

четвртак, 4. мај 2017.

Recenzija: Jowisz - Trench Rat's Banquet, (2017.)

Jowisz - Trench Rat's Banquet, (2017.)

(Scroll down for English)
Jowisz, martial dark ambient iz Poljske obradovao nas je svojim prvim full-lenght albumom pod nazivom, Trench Rat's Banquet. Album je u limitiranoj verziji od dve stotine primeraka izdala Spatha Production. Čovek koji je idejni tvorac ovog posve interesantnog projekta zove se Mr. Wolf i drago mi je što postoji i što stvara istoriju svojim kompozicijama. Fizičko izdanje albuma odrađeno je u maniru pravog martial albuma. Sadrži dvanaest pesama koje su posvećene krvavim rovovima Prvog svetskog rata. Rat je upravo počeo i mi mu se priključujemo!

Album otvara numera Cold Spirit of Russia. Čujemo horsko pevanje i prelazimo na hladnu rusku zimu. osećamo to na svojim telima. Strahote rata se bliže. Sada već slušamo drugu numeru Parabellum. Tonovi izazivaju strah, koji postaje sve veći.. Čujemo pucanj i kraj! Ni primetili nismo da već slušamo treću numeru Polen KampfKult. Jedna sasvim i u svakom pogledu herojska pesma (lični utisak). Oduvala nas je na sve načine. Četvrta numera Le Grotesques de Verdun. Upravo slušamo jednu od boljih pesama na albumu. Umetnik na jedan savršen način oslikava tu veliku i traginu bitku Velikog rata. Tonovi nas vode da i mi napredujemo preko ničije zemlje i jurišamo na neprijateljske rovove. Nakon uspešne bitke usledio je horor u petoj numeri The Crawling Horror (In Tribute for Mark I). Suočavamo se prvi put sa svojim drugovima u rovovima sa zvukom koja ta čelična čudovišta prave. Svet se menja, način ratovanja se menja, mi smo se promenili. Strah nestaje dok prelazimo na šestu numeru  Trench Rat's Banquet. Kiša, sve je mokro oko nas. Zvona zvone u daljini. Tu su jedini stanovnici rovova, kojima ne smeta svet koji nestaje. Oni u ironiji današnjeg vremena prave svoj banket i uživaju. Numera sedam Soldier of Sun i numera osam The Yellow Cloud Ritual. Sada su tonovi malo drugačiji, tek toliko da nam daju do znanja da rat još uvek traje. Dolazimo do devete pesme The Grey Faces of Ypres and Somme. Došli smo do konačnog obračuna. U rovu smo sa puškom u ruci i čekamo znak. Zvuk pištaljke i pokolj je počeo. Meci lete iznad naših glava, dok kose naše drugove. Ničija zemlja je postala grobnica. Jedni preko drugih leže, ranjenih svuda okola. Jedno čitavo selo je zbrisano. Pobeda je ničija. Bližimo se kraju albuma i došli smo do desete pesme After the Battle II. Nije ostalo ništa. Po bojištu lete ptice i traže plen, dok sahranjujemo svoje pale drugove. Jedanaesta numera The Brotherhood of Arditi, kao omaž jednoj specijalnoj jedinici iz vremena Velikog rata. Za kraj nam ostaje numera The Last Breath Before the Storm (Remix). Savršena numera za kraj jednog savršenog albuma.
Utisci? Pre svega drago mi je da se martial žanr neguje među slovenskim narodima i to na ovakav način na koji radi i muziku stvara Jowisz. Album svakako vredan pažnje i uživanja. Skrojen za sve poštovaoce Velikog rata i čuvanja tradicije palih naroda koji su branili svoje zemlje. Topla preporuka da što pre nabavite primerak svog albuma, jer verujte mi nećete se pokajati. Oni koji će umreti vas pozdravljaju!

martial dark ambient
Spatha Production, (2017.)

01: Cold Spirit of Russia
02: Parabellum
03: Polen KampfKult
04: Le Grotesques de Verdun
05: The Crawling Horror (In Tribute for Mark I)    
06:   Trench Rat's Banquet
07: Soldier of Sun
08: The Yellow Cloud Ritual
09: The Grey Faces of Ypres and Somme
10: After the Battle II
11: The Brotherhood of Arditi
12: The Last Breath Before the Storm (Remix)

Ocena: 9,5/10.

Recenziju napisao: Predrag G.


Jowisz - Trench Rat's Banquet, (2017.)

Jowisz, martial dark ambient from Poland, delighted us with his first full-length album titled, Trench Rat's Banquet. The album is a limited edition of two hundred copies issued Spatha Production. The man who is the creator of this quite interesting project called Mr. Wolf, i'm glad there is a creating history in his compositions. The physical edition of the album was done in the manner of a true martial albums. It contains twelve songs that are dedicated to the bloody trenches of the First World War. The war has just begun and we are joining him! 

The album opens with the track Cold Spirit of Russia. We hear choral singing and moving on to the cold Russian winter. We feel it in our bodies. The horrors of war closer. Now we listen to another track Parabellum. Tones cause fear, which becomes more and more .. We hear a gunshot and the end! Neither noticed that we did not already listening to the third track Polen KampfKult. Another completely and in every heroic poem (personal impression). Blew us in all ways. The fourth track Le Grotesques de Verdun. Just listen to one of the better songs on the album. Artist in a perfect way reflects the great and the tragic battle of the Great War. Tones us water that we move through the no man's land and the assault on the enemy trenches. After a successful battle was followed by horror in the fifth track The Crawling Horror (In Tribute for Mark I). We are facing for the first time with his comrades in the trenches with the sound of the steel monsters right. The world is changing, the way warfare is changing, we are changed. The fear of being wiped out as we move to the sixth track Trench Rat's Banquet. Rain, wet all around us. The bells ringing in the distance. Here are the only inhabitants of the trenches, who do not mind a world that disappears. Those ironies of our time make their banquet and party. Tracks seven Soldier of Sun and eight tracks The Yellow Cloud Ritual. Now tones are a little different, just to let us know that the war is still going on. We come to the ninth song The Gray Faces of Ypres and Somme. We came to the final showdown. In the trenches we have with a gun in our hand and wait for a sign. The sound of a whistle and the slaughter began. The bullets flying over our heads, and our other pieces. No Man's Land has become a tomb. Over each other lying wounded everywhere. An entire village was wiped out. Victory is nobody. Nearing the end of the album, and we came to the tenth song After the Battle II. There's nothing left. After flying birds battlefield and looking for prey, and bury their fallen comrades. The eleventh track Brotherhood of Arditi, as a tribute to a special unit from the time of the Great War. We shall end the track The Last Breath Before The Storm (Remix). Perfect track for the end of a perfect album.
Tips? First of all, I'm glad to be genre of martial nourish the Slovenian nation and in such a way that love and music creates Jowisz. The album is certainly worthy of attention and enjoyment. Tailored for all admirers of the Great War and preserving the tradition of the fallen peoples who were defending their country. Warmly recommended that you obtain a copy of his album, because believe me you will not regret. Those who die, salute you!

martial dark ambient
Spatha Production, (2017.)

01: Cold Spirit of Russia
02: Parabellum
03: Polen KampfKult
04: Le Grotesques de Verdun
05: The Crawling Horror (In Tribute for Mark I)    
06:   Trench Rat's Banquet
07: Soldier of Sun
08: The Yellow Cloud Ritual
09: The Grey Faces of Ypres and Somme
10: After the Battle II
11: The Brotherhood of Arditi
12: The Last Breath Before the Storm (Remix)

Mark: 9,5/10.

Made by: Predrag G.

уторак, 2. мај 2017.

Recenzija: Nytt Land - Fimbulvinter, (2017.)

Nytt Land - Fimbulvinter, (2017.)

(Scroll down for English)
Nytt Land iz daleke Rusije obradovao nas je svojim novim albumom, Fimbulvinter, pod pokroviteljstvom Cold Spring-a. Natalija i Anatolij nastavljaju da oduševljavaju sada već veliku publiku širom sveta tonovima koje stvaraju. Već smo čitaoce iz Srbije upoznali sa njihovim prošlim albumima, a sada ovom recenzijom nastavljamo uspešnu saradnju. Album je stigao do mene. U pitanju je digipack izdanje, skrojeno na pravi nordijski način. Muziku stvaraju iz starih Edda i pevaju na staronordijskom jeziku. Uz to dobijate i tekstove pesama, koje upotpunjavaju puni doživljaj, koji oni svojom muzikom stvaraju. Album ima ukupno dvanaest pesama i konceptualno je podeljen na dva dela. Prvi deo posvećen je stvaranju sveta i ljudi, drugi strašnoj zimi i kraju svih živih bića.

Album otvara , numera koja nas polako vodi u svet Nytt Land-a. Čujemo vokal u daljini. Uključuje se Natalijin vokal i sve dobija smisao. Naše putovanje je upravo počelo. Uživamo i prelazimo na drugu numeru
Vetar se čuje. Uključuju se gajde. Zvuk je božanstven. Nordijski bogovi su oko nas. To je ono posebno što cenim kod njih, a to su ručno pravljeni muzički instrumenti. Malo je bendova koji toliko polažu na tradiciju i očuvanje svoje i svetske kulturne baštine. Na tome im svaka čast. Muzika nas i dalje vodi i igramo sa starim Bogovima. Svakako jedna od boljih pesama na albumu. Treća numera
Ár var alda (Helgakviða Hundingsbana I, 1-4) , zima je blizu. Zvuk ptica je daleko! Putovanje se nastavlja, dok mi sve više uživamo. Četvrta numera je usledila, a da to nismo ni primetili,
Čujemo sada grleno pevanje i novi momenti na albumu kreću. Pesma je nežna i opuštenija. Pesma kojom pokazuju da su majstori svog zanata. Usledile su peta Gjallarhorn (Völuspá, 46-48) i šesta pesma . Natalijin vokal, kao da pevaju stari Bogovi. Uživanje je sve veće, a naše putovanje još lepše. Došli smo negde do polovine albuma i zima je sve bliža. Hladan pokrivač se nadvija nad nama. Temperatura je u padu. Ubedljivo najbolje pesme na celom albumu. Došli smo do sedme numere . Zvuci tradicionalnih instrumenata su oko nas i ritual se nastavlja. Vokali razbijaju. Ritualni ples je započet. Plešemo u nedogled. Osma numera . Čujemo zvuk mora, zvuk koji nas navodi da krenemo u nepoznato. Bez pogovora pristajemo na to, jer nam je muzika vodič. Bližimo se polako kraju albuma i već slušamo devetu numeru . Instrumental na početku, da bi se u drugom delu uključio maestralni Natalijin vokal. Mračni ritual uveliko traje! Došli smo do desete numere , ujedno i najduže numere na čitavom albumu. Gost na numeri je Eisenslav iz benda Kroda. Zvuk roga daje posebnu simboliku. Pesma počinje nežnim vokalom. Tonovi su savršeni. Vrhunac albuma je upravo ova pesma! Kada budete preslušavali album shvatićete o čemu pričam. Uradili su nešto fantastično spojivši spojivo sa nespojivim, što i jeste odlika velikih muzičara. Jednostavno, numera za pamćenje! Ostale su nam za kraj poslednje dve bonus numere The Last War i Winter Day. Kako su počeli album, tako su ga završili na sebi svojstven način. Dosledno do samog kraja i sve napravljeno za uživanje!
Utisci? Pratim od samih početaka njihov rad i dobro je da postoje. Ruski Varjazi su ovim albumom daleko napredovali. Svojom muzikom nas puno obradovali. Ovaj album je priča koju oni pričaju. Priča o postanju, dobru i zlu, samom kraju i večitoj borbi. Ovaj album je za sada njihovo remek delo!

Nytt Land 
nordic ritual folk
Cold Spring, (2017.)

Ocena: 10/10.

Recenziju napisao: Predrag G.

Nytt Land - Fimbulvinter, (2017.)

Nytt Land from distant Russia surprise us with their new album, Fimbulvinter, sponsored by Cold Spring's. Natalya and Anatoly continue to delight now a large audience worldwide that produce tones. We have already met readers from Serbia with their previous albums, and now this review will continue successful cooperation. The album reached me. It is a digipack edition, tailored to the real Nordic way. The music created from old Edda and singing in Old Norse. That comes with the lyrics, which complement the full experience that they create their music. The album has twelve songs and conceptually divided into two parts. The first part is dedicated to the creation of the world and people, second terrible winter and the end of all living beings.

The album opens Daud Balder (Voluspa 31-35) track that slowly leads us into the world Nytt Land-a. We hear the vocals in the distance. Turns on Natalie's vocals and everything makes sense. Our journey has just begun. We enjoy and move on to another track Gullinkambi (Voluspa, 42-44). Wind we heard. Including the bagpipes. The sound is divine. The Norse gods are all around us. This is what particularly you appreciate about them, and they are handmade musical instruments. There are few bands that take so much tradition and preserve their cultural and world heritage. For that they each honor. We continue to play with the old gods. Definitely one of the better songs on the album. The third track Ar var alda (Helgakviða Hundingsbana I, 1-4), winter is near. The sound of birds is far! The journey continues, while we enjoy ourselves more. The fourth track is followed, but we did not even notice, Fimbulvinter. Now we hear the throat singing and new moments on the album range. The song is gentle and relaxed. The song, which show that the masters of their craft. This was followed by the fifth Gjallarhorni (Voluspa, 46-48) and the sixth song Fenris kinder (Voluspa, 40-41). Natalie's vocals, as well as to sing the old gods. Enjoyment is growing, but our trip even better. We're here until about half of the album, and winter is getting closer. Cold quilt hangs over us. The temperature is falling. By far the best song on the whole album. We came to the seventh track Hittusk Aesir (Voluspa, 7-10). The sounds of traditional instruments around us and the ritual continues. Vocals break. The ritual dance is initiated. Dance forever. The eighth track Sal Ser hon standa (Voluspa, 64-66). We hear the sound of the sea, the sound that makes us go into the unknown. No question agree to this, because our music guide. Nearing the end of the album, and slowly but listen ninth track Surtr ferr Sunnan (Voluspa, 52.57). Instrumental in the beginning, to be included in the second part of Natalie's masterful vocals. The dark ritual is well under way! We have reached the tenth track Bróðurbana sínum (Havamal, 89-91) feat. Eisenslav "KRODA", also the longest track on the entire album. Guest on the track is Eisenslav from the band Kroda. The sound of the horn has a special symbolism. The song begins with a gentle vocals. The tones are perfect. The highlight of the album is this song! When you listened to the album you'll understand what I'm saying. They did something fantastic to combine the incompatible with compatible, which is the characteristic of great musicians. Simply tracks to remember! All we got to the end of the last two bonus tracks The Last War and Winter Day. As the album began, so it ended up in his own way. Consistent to the end and made all to enjoy!
Tips? I follow the band from the very beginning of their work. Russian Varangians with this album are far advanced. With its music, a lot of us cheered. This album is a story that they are talking about. The story of genesis, good and evil, and the end eternal struggle. This album is their masterpiece for now!

Nytt Land 
nordic ritual folk
Cold Spring, (2017.)

Mark: 10/10.

Made by: Predrag G