je Dreamland. Otvaraju je brzi gitarski rifovi i predivan ženski vokal. Pronalazimo svoju zemlju snova, bend nas vodi tamo. Prelazimo na osmu pesmu WTF. Bubanj i gitara udaraju jedan ritam i kreće žurka. Mi skačemo u ritmu koji nam bend daje. Podižemo čašu i nazdravljamo sa njima. Uživanje je potpuno. Ništa našu igru ne može da zaustavi. Deveta pesma Plinn. Čujemo zvuke frule, uključuje se bubanj dok se u pozadini čuje gitara. Iz daleka nam prilazi violina i melodija dobija svoj potpun smisao. Jedan fantastičan instrumental, koji nas konstantno podiže sa stolice i vraća u nju. Usledila je deseta numera Strzyga. Jedna opuštena balada, tek toliko da nas pripremi za dalji nastavak albuma. Pesma kojom je bend pokazao da odlično vlada i ovim domenom muzičkog podžanra. Mnogo sam zavoleo zvuk violine i flaute, koji proizvode. Došli smo do pretposlednje jedanaeste pesme Sleeping Knight i polako se bližimo kraju albuma. Flauta opet je tu, violina, bubanj, gitare...uživamo. Vokal se čuje i budi našeg uspavanog viteza, koji nam je potreban. Došli smo do poslednje bonus pesme Giants Of Ice. Od samog starta žestoko i nemilosrdno napadaju. Odlična pesma. Bend izgleda kao džin naspram nas. Rifovi kidaju, dok nas growl vokal baca na zemlju. Flauta nas podiže tek toliko da naše uživanje nastavimo. Savršeno za kraj, nema šta.
Utisci? Iako dobro poznajem poljsku muzičku scenu, prvi put se srećem sa ovim bendom. Album ni sam ne znam koliko sam puta preslušao i mogu vam reći da sam oduševljen. Predviđam im svetlu budućnost, samo da istraju u svom cilju, a vam da što pre nabavite svoj primerak albuma. Slava!
folk metal
Art Of The Night Productions, (2015.)
01: Intro
02: When The Earth Was Forged
03: Morhana
04: Mgła
05: The Traveller
06: Trolls On The Sea
07: Dreamland
08: WTF
09: Plinn
10: Strzyga
11: Sleeping Knight
12: Giants Of Ice (bonus track)
Ocena: 9/10.
Utisci? Iako dobro poznajem poljsku muzičku scenu, prvi put se srećem sa ovim bendom. Album ni sam ne znam koliko sam puta preslušao i mogu vam reći da sam oduševljen. Predviđam im svetlu budućnost, samo da istraju u svom cilju, a vam da što pre nabavite svoj primerak albuma. Slava!
folk metal
Art Of The Night Productions, (2015.)
01: Intro
02: When The Earth Was Forged
03: Morhana
04: Mgła
05: The Traveller
06: Trolls On The Sea
07: Dreamland
08: WTF
09: Plinn
10: Strzyga
11: Sleeping Knight
12: Giants Of Ice (bonus track)
Ocena: 9/10.
Morhana - When The Earth Was Forged, (2015.)
Morhana, folk metal band from Poland. On the music scene for a decade. Musical genre defined as folk metal. Lyrics are turning to the Breton and Slavic mythology. At the end of 2015. under the auspices of a large music label, Art Of The Night Production, they released a new album When The Earth Was Forged. The album has eleven tracks plus a bonus song Giants Of Ice. Cover well done and perfectly illustrates the very moment of creation of the Earth. We turn to a detailed analysis of the album and our experience.
The journey begins the song Intro, which turns text us old Gods. Moving on to another song When The Earth Was Forged. Guitar and violin lead us into the song. Melody extremely pleasant. And then growl vocals. An excellent start. Violin, so striking that we enjoy. You do not even notice that we are already in the next song Morhana. Goddess of fear, death, change of season. The song opens amazing sound of violin. The snow around us, summoning her name. Down to its shadows and sacrifice in her honor we offer. A great song and we play in Morana honor. We have almost finished songs and hear acoustic guitar and flute while the enjoyment is complete. Next song Mgła. Song in Polish language is one of the most beautiful on the album (personal impression). Progressive guitar introduction, interspersed with the sound of the violin takes us through the song. Vocal works just the melody that is our only enjoy. When you listened to the album you'll know what I'm writing. Fog is gone and we move on to the next song The Traveller, the longest song on the album. We hear the sound of the violin, which invites us to go into battle. Vocals on the long way to the water. Our home is far away from us, and we go back to him. From the middle of the song, tones are faster while our excitement grows. The song reminds a bit on its sound violin, celtic influences, making me very happy. Next song was Trolls On The Sea. Let's go further north in search of a troll. A good combination of mythology and influence of Scandinavian folk metal. Violin and drum duet clear break us but to the wonderful way. We relaxed and enjoyed. Nothing we do not need to place the flute. The seventh track is Dreamland. They open the quick guitar riffs and beautiful female vocals. We find his dreamland, the band takes us there. Moving on to the eighth song WTF. The drum beat and guitar rhythm and a moving party. We jump to the rhythm of the band gives us. We raise a glass and toast with them. The enjoyment is complete. Nothing our game can not stop. The ninth song Plinn. We hear the sound of flute, including the drum while the guitar is heard in the background. From afar we approached the violin melody gets its full meaning. One fantastic instrumental, that we are constantly raising the chair and returned to her. This was followed by ten tracks Strzyga. A relaxed ballad, just to prepare us for further continuation of the album. The song which the band showed an excellent government and this domain subgenre of music. I've loved the sound of violins and flutes, which produce. We came to the penultimate eleventh song Sleeping Knight and slowly we approach the end of the album. Flute again here, violin, drums, guitars ... enjoy. Vocals can be heard and be our sleeping knight, which we need. We came to the last bonus songs Giants Of Ice. From the start, hard and mercilessly attacked. Great song. Bend looks like a giant compared to us. Ripping riffs, while we growl vocals thrown to the ground. Flute lifts us up just enough to continue our enjoyment. Perfect for the end, nothing else.
Tips? Although well-known Polish music scene, the first time I meet with this band. Album for I do not know how many times I've listened and I can say that I am delighted. I predict a bright future for them, only to persevere in their music. And to you as soon as possible obtain a copy of the album. Slava!
folk metal
Art Of The Night Productions, (2015.)
01: Intro
02: When The Earth Was Forged
03: Morhana
04: Mgła
05: The Traveller
06: Trolls On The Sea
07: Dreamland
08: WTF
09: Plinn
10: Strzyga
11: Sleeping Knight
12: Giants Of Ice (bonus track)
Mark: 9/10.
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