Splendor Solis - Rosarivm: Fraternitas Spiritualis, (2015.)
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Dark folk i Apocalyptic folk su me oduvek privlačili. No, na moju nesreću nisam se toliko posvećivao izučavanju tog žanra sve do sada. Onda sam otkrio bend Splendor Solis (na latinskom jeziku znači The Splendour of the Sun). Stacioniran u Rusiji, u dalekom i hladnom Arhangelsku. To je već bilo dovoljno na samom početku da im više vremena posvetim. I tako je moje putovanje počelo. Preslušao sam njihov najnoviji album, Rosarivm: Fraternitas Spiritualis, i pravo da vam kažem malo je reći da sam oduševljen. Kakav je to album, tekstovi, muzika, melanholija... No, red je da to i sa vam podelim. Album ima pet pesama podeljenih u vremenske periode, koje ćete svakako osetiti čim čujete njihove pesme.
Otvara ga prva pesma Omnes Eodem Cogimur, uz predivan zvuk čela uvodi nas u novi svet, daje nam kartu za sledeću drugu numeru Contritum. Tu se uključuje i vokal. Melodija nežno ispunjena fantastičnim tonovima vodi nas u nepoznato. Uživanje nam ne manjka ni u kom pogledu. Sve je apsolutno savršeno. To nam kazuje zvuk akustične gitare, dok se tonovi rastapaju po našem licu. Prelazimo na treću numeru Septem Dona Spiritus Sancti. Klavir nas uvodi u pesmu. Zvuk je nestvaran. Uključuje se čelo i mi plešemo. Melodija nam ne dozvoljava da se zaustavimo. Ni ne želimo da se zaustavimo, nemamo apsolutno razloga za to. Uživamo do samog kraja. Ni svesni nismo da smo prešli na četvrtu pesmu Dies Irae, definitivno najbolju numeru na albumu (lični utisak). Tu je bend pokazao svo svoje savršenstvo sklada. Vokal fantastičan, gitara, violončelo, pomalo ezoterični tekst, samo blaženstvo. Apsolutna emocija upakovana u skoro tri minuta pesme. Došla je na red i poslednja peta pesma Rosarivm: I, II ET III, ujedno je i najduža pesma na albumu. Podeljena na tri dela vodi nas u spiritualizam, tradiciju, ljudski um. Prvi deo pesme brz, a isto tako spor, tekst jasan i shvatamo poruku. Drugi gitara i čelo nastupaju kao jedno, tu nemamo dileme. Odlični tonovi. Stvaraju magiju oko nas na jedan specifičan način. Treći deo, tonovi su mračniji, ravna je linija. Zvuk čujemo, a ne vidimo. Kombinacija nečega što ne možemo objasniti. To je ta mistika, koja nam prija. Totalni mrak je oko nas i nismo svesni da smo slušanje albuma priveli kraju.
Priznajem pogrešio sam što ranije nisam znao za ovaj bend. U skorije vreme nisam pronašao ovakav sklad i mir preslušavajući album više puta uzastopno. Dark folk kombinujući sa latinskim jezikom čini da se njihov rad od ovog albuma ozbiljnije prati. Tekstovi, tonovi, uigranost benda čine takođe dobitnu kombinaciju. I za kraj naravno mistika koju stvaraju je nezaobilazna, fantastična i prija jako našim ušima, našem srcu. Definitvno jedan od boljih albuma protekle godine. Čista umetnost! A, da bi shvatili o čemu pričam, album možete preslušati ovde. Uživajte. Živeli!
Splendor Solis
Dark folk / Apocalyptic folk
Dark folk / Apocalyptic folk
Sulphur Flowers, (2015.)
01: Omnes Eodem Cogimur
02: Contritum
03: Septem Dona Spiritus Sancti
04: Dies Irae
05: Rosarivm: I, II ET III
Ocena: 10/10.
Splendor Solis - Rosarivm: Fraternitas Spiritualis, (2015.)
Dark folk and Apocalyptic folk have always attracted me. But unfortunately for me I was not paying much study of this genre until now. Then I discovered the band Splendor Solis (lat. The Splendour of the Sun). Based in Russia, distant and cold Arkhangelsk. It was enough at the outset that they devote more time. And so my journey began. I listened to their latest album, Rosarivm: Fraternitas Spiritualis, and the right to tell you a bit to say that I'm delighted. What kind of album, lyrics, music, melancholy ... But the order is to share with you. The album has five tracks divided into time periods, you will definitely feel it when you hear their songs.
It opened with the first song Omnes Eodem Cogimar, with a beautiful sound forehead introduces us to a new world, giving us a map of the second track Contritum. There includes vocals. The melody gently filled with fantastic colors takes us into the unknown. Enjoying we do not lack in any respect. Everything was absolutely perfect. It tells us the sound of acoustic guitars, while the tones melt on our face. Moving on to the third track Septem Dona Spiritus Sancti. Piano brings us into a song. The sound is unreal. Turns on the cello and we were dancing. The melody does not allow us to stop. We do not want to stop, we have absolutely no reason to. We enjoy to the end. We are not even aware that we move on to the fourth song Dies Irae, definitely the best track on the album (personal impression). There is a band showed all their perfection of harmony. Fantastic vocals, guitar, cello, somewhat esoteric text, just bliss. Absolute emotions packed in a nearly three-minute song. She came to the last row and the fifth song Rosarivm: I, II et III, is also the longest song on the album. Divided into three sections leads us to spiritualism, tradition, the human mind. The first part of the song fast and also slow, the text is clear and we understand the message. The second guitar and cello as one unit, there's no issue. Excellent tones. They create magic around us in a specific way. The third part, the darker tones, straight line. The sound we hear, but not see. The combination of something we can not explain. It is this mystique that pleases us. Total darkness is all around us and we are not aware that we are listening to the album brought to an end.
It opened with the first song Omnes Eodem Cogimar, with a beautiful sound forehead introduces us to a new world, giving us a map of the second track Contritum. There includes vocals. The melody gently filled with fantastic colors takes us into the unknown. Enjoying we do not lack in any respect. Everything was absolutely perfect. It tells us the sound of acoustic guitars, while the tones melt on our face. Moving on to the third track Septem Dona Spiritus Sancti. Piano brings us into a song. The sound is unreal. Turns on the cello and we were dancing. The melody does not allow us to stop. We do not want to stop, we have absolutely no reason to. We enjoy to the end. We are not even aware that we move on to the fourth song Dies Irae, definitely the best track on the album (personal impression). There is a band showed all their perfection of harmony. Fantastic vocals, guitar, cello, somewhat esoteric text, just bliss. Absolute emotions packed in a nearly three-minute song. She came to the last row and the fifth song Rosarivm: I, II et III, is also the longest song on the album. Divided into three sections leads us to spiritualism, tradition, the human mind. The first part of the song fast and also slow, the text is clear and we understand the message. The second guitar and cello as one unit, there's no issue. Excellent tones. They create magic around us in a specific way. The third part, the darker tones, straight line. The sound we hear, but not see. The combination of something we can not explain. It is this mystique that pleases us. Total darkness is all around us and we are not aware that we are listening to the album brought to an end.
I admit I made a mistake that I did not know this band. More recently, I have not found such harmony and peace, listening through the album repeatedly. Dark folk, combining with the Latin language seems to have their work from this album seriously monitored. Texts, sounds, teamwork band are also a winning combination. And finally, of course mystique generated by the indispensable, fantastic and feels really our ears, our hearts. Definitely one of the better albums of the year. Pure art! And, in order to understand what I'm talking, you can listen to the album here. Enjoy. Cheers!
Splendor Solis
Dark folk / Apocalyptic folk
Dark folk / Apocalyptic folk
Sulphur Flowers, (2015.)
01: Omnes Eodem Cogimur
02: Contritum
03: Septem Dona Spiritus Sancti
04: Dies Irae
05: Rosarivm: I, II ET III
Mark: 10/10.
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