Celtic - Slavic Webzine Serbia
(Премести у ...)
четвртак, 13. мај 2021.
Intervju: Daniel Salmador Hernandez, (Keltika Hispanna, Spain)
Daniel Salmador Hernandez, (Keltika Hispanna, Spain) Dark folk live in ancient Celtiberia. The music scene there is very strong and quite h...
петак, 18. септембар 2020.
Intervju: Yhandros Huergo, (Cuélebre, Spain)
Yhandros Huergo, (Cuélebre, Spain) Pagan folk live in ancient Iberia. He is personified in the band Cuélebre , which preserves its cultur...
четвртак, 27. август 2020.
Intervju: Volkh, (Strahor, Serbia)
Volkh, (Strahor, Serbia) Underground scena Srbije je šarolika i itekako jaka. Pozitivnih stvari, projekata, izvođača ima u njoj. Tu izdvaj...
уторак, 25. август 2020.
Recenzija: Talog - "Ona kojoj tama se klanja", Croatia, (2020.)
Talog - "Ona kojoj tama se klanja", Croatia, (2020.) Mystery of the woman in the Slavonic soil. A review of the album "Ona ...
понедељак, 24. август 2020.
Intervju: Irina Zybina and Ruzveld Grai, (Grai, Russia)
Irina Zybina and Ruzveld Grai, (Grai, Russia) The folk metal scene of Russia is extremely strong and present. The guardians of the traditi...
3 коментара:
среда, 19. август 2020.
Intervju: David Quinn, Celtachor (Ireland)
David Quinn, Celtachor (Ireland) Ireland, the land of the Celts. That, mystical country that nurtures and preserves the tradition of folk me...
петак, 14. август 2020.
Intervju: Smuta, (Russia)
Smuta, (Russia) These days, we talked to the great pagan metal of Russia. Introducing the band, Smuta .. Official facebook page 1. Why th...
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