

среда, 3. децембар 2014.

Intervju: Threshold of Pain (SAD)

Threshold of Pain

[Scroll down for English] 
Tragajući za novim muzičkim pravcima i bendovima, Celtic - Slavic Webzine Serbia uspostavio je kontakt sa bendom Threshold of Pain iz SAD-a. U intervjuu za naš Webzine bend je pričao sa nama o svojoj muzici, uticajima i planovima za budućnost.

1. Znam da nije posebno bitno u Americi, ali, u vezi je imena Webzina je, da li postoje neke veze sa Keltskim i Slovenskim narodom sa tobom?
Threshold of Pain:  Ne, ne postoje!

2. Heavy metal danas, za bendove koji nisu u prvoj ligi, znači puno posla, energije i žrtvovanja, malo fanova, velikih koncerata i novca. Gde je Threshold of Pain u tom smislu?
Threshold of Pain: Mi ono što radimo, radimo iz ljubavi i uživamo u izvođenju. Muzička industrija se zaista bori ovih dana. Muzičari se uvek trude, ali sa tehnologijom je puno lakše muziku pustiti, promovisati po svetu. mi u tome nismo zbog novca. Ako bi to bio slučaj, verovatno bih već dali otkaz, hahaha!

3. Kako je bend dobio ime?
Threshold of Pain: Threshold of Pain - zaprava ideja je došla iz časopisa, koji sam čitao. Termin biće prag bola, koji muzika čini vašim ušima. Činilo se prikladno.

4. Koliko dugo bend postoji? Kada ste počeli?
Threshold of Pain: Zajedno smo već tri godine. Sa dolaskom Dave Z, bend konačno radi na novom albumu, koji bi trebalo da izađe sledeće godine.

5. Ko su članovi benda?
Threshold of Pain: 
Matt Arellano -vokal,
Dave Zumbrun-gitara,

Ira Brown - bubanj,

Owen Brown- bas.

6. Kako bi opisali vaš muzički pravac?
Threshold of Pain: Sirovo, pravo u lice, stara škola metal-a.

7. O čemu pevate u vašim pesmama?
Threshold of Pain: O užasnim prizorima, svetskim dešavanjima, istoriji, životu.

8. Recite mi nešto o vašoj diskografiji, yt postovima, velikim koncertima koje ste imali itd.?
Threshold of Pain: Možete dobiti više informacija na  http://www.severehearingdamage.com/ i linkovima na Fejsbuku, YT-u i Reverbnation.

9. Planovi za budućnost?
Threshold of Pain: Nastavljamo da pišemo i snimamo. Nadamo se velikim nastupima i ostvarenjima na leto 2015. godine.

10. Da li biste voleli da svirate u Evropi?
Threshold of Pain: Ne samo da, već PROKLETO DA!!!

11. Vaša poruka za čitaoce Webzina?
Threshold of Pain: Održavajte Metal živim! \m/


1. I know that it’s not really important in America, but, according to the webzine’s name, I have to ask you this: do you have any genetical connections with Celtic or Slavic people?

Threshold of Pain: None!

2. Heavy metal today, for those bands that aren’t in the first league, means a lot of  work, energy and sacrifice and a little of fans, big gigs and money. Where’s your threshold of pain in that sense?

Threshold of Pain: We do what we do for the love of music and the enjoyment of playing . The music industry is really struggling these days. Musicians have always struggled, but with technology it is a lot easier to get the music out to the world. We aren't in it for the money. If that was the case we probably would have quit already, hahaha!

3. How did the band got his name?

Threshold of Pain: Threshold of  Pain - actually the ida came from a manual I read for my mixing board. The term being, the point sound makes your ears hurt. Seemed appropriate.

4. How long the band exists? How you started?

Threshold of Pain: We have been together for about 3years. With the addition of  Dave Z , the band is finally working on our first album to be released sometime next year.

5. Who are members of the band?

Threshold of Pain: 
Matt Arellano -vocals,

Dave Zumbrun-guitars,

Ira Brown - drums,

Owen Brown- bass.

6. How would you describe your music style?

Threshold of Pain: Raw, in your face , old school metal.

7. What are your songs about?

Threshold of Pain: Atrocities ,World events , History , Life.

8. Tell me something about your discography, YouTube posts, biggest gigs you had etc.?

Threshold of Pain: You can get more info at www.severe hearing damage.com  and find links to Facebook ,YouTube & Reverbnation.

9. What are your plans for the future?

Threshold of Pain: Keep writing & recording . Keep eyes open for opportunities to play next summer 2015.

10. Would you like to play in Europe? 

Threshold of Pain: Not only yes ,but HELL YES !!!!"!"

11. Your message for readers of this webzine?  

Threshold of Pain: Keep the Metal Alive! \m/

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