Elforg - Elforg (2015.)
[Scroll down for English]
Poljska muzička scena dosta je jaka. To znam, jer je redovno pratim. Nastalo je puno novih i mladih bendova pred kojima je svetla budućnost. Jedan od takvih je i bend Elforg. Iza sebe imaju jedan EP, a svoj muzički pravac definišu kao folk metal. Pod patronatom Art Of The Night Productions izdali su svoj prvi album Elforg i red je da utiske o njemu i napišemo nakon dugog slušanja.
Album otvara Intro, uz horsko pevanje i zvuke gitare upotpunjenje bubnjevima. Dobro smo krenuli i onda pesma Wezwanie. Tonovi su brzi i dominira violina, što me posebno raduje. Pesma je na poljskom jeziku, koji nam prenosi odličan vokal. Uz growl vokal uživamo, dobri su rifovi i bend svira kao jedan. Prelazimo na pesmu Zapomniany. Opet violina i sirov glas se ističu. Bend razbija, tu nemamo dileme. Brzi su i naše telo svojom muzikom pomeraju! Isto nastavljaju možda i najboljom numerom na albumu Zima. Razbijaju voklalom, rifovi su odlični. Dominacija je potpuna i mi skačemo sa bendom. Zima je svuda oko nas. Pred sam kraj pesme (1:42 min) napadaju nas još žešće i totalno uništavju. Od siline njihove muzike padamo na zemlju i nemamo snage da ustanemo. Numera Through Darkness, tekst je na engleskom jeziku i vodi nas koracima ka novim tonovima, dok vuk zavija u pozadini. I onda, boom! Bas dominira, mračan glas najavljuje tamu. Sve je uklopljeno. Sve je apsolutno fantastično. Osećaj je divan. Zvuci violine pokazuju svetlost u mračnim tekstovima. I prelazimo na numeru Feast. Jedna brža pesma i sa izraženijim growl vokalom. Izgleda da nema šale sa njima. Numera Journey to the North. Vetar najavljuje putovanje u jednoj od boljih pesama na albumu. Dominiraju potpuno. Postaju fantastični u našim ušima. Ustajemo ponovo i putujemo sa njima. Pesmom On Heights, nastavljamo istim tempom i prelazimo na sledeću numeru Duch Lasu. Cvrkut ptica čujemo uz bubnjeve i sveprisutnu violinu, uživamo u pesmi koju krase dobri tonovi uklopljeni u jedno. Privode nas kraju albuma i stižemo do poslednje numere Do Ciebie Kasiuniu. Topot konja se čuje i najavljuje himnu čitavog albuma. Svi zajedno pevamo. Svi zajedno uživamo u ovom odličnom albumu čije smo preslušavanje priveli kraju.
Utisci? Do skoro je Elforg bio nepoznanica za mene (moja je greška, priznajem). Ali, nakon slušanja ovog albuma svakako ću pratiti njihov rad, a vi čitaoci učinite to isto! Verujte mi, nećete se pokajati!
folk metal
Art Of The Night Productions, (2015.)
01: Intro
02: Wezwanie
03: Zapomniany
04: Zima
05: Through Darkness
06: Feast
07: Journey to the North
08: On Heights
09: Duch Lasu
10: Do Ciebie Kasiuniu
Ocena: 8,5/10.
Elforg - Elforg (2015.)
Music scene of Poland is quite strong. I know, because I follow regularly. It was created a lot of new and young bands facing the bright future. One of them is the band Elforg. They have one EP, and his musical direction defined as folk metal. Under the patronage of The Art Of The Night Productions released their first album Elforg, and these words in front of you being my impression of the album after a long listening.
The album opens Intro with choral singing and guitar sounds completion drums. Well we started and then the song Wezwanie. Tones are quick and dominates the violin, makes me particularly happy. The song is on the Polish language, which conveys excellent vocals. With a growl vocals enjoy, are good riffs and the band playing as one. We pass on song Zapomniany. Again violin and raw voice stand out. The band breaks up, there's no issue. They are fast and our bodies move your music! Also continue to maybe the best track on the album Zima. Smashing vocals, riffs are great. Domination is complete and we jump with the band. Winter is all around us. Towards the end of the song (1:42) attack us even more fiercely and totally destroyed. The force of their music fall to the ground and do not have the strength to stand up. The
song Through Darkness, the text is in English and takes us step towards
new light, while the wolf howling in the background. And then, boom! Bas dominates, dark voice announces the darkness. Everything is incorporated. Everything was absolutely fantastic. It feels great. The sounds of a violin showing a light in the dark lyrics. I pass on the track Feast. One song faster and with more pronounced growl vocals. It seems that there is no joking with them. The song Journey to the North. Wind announces a trip to one of the better songs on the album. Dominate completely. They become fantastic in our ears. We get up again and we travel with them. Song On Heights, continue at the same pace and move on to the next track Duch Lasu. Hear
the birds chirping along with drums and omnipresent violin, enjoy the
songs which are filled with good tones blended into one. We are nearing the end of the album and come to the last track Do Ciebie Kasiuniu. The rumble of horses can be heard and announces anthem of the whole album. All sing together. All together we enjoy in this great album which we listen to finalize.
Tips? Until recently Elforg was unknown to me (my fault, I admit). But after listening to this album I will certainly follow their work, and you readers to do the same! Believe me, you will not regret it!
folk metal
Art Of The Night Productions, (2015.)
01: Intro
02: Wezwanie
03: Zapomniany
04: Zima
05: Through Darkness
06: Feast
07: Journey to the North
08: On Heights
09: Duch Lasu
10: Do Ciebie Kasiuniu
Mark: 8,5/10.