
недеља, 16. фебруар 2020.

Najava: Probaj da odoliš životinjskom porivu – konkurs za učešće na svežanrovskoj muzičkoj kompilaciji "Extreme Animal Feast II"

Probaj da odoliš životinjskom porivu – konkurs za učešće na svežanrovskoj muzičkoj kompilaciji "Extreme Animal Feast II"

(Scroll down for English)

Neki projekti zavređuju da dobiju svoj dostojni nastavak, kada vreme pokaže da su zaslužili pažnju medija I entuzijasta širom regiona. Prvi deo kompilacije Extreme Animal Feast  je izašao 2017. godine, kada je grupacija Underground Muzika krenula u izdavačke pohode, ruku pod ruku sa Librarion Records & Fanzines-om. Pomenućemo i treće mesto izglasano na Hit Radio 202 za kompilaciju godine, što je za jedan DIY projekat veliko dostignuće i podstrek da nastavimo dalje još jačim tempom.
Mnoga imena sa prve kompilacije su nastavila sa radom, izdala prve albume, singlove, neki su se pritajili ili čekaju pravi momenat da krenu ponovo u pohode - ono što je najvažnije, nismo stali, a još se manje predali. Naša misija je bolji svet koji ne može da živi bez subkultura, bez umetnosti i anti-umetnosti. Taj svet je još tada dobio sliku, uz crtež prvog dela kompilacije koji je rad mlade umetnice Marije Lakićević.
Nakon tri godine, vreme je da nastavimo da radimo i razvijamo našu scenu i pokažemo da ljudi različitih muzičkih profila itekako mogu da sarađuju i stanu rame uz rame protiv nezainteresovanosti društva za autorsku i što da ne, neartikulisanu muziku bez ikakvih stega. Naravno, u tome opet nismo sami, jer je, pored bendova i ljudi koji nas podržavaju, za likovnu opremu kompilacije zadužen jednaki entuzijasta u našem kolektivu, Milosav Ostojić - Ostoja, perspektivni ilustrator. 

Srdačno vas pozivamo da učestvujete na kompilaciji "Extreme Animal Feast II". Sve što treba da uradite jeste da pošaljete pesmu i informacije o bendu ili projektu na imejl adresu sa naznakom "Za EAF2": 

Rok za kompilaciju je 28. mart 2020. godine.

Nekoliko smernica:
* pesmu šaljite u WAV/FLAC formatu, može i putem servisa WeTransfer;
* svi žanrovi su dozvoljeni, a maksimalna dužina pesme je 10 minuta;
* autorske pesme imaju prednost, ali ćemo uzeti u obzir i obrade, ukoliko su neobične i interesantne;
* moguće je poslati više pesama, od kojih će samo jedna biti odabrana za kompilaciju. Takođe, pesme mogu biti i ranije objavljene, u demo/live verziji ili kao isečak (excerpt) duže kompozicije. Ukoliko je potrebno pribaviti dozvolu izdavača, javite se na lovor.tikvicic@gmail.com (Librarion Records) radi dogovora.

Uredništvo: Jovan Ađančić / Filip Merso (Underground Muzika)
Likovna oprema: Milosav Ostojić - Ostoja
Tehnička podrška: Librarion Records & Fanzines

Try to resist the animal urge - Open call for the multi-genre music compilation "Extreme Animal Feast II"

(English translation: PetarStojanović)

Some projects deserve to get their worthy sequel, when time shows they earned the attention of media and enthusiasts from the region. The first part of Extreme Animal Feast was published in 2017, when Underground Muzika group had dive into publishing, hand in hand with Librarion Records & Fanzines. It's worth mentioning that the compilation won 3rd place for the Hit Radio 202 compilation of the year, which is a big accomplishment for one DIY project and also a motivation to keep going even stronger than before.
Many artists that were on the first compilation continued with their work, published debut albums, singles, some went silent or are waiting for the right moment for a comeback - most importantly, we didn't stop, and even more so didn't give up. Our mission is a better world that can't live without subcultures, art and anti-art. That world got a picture even then, with the cover art for the first "Extreme Animal Feast", which is the work of the young artist Marija Lakićević.
Three years later, it is time to continue to work and develop our scene, and show that people of different musical profiles can cooperate and stand side by side against society's disinterest in original and, why not, non-articulated music without any boundaries. Of course, we are again not alone in this, because other than the bands and the people that support us, the visual aspect of the compilation is taken care of by an equally big enthusiast in our collective, Milosav Ostojić - Ostoja, a perspective illustrator.

We kindly invite you to take part in the compilation "Extreme Animal Feast II". All you need to do is to send us a song and some information about the band/project with the subject "For EAF2" on this email address:

 Deadline: March 28th, 2020.
A few guidelines:
- Send us the song in WAV or FLAC format. You can also send it through WeTransfer;
- All genres are allowed, maximal song length is 10 minutes;
- Original songs have an advantage, but we will take covers into consideration, if they're unusual or interesting;
- You can send multiple songs, and we'll choose only one to be on the compilation;
- You can also send songs that are already released, live, demos, or an excerpt of a longer composition. If it's necessary to get permission from the publisher, contact lovor.tikvicic@gmail.com (Librarion Records) to make an appeal.

Editorial board: Jovan Ađančić and Filip Merso (Underground Muzika)
Visual department: Milosav Ostojić - Ostoja
Technical support: Librarion Records & Fanzines

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