
четвртак, 3. децембар 2015.

Recenzija: Order Of Victory & Sacris Tandem - Strength Of Materials, (2015.)

Order Of Victory & Sacris Tandem - Strength Of Materials

[Scroll down for English] 
Order Of Victory, martial/neofolk duo iz Rusije ne prestaje da me oduševljava, što svojim tekstovima, što svojom muzikom i samom aranžmanu albuma. Pratim njihov rad još iz vremena projekta Cold Design. Mislio sam da jesu albumom Memento Belli dostigli vrhunac. Ali onda albumom Lost Decembar uverili da su još više napredovali i sada svojim poslednjim izdanjem Strength Of Materials, totalno su me oduševili. Sama kompozicija albuma je velika novina u tom delu muzičkog sveta. U pitanju je jedna pesma na čitavom albumu. Fizički izgled ostavlja bez daha. Sama crvena boja  i idejno rešenje omota predstavljaju pun pogodak, kao i saradnja na albumu sa projektom Sacris Tandem.

Počeli smo sa preslušavanjem albuma i uplovili u martial svet. Prvi tonovi dosta mračno najavljuju stanje stvari. Polako u pozadini čuje se glas. Kombinuje se muški vokal sa ženskim vokalom. Upotpunjuje ga horsko pevanje. Order Of Victory sa Sacris Tandem-om uvodi nas polako u novi svet muzike. Zvona su tu, najavljuju nešto. Stvaraju sumnju, a mi uživamo. Da, da... muzika koju stvaraju vodi nas sve dalje napred. Priča se uveliko pripoveda i muzika postaje sve bolja. Tonovi podsećaju u pojedinim momentima na pucnjavu, glas na topovsku vatru. Album ulazi (36min) u progresivniji martial žanr. Muzika se menja. Brža je. Dinamika postoji. Glas iz dubine. Atmosfera koju najavljuju bubnjevi u pozadini. Sklad nesklada na jedan potpuno savršen način. To je muzika na ovom albumu. Apsolutno uživanje. Mistika je oko nas i to je ono što odlikuje ovaj album. Na jedan potpuno novi način daju nov prilaz muzici, koja se može doživeti samo uz ovaj album. Zvona su opet tu, horsko pevanje, koncepcija albuma se menja (27min). Tonovi postaju malo dinamičniji i mi uživamo. Opaka muzika stvarana samo za izabrane slušaoce. Emocijom tonova i bistrinom tekstova udara u svaku poru naše duše. Majstori muzike, umetnici nestvarnog, to čini ovaj duet. Ako ste pomislili da je to sve prevarili ste se. Ostavljeno je najbolje za kraj. Ulazimo u poslednju etapu albuma. Oko nas su kozaci. Tonovi potpuno drugačiji. Dinamika je sve jača. Tekst totalno na mestu. Kombinacija horskog pevanja, muškog glasa u pozadini uz sveprisutne bubnjeve tera nas da ustanemo. Tonove pratimo. Oni nam govore napred, a mi ih ponizno slušamo. Gospodari našeg vremena postaju. Privodimo polako album kraju i nakon uživanja u muzici slede utisci. 
Album konceptualno predstavlja veliki pomak u muzici. Novinu u pravljenju pesama. Sam album priča priču, ispričanu u jednoj pesmi, u jednom dahu. Ovo je omaž jednom vremenu koje traje. Ovo je album, koji će svakako obeležiti martial muziku. Ovo je album, koji svakako što pre morate nabaviti i prepustiti se martial/neofolku. Uživajte!
Album možete preslušati ili kupiti putem ovog linka.

Order Of Victory & Sacris Tandem
Casus Belli Musica, (2015.)

01: Strength Of Materials

Ocena: 9,5/10.

Order Of Victory & Sacris Tandem - Strength Of Materials

Order Of Victory, martial / neo-folk duo from Russia ceases to amazes me, as their songs, which his music and the friendly album. Following their work from the time the project Cold Design. I thought they were the album Memento Belli reached its peak. But then the album Lost December sure they are even more advanced and now their latest release Strength of Materials, has delighted me. The very composition of the album is very new in this part of the music world. It's a song on the whole album. Physical appearance breathtaking. The very red color and preliminary design covers are a hit, as well as cooperation on the album with the project Sacris Tandem.

We started with listening to the album, and sailed in the martial world. The first sounds quite gloomy announce state of affairs. Slowly, in the background you hear a voice. It combines the male vocals with female vocals. It completes the chorus. Order Of Victory with Sacris Tandem a slowly introduces us to a new world of music. The bells were there, announce something. They create suspicion, and we enjoy. Yes, yes ... the music they create takes us further forward. The story is largely narrates and music is becoming better. The tones are reminiscent in some moments in the shooting, the voice of the cannon fire. Album inputs (36min) in progressive martial genre. Music is changing. It is faster. The dynamics there. The voice from the depths. The atmosphere that announce the drums in the background. Harmony disharmony in a completely perfect manner. The music on this album. Absolutely enjoyment. Mysticism is about us and this is what distinguishes this album. On an entirely new way of giving new approach to music, which can be experienced only with this album. The bells were here again, choral singing, the concept of the album is changed (27min). The tones are becoming a little more dynamic and we enjoy. Wicked music created just for the chosen audience. Emotion tones and clarity of the texts reaches every pore of our soul. Masters of music, artists unreal, it makes this duo. If you thought that was all you were wrong. It is left the best for last. We are entering the final stage of the album. Around us the Cossacks. Tones completely different. Dynamics is getting stronger. The text has in place. The combination of choral singing, a male voice in the background with drums ubiquitous forces us to stand up. The tones follow. They tell us forward, and we humbly listen to them. The masters of our time are becoming. The negotiations on the album slowly end and after enjoying the music following impressions.
Album conceptually represents a major shift in music. The novelty in making songs. The album tells the story, told in a song, and in the same breath. This is an homage to a time that lasts. This is an album, which will be marked by martial music. This is an album that certainly as soon as you need to obtain and surrender to martial / neo-folk. Enjoy!
Album can listen or buy through this link. 

Order Of Victory & Sacris Tandem
Casus Belli Musica, (2015.)

01: Strength Of Materials

Mark: 9,5/10.

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