
петак, 16. август 2019.

Recenzija: Ghost of Breslau - Niflheim, Irrwelt (2019.)

Ghost of Breslau - Niflheim, (2019.)

(Scroll down for English)
Ghost of Breslau je dark ambient projekat koji nam dolazi iz grada Vroclava u Poljskoj. Postoji preko deceniju i jače. Ima nekoliko albuma iza sebe, a svojom muzikom oživljava duhove prošlosti, istorije i tradicije. Danas vam predstavljamo novi album, Niflheim u izdanju Irrwelt-a. Ovoga puta se obradjuje mitologija Skandinavije i mi putujemo u Niflheim, zemlju magle i podzemnog sveta. Fizičko izdanje albuma ima ukupno šest pesama zajedno sa bonus trakom, koja se nalazi na albumu. Cover odrađen tako da nam na savšen način predstavlja to "pakleno" mesto.

Album otvara numera, Brume. Tonovi se javljaju, magla je oko nas. Uplovljavamo u nju. Ne vidimo jasno, ali nastavljamo dalje. Okruženi smo potpuno. Uživamo. Kao da izlaza odavde nema? Nastavljamo da tražimo put. Izašli smo konačno i u drugoj numeri smo. Usledila je Haar. Tonovi nas i dalje vode, pesma opušta. Haos nastupa. Uživamo, iako ne znamo gde se nalazimo. Treća numera, Mistpouffer. Čudni tonovi su oko nas. Neobjašnjivi prirodni fenomen. Zvuk je sve jači. Puca oko nas! Prija nam dok svesno nastavljamo dalje. Prešli smo na četvrtu numeru, Roke. Dim nas potpuno okružuje. Blizu smo. Nastavljamo svoj put. Ništa nas ne može zaustaviti. Koračamo sve više i više. Izgubili smo se u dimu. Stigli smo. Slušamo šestu numeru. Niflheim je stigao. Pred nama je svet tame, magle, hladnoće i leda. Yggdrasil je ispred nas. Zmija Niddhog nas čeka. Svet smrti je oko nas. Ragnarok je blizu. Uživanje u ovoj savršenoj numeri prekida poslednja bonus traka, The Crows, The Dead & The Fog. Po prvi put čujemo glas iz dubina, koji nas doziva. Jato ptica zlosutnica nas preleće. Spremni smo za kraj i strašni sud!
Utisci? Jedan svakako zanimljiv i do sada nesvakidašan način na koji je umetnik približio Nordijski mitološki svet slušaocu. Album koji naravno svako neće razumeti nakon prvog slušanja, ali će mu biti dozvoljeni da za početak zaviri u svet tame, magle, hladnoće i leda. Topla preporuka!

Ghost of Breslau
dark ambient
Irrwelt, (2019.)

01: Brume
02: Haar
03: Mistpouffer
04: Roke
05: Niflheim
06: The Crows, The Dead & The Fog (bonus track)

Ocena: 10/10.

made by: Predrag G.

Ghost of Breslau - Niflheim, (2019.)

Ghost of Breslau is a dark ambient project coming from the city of Wroclaw in Poland. It has existed for over a decade. He has several albums behind, and with his music brings to life the spirits of the past, history and tradition. Today we are presenting you a new album, Niflheim by Irrwelt. This time, the mythology of Scandinavia revisits and we travel to Niflheim, a land of fog and the underworld. The physical release of the album has a six songs along with the bonus track, which is on the album. The cover is made in such a perfect way that it represents that "hell" place.
The album opens, Brume. Tones occur, the fog is all around us. We sail into it. We do not see clearly, but we move on. We are surrounded completely. We enjoy it. Like there's no way out of here? We continue to look for a path. We finally came out and are in the second track, Haar. The tones still lead us, the song relaxing. Chaos ensues. We enjoy it even though we don’t know where we are. Third track, Mistpouffer. Weird tones are all around us. An inexplicable natural phenomenon. The sound is getting louder. It shoots around us! It pleases us as we consciously move on. We moved on to the fourth track, Roke. Smoke completely surrounds us. We are close. We continue our journey. Nothing can stop us. We are walking more and more. We got lost in the smoke. We arrived. We're listening to the sixth track. Niflheim has arrived. We have a world of darkness, fog, cold and ice. Yggdrasil is in front of us. The Niddhog snake is waiting for us. The world of death is all around us. Ragnarok is close. Enjoying this perfect track is interrupted by the last bonus bar, The Crows, The Dead & The Fog. For the first time, we hear a voice from the depths that invokes us. A flock of wicked birds is flying over us. We are ready for the end and the terrible judgment!
Impressions? One certainly interesting and so far unusual way the artist approached the Nordic mythological world to the listener. An album that, of course, everyone will not understand after first listening, but will be allowed to peek into the world of darkness, fog, cold and ice. Warm recommendation! 

Ghost of Breslau
dark ambient
Irrwelt, (2019.)

01: Brume
02: Haar
03: Mistpouffer
04: Roke
05: Niflheim
06: The Crows, The Dead & The Fog (bonus track)

Mark: 10/10.

made by: Predrag G.

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