Merkfolk - The Folk Bringer
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Poljski folk metalci Merkfolk počastili su nas svojim novim izdanjem The Folk Bringer. nakon EP-a, usledio je i album prvenac pod pokroviteljstvom Art Of The Night Productions. Samo izdanje je digipack formata i predstavlja jedno od boljih izdanja ove godine. Tu je i predivan booklet sa tekstovima pesama uz odlične ilustracije. Sam album ima četrnaest pesama ispevanih na poljskom i engleskom jeziku. Folk varijantu upotpunjuju violinom i harmonikom, što me posebno raduje.
Uz Intro započinjemo putovanje u svemu najneobičnije do sada. Preko zvuka ptica prelazimo na pesmu Nananana i odmah najavljuju žestinu u svojim melodijama. Horsko pevanje kao back vokal smenjuje se i napredujemo. Dobri prelazi u saradnji sa harmonikom čine da budemo srećni u melodijama koje nam pružaju. Krajnje pevljiv početak albuma i prelazimo na pesmu Wiła. Uz ženski glas i violinu počinjemo da igramo. Growl vokal dodaje težinu pesmi, koja je sve bolja i bolja kako melodija odmiče. Vokal se posebno izdvaja i melodija ponovo krajnje pevljiva i prijanja slušanju našim ušima. Za početak jedna od pesama koja se posebno izdvaja na albumu. Pesma Topielica, opet brzi tonovi i mekši growl vokal. Uživamo i prelazimo na sledeću The Song Of The Possessed. Uz zvuke gavrana, harmonike i violine dolazimo do najbolje pesme na albumu (lični utisak). Spor početak, a onda boom. Tonovi sirovi, još jači growl vokal i skačemo, jer bend to od nas traži, a mi smo u potpunosti opsednuti njihovom muzikom, tekstovima. Savršena numera! Nema stajanja i samo nas bombarduju tonovima. Razbijeni smo u svakom pogledu i u tome u potpunosti uživamo. Nema šale sa njima. To nam itekako postaje jasno. Šesta numera Instrumental, koji na jedan lep način pokazuje sve folk uticaje benda kao dobar uvod u sledeću pesmu Weselisko. Uz zvuke harmonike krećemo da igramo. Jedna krajnje pevljiva pesma i u opuštenoj varijanti. To je ono što krasi ovaj bend, vrlo dinamične melodije. Idemo na Meadows And Fields, uz odličan lagan uvod i simfonijsko orkestriranje violinom uz krajnje simpatično soliranje harmonikom. A onda glas iz dubine, uz jedan tipičan growl vokal, udara dok u pozadini umiruje nas mili ženski vokal. Devetom numerom Trust, nateraće nas da poverujemo u sve što nam kažu. Melodija je toliko dobra, da tu nikako nemamo dileme. Opet ženski back vokal koji u tandemu sa growl vokalom pravi spektakl. Borićemo se zajedno sa njima, pristajemo na to, i otpor ćemo pružati do poslednjeg. Ne odustajemo. Pesma Merkfolk, voda najavljuje početak. Balada u svom pogledu, opušteni tonovi i nezaobilazna violina. Jedna topla i mila pesma kroz koju nas vodi ženski vokal toliko savršeno da i ne primećujemo da smo prešli na pesmu Śwagry. Nakon balade, nastavljamo sa bržim tonovima i sve upečatljivijim growl vokalom. Violina i dalje dominira centralnim tonovima u pesmi. Odličan osećaj. Pesma Wingstone, bas je jači, violina prati u stopu dok bend svira kao jedan. Osećamo pomalo i teže solaže u pesmi što nam izuzetno prija. Vokal dominira i dalje i razbija nas. Pesma Postrzyżyny, nema odmaranja iako smo na samom kraju albuma. Tonovi ubitačni, a negde od sredine pesme se smiruju, tiši su. Sviđa mi se što je dinamika sveprisutna u njihovom radu, na njihovom albumu. Za kraj Outro uz cvrkut ptica i zvuk harmonike završavamo preslušavanje ovog odličnog albuma.
Utisci, odlični svakako. Merkfolk iako mlad bend pokazuje zrele tonove, ozbiljne tektstove i napreduje u svakom pogledu. Svakako topla preporuka sa moje strane da što pre kupite ovaj album i proširite reč folk metala.
folk metal
Art Of The Night Productions, (2015.)
01: Intro
02: Nananana
03: Wiła
04: Toplielica
05: The Song Of The Possessed
06: Instrumental
07: Weselisko
08: Meadows And Fields
09: Trust
10: Merkfolk
11: Śwagry
12: Wingstone
13: Postrzyżyny
14: Outro
Ocena: 9/10.
Merkfolk - The Folk Bringer
Polish folk metallers Merkfolk honored us with their new release The Rock Bringer. After the EP, released the first album under the auspices of the Art Of The Night Productions. Release of the digipack format and is one of the best releases of the year. There is a beautiful booklet with the lyrics and excellent illustrations. The album has fourteen songs in polish and english. Folk variant complete violin and accordion, makes me particularly happy.
With the Intro begins a journey in all the most unusual so far. Over the sound of birds pass on song Nananana and immediately announce the violence in their tunes. Choral singing as a back vocalist, changing and progressing. Good passes in cooperation with accordion make us happy tunes that we provide. The ultimate euphonious beginning of the album and pass on song Wiła. With a female voice and violin begin to play. Growl vocals adds weight to the songs, which is getting better and better as the melody progresses. Vocals are particularly isolated and extremely catchy melody again and adheres to listening to our ears. To start one of the songs that stands out on the album. Song Topielica again quick tones and softer growl vocals. We enjoy and move on to the next The Song Of The Possessed. With the sound of a raven, accordion and violin come to the best song on the album (personal impression). Slow start, and then boom. Tones raw, yet powerful vocals growl and jump, because the band is asked of us, and we're completely obsessed with their music and lyrics. The perfect track! There is no downtime and only bombard us tones. Broken are in every respect and fully enjoy it. No jokes with them. It becomes clear to us very much. The sixth track is Instrumental, that's a nice way to show all the folk influences of the band as a good introduction to the next song Weselisko. With the sounds of the accordion to start to play. An extremely catchy song and relaxed atmosphere. This is what adorns this band, very dynamic melodies. Let's go to the Meadows And Fields, with an excellent and easy introduction to the symphonic orchestration of a violin with an extremely charming accordion solos. And then the voice from the rear, with a typical growl vocals, attack while in the background soothes us dear female vocalist. Ninth song Trust,the piece will force us to believe in everything we say. The melody is so good, that there can not have doubts. Again the female backing vocals, which in tandem with growl vocals quite a spectacle. We will fight together with them, we agree on that, and we will provide resistance to the last. Do not give up. Song Merkfolk, water announces the start. Ballad in her view, relaxed tones and unavoidable violin. One warm and loving poem through which leads female vocalist so perfect that not even notice that we move on to the song Śwagry. After ballads, continue with faster tones and all the more striking growl vocals. Violin and still dominates the central tones in songs. A great feeling. Song Wingston, bass is stronger, violin followed closely while the band played as one. We feel a bit more difficult solos in songs that we very good. Vocals still dominates and breaks us. Song Postrzyżyny, no rest even though we are at the end of the album. Tones deadly, and from the middle of the songs are calm, quiet are. Like the ubiquitous dynamics in their work, on their album. To end the Outro to the chirping of birds and the sound of the accordion finish playback of this excellent album.
The impressions are excellent indeed. Merfolk although young band shows mature tones, serious tektstove and progress in every respect. Be sure to warm recommendation from my side that the sooner you buy this album and spread the word of folk metal.
folk metal
Art Of The Night Productions, (2015.)
01: Intro
02: Nananana
03: Wiła
04: Toplielica
05: The Song Of The Possessed
06: Instrumental
07: Weselisko
08: Meadows And Fields
09: Trust
10: Merkfolk
11: Śwagry
12: Wingstone
13: Postrzyżyny
14: Outro
Mark: 9/10.
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