
среда, 9. децембар 2015.

Recenzija: Poterna - Fate, (2015.)

Poterna - Fate
[Scroll down for English] 
Projekat Švilova iz Order Of Victory, Poterna svojim albumom Fate, totalno me je zaintrigirala. Kao neko ko prati rad ovog umetnika, očekivanja su bila velika. Album je izdat u 260 primeraka u jednom krajnje zanimljivom spoju, koji oslikava post-industrial. Četiri numere čine ovaj projekat još impozantnijim i to kakve četiri numere. 

Sama istorija ljudskog društva stvorila je ludilo i očaj u jednom trenutku o čemu nas umetnik onako stidljivo upoznaje u prvoj numeri Condemned. Svojom poetikom najavljuje nadolazeću i prošlu apokalipsu. Svet ludila i života koji je ugrožen. Tonovi su mračni, a opet sa druge strane nas bude i teraju da zaplešemo. Kakva je ovo pozitivna novina u svetu muzike. Čista umetnost, koja se danas retko viđa. Uz zvuke sirene za uzbunu prelazimo na drugu pesmu Unfathomable interment. Tonovi težine su oko nas. Pojačavaju se i ne daju nam da se opustimo. Vladari su naše duše. Kako album odmiče osećaj je sve bolji i bolji. Pojavljuju se sekvence iz filmova, kao detalj koji posebno privlači pažnju. Pesma Nimbus out of psychosomatic disorder. Tunel. U njemu smo. Mrak je. Čuje se samo topot točkova, zvuci su tu oko nas. Ne možemo da razaznamo gde smo. Kraj je tu, a mi ni svesni nismo. Tonovi nas upozoravaju, tonovi nas vode dok nas magija muzike obuzima. Glasovi su oko nas. Svet surovosti nastupa. Pripremite se! Poslednja numera na albumu Paralized time, paralizovaće nas u svakom pogledu. Otvoriće nam oči. Atomski rat, rušenja drugih, uništavanja... sve je nestalo. Napadi sa svih strana su evidentni. Ne možemo se tome odupreti, prosto ne možemo. Sva odvratnost ljudskog uma, njegovo je postojanje. Dekadencija čovečanstva je prisutna. Poetika mogućeg je prisutna. Umetnik ovim albumom to proročki najavljuje. Dekadenciju mora pobediti dobrota, napredak i progres. Totalna katarza! Ovaj album treba shvatiti filozofski, koju svakako ima i naravno opet da spomenemo tu proročku nit koju nam umetnik daje. Zbog svega toga je ovaj album toliko poseban. Pravljen za odabrane slušaoce i pobornike istinske filozofije muzike i duše u tonovima.

Status Prod. (2015.)

01: Condemned
02: Unfathomable interment
03: Nimbus out of psychosomatic disorder
04: Paralized time

Ocena: 10/10.


Poterna - Fate

Side project Poterna by Shilov, the leader of martial/neofolk duet Order of Victory, released new debut album Fate. As someone who follows the work of this artist, expectations were high. The album was released in 260 copies in an extremely interesting compound, which reflects the post-industrial. Four tracks make this project even more imposing and it kind of four tracks. 

The very history of human society has created madness and despair at one point with which the artist introduces us to the first track Condemned. His poetics announces the upcoming and last apocalypse. The world of madness and a life that is threatened. The tones are dark, and yet on the other side of us and be forced to dance. What is this positive innovation in the world of music. Pure art, which is rarely seen. With the sounds of sirens move on to another song Unfathomable interment. Tones weights are around us. Intensifying and do not allow us to relax. The rulers of our souls. As the album progresses it feels better and better. Appear sequences from films such detail that particularly attracts attention. Song Nimbus out of psychosomatic disorder. Tunnel. In it we are. It's dark. We only hear the clatter of wheels, sounds that are around us. We can not make out where we are. The end is here and we're not even aware of. Tones warn us, ringing us water until the magic of music overtakes us. The voices around us. World cruelty appearances. Prepare yourself! The last track on the album Paralized time, will follow us in every way. Opens our eyes. Nuclear war, the destruction of others, destruction ... all gone. The attacks from all sides are evident. We can not resist it, we simply can not. All the abomination of the human mind, its existence. The decadence of mankind is present. Poetics potential is present. The artist this album to announce prophetic. Decadence must win goodness, prosperity and progress. Total catharsis! This album should be understood philosophically, which certainly has a course again to mention the prophetic thread that gives us the artist. For all these reasons this album is so unique. Designed for the selected listeners and supporters of true philosophy of music and soul tones.

Status Prod. (2015.)

01: Condemned
02: Unfathomable interment
03: Nimbus out of psychosomatic disorder
04: Paralized time

Mark: 10/10.


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