

недеља, 25. октобар 2015.

Recenzija: TSIDMZ - "René Guénon Et La Tradition Primordiale", (2015.)

TSIDMZ - "René Guénon Et La Tradition Primordiale", (2015.)

[Scroll down for English] 
Tradicija, Rene Genon, Evroazija. Mistika, ezoterija, sudar civilizacija, poezija. Sve to možete osetiti u nastavku evroazijske trilogije umetnika iz Italije, Solimana Mutija. Poznajući njegov rad i muzički opus, na novom album ništa manje nismo mogli ni očekivati. Veliki broj umetnika je prisutan u borbi za novi svet. Tu su ( L'Effet C'Est Moi, Stefania Domizia, Sonnenkind, Gregorio Bardini, Barbarossa Umtrunk, The Wyrm, Porta Vittoria, Lorenzo Gasparela, Raimondo Gaviano, Hoplites ). Impozantno, nema šta. Samo fizičko izdanje ostavlja nas bez daha i počinjemo sa analizom albuma.

U svet Evroazije uvodi nas  numera Ewigkeit Im Saltarello. Instrumental u pitanju, gde gostuje L'Effet C'Est Moi. Savršen neoklasikal uvod u koji nas vode Emanuel Buresta i Solimano. Klavijature čine da mi uživamo. Prelazimo na drugu pesmu Brahma. Glas Stefania Domizia-e nas vodi u beskrajno čiste tonove. Nismo ni svesni da prelazimo na treću numeru Ost Und West. Gosti na ovoj numeri su Rudolf Sonnenkind i Gregorio Bardini. Uz zvuke kiše i bubnjeva, koji najavljuju grmljavinu započinje večiti sukob Istoka i Zapada. Akcija postaje reakcija i do ujedinjenja mora doći. To je neminovno. Numerom La Crise Du Monde Moderne, i krizi modernog sveta o tome nas obaveštava sada već stalni gost na Solimanovim albumima Barbarossa Umtrunk. Shvatamo da dolazi do krize Moderne. Od sredine pesme to postaje realno. Kao borci za slobodu stajemo rame uz rame sa umetnikom i u borbi učestvujemo. Petom numerom Simbolos De La Ciencia Sagrada nastavljamo. Gosti su The Wyrm i Porta Vittoria. To je ono što ovaj album čini impozantnim. Veliki broj pravih umetnika oživljava delo Rene Genona. Njegove reči šire se prostorijom dok pesma ide. Zamišljeni smo, prija nam, uživamo. U pesmi La Verite Totale, gost je opet veliki Barbarossa Umtrunk. Njegove reči nas upoznaju sa pravom istinom. Već smo u sledećoj pesmi La Rosa E Il Cuore. Gost Gregorio Bardini. Verovatno i najbolja pesma na albumu (lični utisak). Iako instrumental, to joj nikako ne umanjuje vrednost, tonovi se savršeno razlivaju i šire oko nas. Uticaj i zvuci muzike Orijenta itekako je prisutan (opet lični utisak). To je ono što pesmi daje posebnu vrednost. Osma pesma La Demiurge, opet uticaj Orijenta, koji prija našim ušima. Došli smo do pretposlednje pesme Estasi Divina, gost je Lorenzo Gasparella. Početak uz bubnjeve i glas u pozadini. Uticaj Istoka se oseća, prepoznaje se tradicionalno mongolsko pevanje, uz svemoćne zvuke bubnjeva. Klasična himna. Tonovi se rastapaju i ponovo spajaju. Poslednja numera na albumu Iniziazione. Inicijacija uz gostovanje benda Hoplites. Prepoznatljivi tonovi, koji krase muziku TSIDMZ-a. Za kraj inicijacija namenjena samo nama. Ritual je uspešno izveden, a mi smo uživali. 
Utisci nakon slušanja? O Solimanovoj muzici ne treba puno reći, dovoljno je samo slušati je. Umetnik koji ne prestaje da nas oduševljava svojim neprestanim radom i novim pesmama. Trilogija Evroazijanstva uspešno je završena, a naše putovanje je tek počelo. Radujte se, uživajte u muzici i pružite punu podršku radu ovog fantastičnog umetnika. Podržite Evroaziju!!!
Album možete poručiti putem ovog linka, a u Srbiji direktno preko našeg Celtic - Slavic Webzine Serbia.

René Guénon Et La Tradition Primordiale
Old Europa Cafe (2015.)

01: Ewigkeit im Saltarello
02: Brahma
03: Ost und West

04: La Crise du Monde Moderne
05: Simbolos de la Ciencia Sagrada
06: La Vérité Totale
07: La Rosa e il Cuore
08: Le Démiurge
09: Estasi Divina
10: Iniziazione
Ocena: 10/10.

TSIDMZ - "René Guénon Et La Tradition Primordiale", (2015.)

Tradition, Rene Guenon, Eurasia. Mysticism, esotericism, clash of civilizations, poetry. All this can feel below the Eurasian trilogy by artists from Italy, Sollimano Mutti. Being familiar with his work and musical opus, the new album is nothing less we could not expect. A large number of artists present in the struggle for a new world. There are ( L'Effet C'Est Moi, Stefania Domizia, Sonnenkind, Gregorio Bardini, Barbarossa Umtrunk, The Wyrm, Porta Vittoria, Lorenzo Gasparela, Raimondo Gaviano, Hoplites ). Impressive. The physical release leaves us breathless and begin with an analysis of the album.
In the world of Eurasia introduces us to track Ewigkeit Im Saltarello. Instrumental in question, where the current L'Effet C'est Moi. The perfect introduction to neoclasicall that lead Emanuele Buresta and Solimano. Keyboards make us enjoy. Moving on to another song Brahma. Voice Stefania Domizia leads us into endless pure tones. We are not even aware that we pass on the third track Ost und West. Guests on this song is Rudolf Sonnenkind and Gregorio Bardini. With the sounds of rain and drums, announcing the thunder begins eternal conflict between East and West. Action becomes a reaction to the unification must come. It is inevitable. Track La Crise du Monde Moderne, and the crisis of the modern world that informs us about the now regular guest at Solimano albums Barbarossa Umtrunk. We understand that there is a crisis of Moderna. From the middle of the song it becomes real. As freedom fighters stopping alongside the artists taking part in the fight. Track Simbolos De La Ciencia Sagrada. Guests have the The Wyrm and Porta Vittoria. That is what this album seems impressive. A large number of real artists animates the work of Rene Guenon. His words spread about the room as the song goes. Conceived we're threatening us, enjoy. In the poem La Verite Totale, the customer is again a big Barbarossa Umtrunk. His words acquaint us with the real truth. As we mentioned in the song La Rosa e Il Cuore. Guest Gregorio Bardini. Probably the best song on the album (personal impression). Although instrumental, that she does not diminish the value, tones perfectly spills and spread around us. The influence of music and sounds of the Orient is very much present (again personal impression). This is what gives the songs a special value. The eighth song La Demiurge, once again the influence of the Orient, that appeals to our ears. We came to the penultimate song Estasi Divina, by Lorenzo Gasparella. Start with drums and a voice in the background. The influence of the East feel, identified traditional Mongolian singing, all-powerful with the sounds of drums. The classic hymn. Tones will melt and re-connected. The last track on the album Iniziazione. Initiation with guest band Hoplites. Distinctive tones that decorate the music TSIDMZ's. For the end of initiation is intended only for us. The ritual is executed successfully, and we enjoyed it.
Impressions after listening? About TSIDMZ music does not need to say much, it is enough to listen to it. An artist who never ceases to delight us with their constant work and new songs. Trilogy Eurasian was successfully completed, and our journey has just begun. Rejoice, enjoy the music and give full support to the work of this fantastic artist. Support Eurasian !!! 
The album can be ordered via this link, while in Serbia directly through our Celtic - Slavic Webzine Serbia.

René Guénon Et La Tradition Primordiale
Old Europa Cafe (2015.)

01: Ewigkeit im Saltarello
02: Brahma
03: Ost und West

04: La Crise du Monde Moderne
05: Simbolos de la Ciencia Sagrada
06: La Vérité Totale
07: La Rosa e il Cuore
08: Le Démiurge
09: Estasi Divina
10: Iniziazione
Mark: 10/10.

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