Keltika Hispanna - Nekue Uertaunei, (2016.)
(Scroll down for English)
Keltika Hispanna je dark neo-folk bend, koji je nastao u drevnim planinama Gvadarame (Španija). Koriste tradicionalne instrumente u svojoj muzici. Pevaju svoje pesme na jeziku Kastilje, kao i na starom keltoiberijskom jeziku. Bend čine Daniel Salmador, Luis M. Folgado, Iñaki Simón i Andrés Barriga i postoje od 2011. godine. Ponosno čuvaju tradiciju KeltIberije i prenose je sledećim generacijama. Posle nekoliko izdanja obradovali su nas novim albumom Nekue Uertaunei. Album je izdala muzička kuća Soliferro Grabaciones Iberas. U pitanju je digi eco-pack, urađen na jedan poseban način. Na cover-u je prikazana šuma, koja je meni kada sam prvi put držao album u rukama simbolisala slobodu, kulturu i tradiciju. Savršeno za početak. Album ima jedanaest pesama i mi krećemo na putovanje drevnom KeltIberijom.
Otvara ga numera Abuloslouskum. Čujemo glas, koji nas vodi. Prelazimo na muziku i sada čujemo zvuk tradicionalnih instrumenata. Naše uživanje je počelo. Prelazimo na drugu pesmu Colodra Labrada. Žičani instrumenti su u pozadini. Daju nam poziv za igru. Uključuju se praporci (mislim da sam pogodio instrument). Tu je i duvački instrument, koji daje potpuno novu dimenziju ovoj numeri. Ni primetili nismo da već slušamo treću pesmu Devs Candamivs. Počela je jedna od boljih pesama na albumu. Uz zvuke roga, doboša ritual je počeo. To nam kazuje i vokal koji čujemo. Sve je pažljivo planirano i servirano u pravom trenutku. Pesma koja vas podiže na noge i nosi u visine. Blaženstvo! Četvrta numera Zurron al Hombro. Akustična gitara nas uvodi u pesmu. Vokal nam se pridružuje. Jedna skladna melodija u kojoj se posebno izdvajaju zvuk flaute, koja će vas opiti. Potpuno obuzeti i pod utiskom prelazimo na petu pesmu Nekue Uertaunei. Zvuk praporaka i ritualni glas nas pozivaju da se pridružimo njihovom plesu. Radosno pristajemo na to bez pogovora. Došli smo do šeste pesme Ya no lo ven Tus Ojos, ujedno i najduže pesme na čitavom albumu. Mirni tonovi akustične gitare uz vokale nas uvode u pesmu. Melodija je ono što nam znači, melodija je život koji oni stvaraju. Umetnici i čuvari tradicije, to je Keltika Hispanna. Uverićete se i vi dok budete slušali ovu najbolju pesmu na albumu (lični utisak). Sedma numera Bajo la Encina (with Ceccila de Caelia). Odlična numera i gostujući božanstveni ženski vokal. Milina! Sa istim osećajem prelazimo na osmu pesmu La Curia. Jedan kratak ritual kojim nastavljamo naše predivno putovanje do devete pesme Cabalgando con Bravura (with Gustavo de Hiedra). Koji god da instrument koriste na početku pesme (ja uopšte nemam pojma) božanstveno zvuči. Pesma će vas potpuno razbiti u pozitivnom smislu te reči. Čućete glas samih Bogova i znate šta, uživaćete u svakom trenu, jer ovo je jedna fantastična pesma. Došli smo do pretposlednje pesme Tin lunstir Tauatoteka. Dobar uvod u poslednju numeru El Cerro. Zvuci akustične gitare i frule donose nam smiraj. Jasan i čist vokal nas vodi po predelima KeltIberije. Vidimo antičku Numansiju, divimo se arhitekturi, dišemo punim plućima, jer Iberija je slobodna (lični utisak).
Utisci? Ako neko treba da se ponosi onim što ima onda je to upravo Iberijsko poluostrvo. Keltika Hispanna zajedno sa ostalim bendovima (Àrnica, Drusuna- Ritual Pagan Folk, Cuélebre, Urze de Lume i The Wyrm ) ponosno čuvaju ono što drugi narodi zaboravljaju. A, to je tradicija, koju kroz svoju muziku i koncerte prenose na sledeće generacije. Upravo to su i učinili svojim novim albumom. Svaka im čast na tome, imaju duboko poštovanje sa moje strane. Već dugo pratim muzičku scenu sa tog poluostrva i znam o čemu pričam. Ovi momci će se nadaleko čuti sa svojom muzikom i u to budite uvereni.
Keltika Hispanna
dark neo-folk
Nekue Uertaunei, (2016.)
01: Abuloslouskum
02: Colodra Labrada
03: Devs Candamivs
04: Zurron al Hombro
05: Nekue Uertaunei
06: Ya no lo ven Tus Ojos
07: Bajo la Encina (with Ceccilia de Caelia)
08: La Curia
09: Cabalgando con Bravura (with Gustavo de Hiedra)
10: Tin lunstir Tauatoteka
11: El Cerro
Ocena: 10/10.
Predrag G.
Keltika Hispanna - Nekue Uertaunei, (2016.)
Keltika Hispanna is the dark neo-folk band, which originated in ancient mountains Guadarrama (Spain). They use traditional instruments in their music. Band sing their songs in the language of Castile, as well as on the old Celtiberian language. The band consists of Daniel Salmador, Luis M. Folgado, Iñaki Simón and Andrés Barriga and there since 2011. Proudly preserve the Celtiberian tradition and pass it on to the next generations. After several editions surprised us with a new album Nekue Uertaunei. The album was issued a record label Soliferro Grabaciones Iberas. It is digi eco-pack, made in a special way. On the cover is shown in the forest, which to me when I first held the album in the hands symbolized freedom, culture and tradition. Perfect for start. The album has eleven songs and we go on a journey to ancient Celtiberia.
Opens the track Abuloslouskum. We hear the voice that leads us. Moving on to music and now we hear the sound of traditional instruments. Our enjoyment started. Moving on to another song Colodra Labrada. String instruments in the background. They give us a call to play. Turns on feathering (I think I hit the instrument). There is a brass instrument, which gives a whole new dimension to the track. We did not even notice that you already listen to the third song Devs Candamivs. She started one of the better songs on the album. With the sounds of horns, drums and ritual began. Everything has been carefully planned and served at the right time. A song that takes you up on your feet and take to the heights. Bliss! The fourth track Zurron al Hombre. Acoustic guitar introduces us to the song. Vocals joins us. A harmonious melody in which stand out the sound of the flute, which will make you drunk. Completely overwhelmed and under the influence of moving on to a fifth song Nekue Uertaunei. Sound and ritual voice invite us to join their dance. Joyfully agree to it without question. We came to the sixth song Ya no lo ven Tus Ojos, also the longest song on the whole album. Quiet tones of acoustic guitar with vocals lead us into the song. The melody is what we mean, life is a melody they create. Artists and guardians of tradition, it is Keltika Hispanna. You will see when you listen to the best song on this album (personal impression). Seven tracks Bajo la Encina (with Ceccila de Caelia). Excellent song and visiting celestial female vocals. Bliss! With the same sense of moving on to the eighth song La Curia. One
brief ritual that we continue our journey to the beautiful ninth song Cabalgando con Bravura (with Gustavo de Hiedra). Whatever the instrument used at the beginning of the song (I do not have a clue) heavenly sounds. The song will completely break up in the positive sense of the word. You will hear the voice of the gods themselves, and you know what, you'll enjoy every moment because this is a fantastic song. We came to the penultimate song Tin lunstir Tauatoteka. A good introduction to the last track El Cerro. The sounds of the acoustic guitar and flute, bringing us calm. Clear and clean vocals guides us through landscapes Celtiberia. We see ancient Numancia, admire the architecture, breathing lungs because Iberia is free (personal impression).
Tips? If anyone should be proud of what you have, then this is exactly the Iberian Peninsula. Keltika Hispanna together with other bands (Àrnica, Drusuna- Ritual Pagan Folk, Cuélebre, Urze de Lume i The Wyrm) proudly preserve what other people forget. It is a tradition that in their music and concerts transmitted to the next generation. That's exactly what they did with their new album. Each honor them for that, have a deep respect from my side. For a long time I follow the music scene with the peninsula and I know what I'm saying. These guys will hear the well with his music and in to be sure.
Keltika Hispanna
dark neo-folk
Nekue Uertaunei, (2016.)
01: Abuloslouskum
02: Colodra Labrada
03: Devs Candamivs
04: Zurron al Hombro
05: Nekue Uertaunei
06: Ya no lo ven Tus Ojos
07: Bajo la Encina (with Ceccilia de Caelia)
08: La Curia
09: Cabalgando con Bravura (with Gustavo de Hiedra)
10: Tin lunstir Tauatoteka
11: El Cerro
Mark: 10/10.
Predrag G.
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