Valkenrag - Twilight Of Blood And Flesh (2015.)
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Poljske viking melodic death metal legende, Valkenrag izdale su svoj novi album, Twilight Of The Blood And Flesh, pod patronatom izdavačke kuće Art Of The Night Productions. Album sadrži 10 pesama otpevanih na engleskom jeziku. Samo fizičko izdanje predstavlja krajnje zanimljivu realizaciju. Oni su Sloveni, koji pevaju o Valhali i mi pišemo o njima.
Album otvara Intro, gde nas upoznaju sa dvorima Valhale, pa sirovo prelazimo na drugu pesmu Halls Of The Brave. Pozdravljamo hrabre. Dobri tonovi, jaki rifovi i growl glas je ono što nas tera da uživamo. Dobar start, u to nemamo nedoumice. Pesma Belongings Of Thor, istim tempom nastavljamo. Uz nas je bog Tor. Postajemo dostojni i podižemo njegov Mjolnir. Odličan glas, još bolji tekst i plovimo ka Agardu i odsudnom sukobu. Prelazimo na Bolthorn, gde nas svojom muzikom ovi momci potpuno razbijaju i ne planiraju da se zaustave. Tu se čuje i frula što me posebno raduje i daje posebnu draž ovoj pesmi. Jedna od boljih numera svakako, a tek smo na polovini albuma. Usledila je Twilight Of Blood And Flesh, koja nosi naziv kao i sam album. Sumrak je, sledi sukob do potpunog uništenja. Samo najjači će preživeti. Krase ih i dalje progresivni tonovi sa puno emocija. Nema povlačenja, to nam kazuju bubnjevi. Apsolutno fantasična numera. Prelazimo na Waves Of Coming Future. Spori intro nas uvodi u pesmu. Tonovi se razlivaju i onda boom! Brzi rifovi i growl glas nas poziva da ponosno svoj štit podignemo. To i činimo, postajemo pravi ratnici. Savršena numera. Sledeća The Price Of Wisdom. Uvodi nas gitarski rif i krećemo. Muzika nas podiže i mi ustajemo. To je cena koju rado dajemo. Prešli smo polovinu albuma i shvatamo koliko upravo ovaj album odličan. Himna folk metala. Pesma Redemption Time. Brz start i početak pesme baš kakav treba da bude. Sirovo i nabijeno teškim tonovima. Momci rasturaju u svakom pogledu. Postaju vladari naših osećanja, gospodari naših misli, da bi na polovini pesme krenula još veća agresija sa njihove strane. Ustajemo i sa njima skačemo uz ovu pesmu. Sledeća The Ultimate Prize i nagrada je samo naša i ničija više. Zadovoljni prelazimo na Wild Hunt, razbija od samog starta, dugi tonovi. Pravi divlji lov i sve je savršeno. Razbijaju svojom muzikom i to je to. Za kraj himna. Najbolje ostavili za kraj.
Utisci? Album savršeno upakovan i razbijački skrojen. Bend Valkenrag svakako zaslužuje vašu pažnju. Mene je oduševio! Toliko.
Viking melodic death metal
Art Of The Night Productions, (2015.)
01: Intro
02: Halls Of The Brave
03: Belongings Of Thor
04: Bolthorn
05: Twilight Of Blood And Flesh
06: Waves Of Coming Future
07: The Price Of Wisdom
08: Redemption Time
09: The Ultimate Prize
10: Wild Hunt
Ocena: 9/10.
Valkenrag - Twilight Of Blood And Flesh (2015.)
Polish viking melodic death metal legends, Valkenrag released their new album, Twilight Of The Flesh And Blood, under the patronage of publishing house The Art Of The Night Productions. The album contains 10 songs sung in english. The physical release is an extremely interesting realization. They are Slavs, who sing about Valhalla and we write about them.
The album opens Intro, where we learn about the palace Valhalla, raw and move on to another song Halls Of The Brave. We welcome the brave. Good tones, strong riffs and growl voice is what makes us enjoy. A good start in that we have no doubts. Song Belongings Of Thor, continue the same pace. With us is the god Thor. We become worthy and raise his Mjolnir. Excellent voice, even better text and sail towards to Asgard and decisive conflict. Moving on to Bolthorn, where we music these guys are completely shattered and do not plan to stop. There you can hear the flute makes me very happy and gives a special charm to this song. One of the better tracks certainly, and we are only halfway through the album. This was followed by Twilight Of Blood And Flesh, which bears the name as the album itself. Dusk, followed by the total destruction of the conflict. Only the strongest will survive. They also have further progressive tones with lots of emotion. No retreat, it tells drums. Absolutely wrecks tracks. Moving on Waves Of Coming Future. The slow intro introduces us to the song. Tones up spills and then boom! Fast riffs and growl voice calling us to proudly raise your shield. That's what we do, we become true warriors. Perfect tracks. Next The Price Of Wisdom. Introduces guitar riff and head. Music lifts us up and we get up. It's the price we willingly give. We crossed half the album and realize just how much this album is excellent. Anthem of folk metal. Song Redemption Time. A fast start and beginning of the song exactly what it should be. Raw and charged heavy tones. The guys tearing apart in every way. Becoming rulers of our feelings, the masters of our thoughts to the song half started even more aggression from their side. We get up and jump with them to this song. Next The Ultimate Prize and the prize is only ours and no one else's. Satisfied pass on the Wild Hunt, breaks from the start, long tones. The real wild hunting and everything is perfect. They smash with their music and that's it. To end the anthem. Top left for the end.
Tips? Album perfectly packaged and tailored tough. Band Valkenrag certainly deserves your attention. I was thrilled! Slava!!!
Viking melodic death metal
Art Of The Night Productions, (2015.)
01: Intro
02: Halls Of The Brave
03: Belongings Of Thor
04: Bolthorn
05: Twilight Of Blood And Flesh
06: Waves Of Coming Future
07: The Price Of Wisdom
08: Redemption Time
09: The Ultimate Prize
10: Wild Hunt
Mark: 9/10.
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