

уторак, 18. октобар 2016.

Recenzija: Paganland - From Carpathian Land, (2016.)

Paganland - From Carpathian Land, (2016.)

[Scroll down for English]
Uvek me oduševe bendovi koji dolaze iz zemalja rastrzanih raznim problemima, ali nekako uspevaju da se izbore sa situacijom u kojoj nisu svojim krivicom, i izdaju, uprkos svemu, odlične albume.  Jedan od takvih bendova jesu i ukrajinski pagan-blackeri Paganland.  Dolaze iz grada Lviva i (u dva navrata) postoje već nekih šesnaest godina.  Bend su osnovali Mykola Bilozor i Ruen kao studio projekat, ali su se 2001 okupili kao full live line-up bend. Kroz bend je, u dosadašnjoj njihovoj karijeri prošlo dosta muzičara na raznim mestima u bendu, i verovatno su ta silna pretumbavanja i dovela do toga da se bend raspadne 2007.  Medjutim, Ruen je ponovo okupio bend, postava je kompletirana i krenula je u novo osvajanje scene.  From Carpathian Land, koji će biti u novembru izdat za Svarga Music je snimljen u Lembergu u Ukrajini.  

Najprimetnija promena u zvuku benda je odsustvo vokala Volofymyra, ali novi čovek za mikrofonom Zymobor ta je tako dobro zamenio da se njegovo odsustvo i ne primećuje.  Za razliku od Volodymirovog više baritona koji je davao neki depresivni prizvuk prisutan na albumu Fatherland, Zymobor koristi više klasičan black metal rasp vokalni stil, čime je ovaj album dobio na agresivnosti.  Sve zajedno, bend zvuči mnogo žešće i, bar meni, mnogo privlačnije  za uho.  Zvuk je nekako kompaktniji i puniji, direktniji.  Pet pesama (četiri potpuno nove sa ponovo odradjenom modernijom verzijom genijalne „Black Mountain“) sa sa introm i outrom kuca sasvim zadovoljavajućih 37 minuta.

Bend je ostao veran žanru sa prethodnih ostvarenja.  Ono što ovaj bend izdvaja je upotreba klavijatura koje čine da njihova muzika zaista zvuči epski.  One su zapravo i prvi zvukovi koji vas pozdrave nakon što pritisnete „play“, praćene klasičnom gitarom, a nakon kratkog introa, miksu se pridružuju i ostali instrumenti dajući paketu potrebnu žestinu ali zadražvajući taj izuzetno atmosferičan doživljaj sa početka.  Visoki klasični black metal vokali u sebi nose neverovatnu energiju, a veoma kvalitetan rad na bubnjevima upotpunjava ovaj muzički pejsaž koji u paketu zvuči prilično ubedljivo.  Brže deonice donose uobičajene black-metal tremolo rifove koje muzici benda daje neku sirovu notu, a pesme genijalno kombinuju brže, srednje brze i sporije deonice tako da vas bend bukvalno drži konstantno na ivici stolice.  Rifovi su prilično melodično odsvirani, što važi i za solaže a produkcijski je osigurano da se svaki instrument odlično čuje, iako u miksu deluje da su gitare ostale malo u pozadini iza klavijatura.  
Album otvara veoma atmosferičan intro „Стожари“ .  Sve zvuči hipnotišuće i već vas primorava da širom otvorite uši i pripremite se za on što dolazi nakon nešto manje od tri minute.  Prva prava pesma je „At the Heart of Carpathians“ i kao da vam otvara vrata za ulazak u carstvo u kojem vlada neukroćena divlja priroda visokih šumom i snegom pokrivenih planinskih lanaca.  Veoma dobra stvar koja zadržava atmosferičnost introa, ali puca od sirove snage koju joj daju klasični pagan black metal rifovi.  Na ovu pesmu se, na najprirodniji mogući način, nadovezuje sledeća stvar „Черногора“ (Black Mountain) i prosto imate osećaj da muzika nije prestala koliko je prelaz sa pesme na pesmu prirodan.  Ako ovu novu verziju ove pesme uporedite da starom, tačno ćete videti razliku, jer moderna verzija upravo i zvuči tako – modernije od originalne verzije, što čini da se ona izuzetno uklopi u društvo novih pesama.  Iako se u svim pesmama radi o kombinaciji istih elemenata, slušalac ni u kom slučaju nema osećaj ponavljanja, jer se kombinuju novi rifovi ponovo praćeni veoma atmosferičnim klavijaturama.  Ruen je neprikosnoveni majstor na svom instrumentu.  Ni jedna od pesama do kraja albuma zapravo ne unosi nikakve nove elemente u muziku što sigurno znači da je bend izuzetno siguran u ono što radi, jer smatra da nema potrebe da pažnju privlači nekim originalnim elementima čije ubacivanje moće da se pokaže i kontraproduktivno tako što će zvučati nekako neupareno sa ostalim muzičkim elementima po kojima su Paganland i postali poznati.  Naslovna pesma i „The Gloom“ su definitivno više klavijaturski orijentisane, ali miks je dopustio da klavijature ne preklope gitare koje se prosto iskradaju i ostaju prisutne. 
Ovo je definitivno jedan od bendova koji uspeva da prenese pravi doživljaj svojom muzikom, jer svaka pesma prosto uspeva da slušaoca postavi u sred beskrajnih šuma na obroncima Karpata, u nekom prošlom istorijskom trenutku, i da mu prezentuje duboko ukorenjeno kulturno nasledje.  Svaki fan pagan black metala iz 90-ih će biti itekako zadovoljan ovim albumom.  Definitivno pun pogodak za fanove starog Borknagara, Skyforgera i Manegarma.

pagan black metal
Svarga Music, (04. 11. 2016.) 

01: Stozhary [Стожари] (Intro)
02: At the Heart of Carpathians [У Серці Карпат]
03: Black Mountain [Чорногора]
04: Belted by Spirit [Підперезаний Духом]
05: The Gloom [Морок]
06: From Carpathian Land [З Карпатського Краю]
07: Chuhayster [Чугайстер] (Outro)

Ocena: 9,5/10.

Recenziju napisao: Igor Živić


Paganland - From Carpathian Land, (2016.)

I am always happy to see bands that are coming from those parts of the world torned appart by some problems,but somehow they succed to fight out the situation in their countries and release, no matter what, wuite good releases.  One ofthose bands are Ukrainian pagan-black metalers Paganland.  They are hailing from the town of Lviv and (in two parts) they exist some 16 years already.  The band was founded by Mykola Bilozor and Ruen as a studio project, but since 2001 they decided to become a full live performing band.  As in almost everybands case, in their career, many musitians had pased through all on diferent places in the band, and probbly those many inner changes are guilty for bands spliting up in 2007.  But, Ruen has gahtered new line-up, and band has started conquering the scene for second time.  FromCarpathian Land, which will be released in November through Svarga Music, has been recorded in Lemberg in Ukraine.
The most notable change in the sound of the band is the absence of Volofymyr on vocals, but the new man behind the microphone Zymobor has jumped in his shooes and jumped in so well that Volofymyr's absence is almost unnoticed.  Volofymyr's more baritonic made bands music sound a bit sorrowful, if not even depressive, as you can hear on the album Fatherland.  Zymobor is using more classical black metal raspstyle in his vocals, which gavethis album more aggression.  All together, the band sounds evenmore heavyer and, to me, much more attractive to the ears.  The sound is somehow more compact and fuller, more direct.  Five songs (four completely new joined by a new and more modern sounding version of fantastic „Black Mountain“) , together with intro and outro, are klicking on fully satisfying 37 minutes.
The band has stayed faithful to the genre of previous releases. What singles this band out of many others of similar genre is their use of keyboards, that make their music sound trully epic.  They are eventhe very first sounds that are greating you after you press „play“, joined by a classical undistorted guitar, and after a very short intro, to the mix are added other instruments giving to the package necessary heavyness, but keeping this trully atmospheric feeling fromthe very beginning ofthe album.  Classical high pitched black metal rasps are bringing with them high level of energy, fulled with a high quality drum-work, and together they aremaking this package sounding pretty persuasive.  Faster parts are usuall black metal tremolo riffs that are giving to bands music some raw note, and each of the songs is masterfully combining these faster and other slower parts, so the band is literally keeping you at the edge of your seats constantly.  Riffs are played pretty melodic, andthe same is true for leads, and prduction has made certain that every intrument is heard equally good, even if it looks that guitars are a bit in the background of keyboards.
The album opener is a very atmospheric intro „Стожари“.  Everything sounds mesmerizing andyou are forced already at the beginning to listen carefully and prepare yourself for what is coming after less that three minutes.  First real track is „At the Heart of Carpathians“ and it sounds like an opening of the gates for entering into the kingdom inwhich the only ruller is the untamed nature of forests reaching toward the clouds and high peaks covered with snow.  Very goos track that keeps the atmosphere ofthe intro, but in the same time is bursting with strength grom its classical pagan-black riffs.  To this song, in the most natural was, is being attached next song „Черногора“ (Black Mountain) and simply you do not feel that music has stoped with this natural transision in between songs.  If this new verssion of the song compare with the old one, you will clearly see the maindifference, because the new version is more modern-sounding then the original one.  This helps her to fully integrate itself into the company of other new songs.  Evenif all songs are combining the same elements, listener never feels that thereis some unnecesary repeating, because new riffs are combined again followed with very atmospheric keyboards.  Ruen is trully a master on his instrument.  Not even one song, all the way to the end of the album, is not bringing into the mix any new element, whixhmeans that the band is very sure in everything they are doing in their music, and believes that there is no need to attract the attention of the listener with some „original“ element. By dong this can become even contraproductive, because those „new“ elements might even sound odd with other musical elements that already are making Paganland's music.  The title song and “TheGloom“ are definitely more keyboard oriented, but the mixis done professionally so keyboards are nog going overguitars, that are sneaking out and stay present all the time throughout the album. 
This is definitely one of those bands that succedes in transfering the real experience with their music, because every song is puting the listener into the surrounding of endless forests onthe slopes of Carpathians,in some past hisstorical moment, and are presenting some deeply rooted cultural heritage.  Every fan of pagan-black metal fromthe 90s will be fully satisfied by this album.  Definitely bulls-eye for fansof earlyBorknagar, Skyforger and Manegarm.

pagan black metal
Svarga Music, (04. 11. 2016.) 

01: Stozhary [Стожари] (Intro)
02: At the Heart of Carpathians [У Серці Карпат]
03: Black Mountain [Чорногора]
04: Belted by Spirit [Підперезаний Духом]
05: The Gloom [Морок]
06: From Carpathian Land [З Карпатського Краю]
07: Chuhayster [Чугайстер] (Outro)

Mark: 9,5/10.

Made by: Igor Živić


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