

недеља, 9. октобар 2016.

Recenzija: Emian - Khymeia, (2016.)

Emian - Khymeia, (2016.)

[Scroll down for English] 
Emian, ta četvorka iz Italije sa kojom smo se upoznali još dok smo pisali recenziju prvog albuma. Bend svojstven sam sebi, neguje i poštuje muzički žanr pagan folk. U njihovoj muzici osećamo istoriju Kelta, severne Evrope, ritualnog uživanja... Izdali su svoj drugi album Khymeia. U pitanju je digipack izdanje sa fantastičnim ilustracijama i tekstovima pesama. Album ima sedamnaest pesama i mi krećemo na naše putovanje. 

Prva numera Tribus Hirpeis, kratak intro, koji otvara zavijanje vukova u daljini. Prešli smo na drugu pesmu Hyria. Čujemo zvuk harfe, i to nas raduje. Anin glas ulepšava još više naše uživanje. Pesma posvećena stanarima šume, bićima koja prirodu čuvaju. Uživanje nastavljamo dok harfa dominira. Ni ne primećujemo da treću pesmu slušamo, La Giga Del Lupo. Harfa nastavlja da širi svoje tonove  i prelazimo na četvrtu pesmu Rebys. Tonovi su brži, melodičniji, ples je upravo počeo. Oseća se celtic muzički uticaj (lični utisak). Upravo slušamo jednu od najlepših pesama na albumu. Sve savršeno upakovano i vrlo živo, oseća se to u svakoj noti. Sledeća pesma La Cama Nupcial. Lagani tonovi se čuju. Smiraj i tišina je u nama. Jedan potpuno novi sklad, koji nam savršeno prija. Slušamo šestu numeru El Viaje De Maria. Harfa daje tonove i osvetljava nam put. Instrumental je u pitanju, na jedan interesantan način. Flauta se uključuje, a pred sam kraj i vokal što daje posebnu težinu pesmi. Došli smo do sedme numere Níl Sé'N Lá. Pomalo se oseća uticaj Orijenta u tonovima (opet lični utisak). Jedna potpuno lagana pesma, koja nas vodi do sledeće osme numere La Gavotte. Slušamo tonove koji obećavaju. Kod ovog benda volim kompaktnost i stabilnost u tonovima. Muzičke kreacije koje stvaraju su nestvarne. Ovaj odlični instrumental odveo nas je do sledeće devete pesme, Karnak A.D.. Dok slušamo ovu numeru prosto nam nedostaju reči da svoje osećanje prenesemo na papir. Nalazimo se u Starom Egiptu, sa Bogovima pijemo, Suncu se klanjamo. Deseta pesma, Invocazione i prelazimo na jedanaestu Mephite. Čujemo Anin glas, kristalan i jasan. Jedna lagana presma za nastavak putovanja. Prešli smo na dvanaestu pesmu Chêne Blanc, ujedno i najdužu pesmu na albumu. Od samog starta melodija odlična i stvorena samo za naše uši. Pesma stvorena za ples, igru i uživanje. Pred sam kraj uključuje se Anin glas i nastaje potpuno blaženstvo. Polako se bližimo kraju albuma i sada je pred nama trianesta pesma Kuulin Äänen. Finska folk pesma, otpevana na finskom jeziku, kojom bend nastavlja svoju tradiciju, započetu prvim albumom, muzičkih putovanja po zemljama regiona i drugim kontinentima. Došli smo do četrnaeste pesme Auciello Grifone, jedna kratka numera, koja nas vodi do pesme Le Due Sorelle. Čujemo dečiji glas, more je oko nas. Riva je mirna, sunce je tu. Pogled kao u najlepšim bajkama na svetu. Tonovi nežni, čine da osetimo potpuni smiraj. Glas identičan glasu samih Bogova. Pesma savršena. Na redu je pretposlednja pesma Owen's Boat. Čujemo more, galebovi lete, dok brod juri po talasima. Flauta se u samom startu izdvaja. Prosto obožavam ovaj bend i tonove koje stvara. Krenuli su brži tonovi, dok pesma u potpunosti postaje putovanje u pravom smislu te reči. Za kraj poslednja numera Tramontana. Melodično i u njihovom stilu, plešući dolazimo do kraja albuma. 
Utisci? Pred nama je svakako jedan nesvakidašnji i interesantan album, pepun emocija i putovanja. Ovo je album koji će učiniti da posetite i osetite sever Evrope, Stari Egipat, Keltsko nasleđe i Orijent svoga vremena. Sve savršeno upakovano i spremno za vas. Zato se prepustite i uživajte. Živeli!

pagan folk
I Make Records, (2016.) 
Ocena: 9,5/10. 

Emian - Khymeia, (2016.)

Emian, this quartet from Italy with whom we met while we were writing a review of the first album. Bend peculiar to himself, nurtured and respected musical genre pagan folk. In their music, feel the history of the Celts, northern Europe, the ritual of enjoying ... They released second album Khymeia. It is a digipack edition with fantastic illustrations and texts of songs. Album has seventeen songs and we want to start our journey.

he first track Tribus Hirpeis, a brief intro that opens the wolves howling in the distance. We switched to a different song Hyria. We hear the sound of the harp, and it makes us happy. Anna's voice embellishes even more our enjoyment. The song dedicated to tenants forest beings nature preserve. Enjoying continue until harp dominates. You do not even notice that the third song we hear, La Giga Del Lupo. Harp continues to expand its tones and move on to the fourth song Rebys. Tones are faster, more melodic, dance has just begun. Feels like celtic musical influences (personal impression). Just listen to one of the most beautiful songs on the album. All perfectly packed and very lively, feel it in every note. Next song La Cama Nupcial. Light tones are heard. Calmness and tranquility is in us. One brand new fund, which pleases us perfectly. We listen to six songs El Viaje De Maria. Harp gives tones and lighting our way. Instrumental in question, in an interesting manner. The flute is turned on, and before the end of the vocals which gives special weight to the songs. We came to the seventh track Neil Sé'N La. I kinda feel the influence of the Orient in tones (again personal impression). One full light song, which leads us to the next eight tracks La Gavotte. We listen to the tones that promise. With this band I like the compactness and stability in tones. Music Inspired by the surreal. This excellent instrumental took us to the next ninth song, Karnak A.D.. While listening to this track, we simply lack the words to convey our feelings on paper. We are located in ancient Egypt, drink with the gods, sun worship. The tenth song, Invocazione moving to the eleventh Mephite. We hear Anna's voice, crystalline and clear. One light song to continue their journey. We went to the twelfth song Chêne Blanc, also the longest song on the album. From the start, great melodies and created just for our ears. The song was created to dance, play and enjoy. Towards the end of Anna's voice is included to form a complete bliss. Slowly we approach the end of the album and is now song Kuulin Äänen. Finnish folk song, sung in finnish, which the band continues its tradition begun debut album, musical journey through the countries of the region and other continents. We came to the fourteen songs Auciello Grifone, one short track, which leads us to the song Le Due Sorelle. We hear a child's voice, the sea around us. Riva is quiet, the sun is here. Look like the most beautiful fairy tales in the world. Gentle tones, make us feel complete calmness. Voice identical to the voice of the gods themselves. The song is perfect. On the order of the penultimate song Owen's Boat. We hear the sea gulls fly, while the ship chasing the waves. The flute in the start set aside. I just love this band and tones it generates. They went faster tones while a song becomes a journey in the true sense of the word. For the end, last track Tramontana. Melodically and in their style, dancing come to the end of the album.
Tips? In front of us is definitely an unusual and interesting album, full of emotion and travel. This is an album that will make you visit and feel the north of Europe, ancient Egypt, Celtic heritage and the Orient of his time. All perfectly packaged and ready for you. Therefore, indulge and enjoy. Cheers!

pagan folk
I Make Records, (2016.) 
Mark: 9,5/10. 


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