
понедељак, 12. август 2019.

Recenzija: Theusz - Avant Garde, Skull Line (2019.)

Theusz - Avant Garde, (2019.)

(Scroll down for English)
Theusz je kolektiv internacionalnih umetnika koji nam svojom muzikom pokazuju kako se bori protiv modernog sveta. Dolaze nam iz Francuske, a alfa i omega projekta je čovek pod imenom Theusz Deflandre. Skull Line izdao im je novi album Avant Garde u osamdeset osam primeraka. Album sadrži ukupno sedamnaest pesama i mi krećemo u recenziranje. 

Album otvara numera MEGA - Hommage à Waffenruhe, na moje veliko oduševljenje. Soldat D. je bio veliki umetnik i ovom pesmom data je počast njegovom radu. Odličan start albuma. Druga numera, Laibach is Dead. Nastavak baš onakav kakav treba da bude. Martial žanr obojen electro tonovima. Prija u svakom pogledu dok nas tonovi udaraju svuda po telu. Treća numera, Avant-Garde (feat. Barafoetida). I dalje su tu electro tonovi. Uživanje nastavljamo. Prelazimo na četvrtu, Anti-performance (feat. Imperial Cathedral) i petu numeru Pensée, parole, action! Tonovi maestralni, akcija počinje. Preuzimamo stvari u svoje ruke. Mi smo vlasnici svoje sudbine. Odlučujemo sami o sebi. Muzikom protiv Geopolitike modernog sveta, još jedan dokaz da je to moguće koji nam Theusz daje preko svojih pesama. Šesta numera, Andersen. Simfonijski tonovi se javljaju, prijaju nam. Andersen govori. Kazuje nam šta da očekujemo. Spremni smo. Sedma numera, Eurasie (feat. SPPK). Evroazija je sve! Budućnost kojoj čovečanstvo mora i treba da teži. Hiperboreja i Tula su blizu! Ubedljivo najbolja pesma na albumu (lični utisak). Osma numera, Fraternitat (feat. H.O.S.T), poznati tonovi i saradnja muzičara iz Šlezije i Francuske. U ratničkom maniru prelazimo na devetu numeru, Kaiserbund (feat. Gevaudan). Electro industrial je oko nas. Svetla se javljaju i nastavljamo uživanje. Slušamo pomno svaku notu, koju nam ova pesma donosi. Prešli smo na desetu, Sois la révolution Interlude (feat. Droid Legion) i jedanaestu numeru, Esthet. Dve pesme, koje kao spoj čine jednu. Došli smo do dvanaeste numere, Seppuku. Odlični tonovi, Mišima u pozadini. Sve je spremno za državni udar. Tradicionalisti se ne prepuštaju novom svetskom poretku. Ostaje čast i sepuku. Trinaesta, En avant! i četrnaesta numera, Objectivisme (feat. Giovinezza Europea), tonovi nas vode dalje. Glasniji su nego ranije. Prijaju još više. Došli smo do petnaeste numere, Ordo ab Chaos. Najava haosa koji nam dolazi. Pretposlednja numera na ovom albumu je BlutKult. Zvona u daljini, tonovi su sve jači. Kult je spreman, a i mi smo spremni za njega. Poslednja numera, Nihil Novi Sub Sole (feat. Imperial Cathedral). Proročki za kraj!
Utisci? Relativno skoro sam se upoznao sa radom Theusz projekta. Moram reći da sam dobio šta sam tražio. Muziku koja ima smisla, muziku koja se tonovima bori za neko bolje sutra svih nas, muziku koja čuva i neguje neke danas nažalost, zaboravljene vrednosti.

martial, electro, industrial
Skull Line, (2019.)

Ocena: 9/10.

made by: Predrag G.

Theusz - Avant Garde, (2019.)

Theusz is a collective of international artists who show us in their music how to fight the modern world. They come from France, and the alpha and omega project is a man named Theusz Deflandre. Skull Line released their new album Avant Garde in eighty-eight copies. The album contains seventeen songs in total and we are going into the review.
The album opens with MEGA - Hommage à Waffenruhe, much to my delight. Soldat D. was a great artist and this song honored his work. Great start to the album. Another track, Laibach is Dead. A sequel just as it should be. Martial genre colored with electro tones. It admires in every way as tones strike us all over the body. Third track, Avant-Garde (feat. Barafoetida). There are still electro tones. We continue to enjoy. We move on to the fourth, Anti-performance (feat. Imperial Cathedral) and the fifth track Pensée, parole, action! Mistral tones, action begins. We take matters into our own hands. We are the owners of our destiny. We make our own decisions. With music against the Geopolitics of the modern world, further proof that this is possible is what Theusz gives us through his songs. Sixth track, Andersen. Symphony tones occur, pleasing us. Andersen speaks. It tells us what to expect. We're ready. The seventh track, Eurasie (feat. SPPK). Eurasia is everything! The future that humanity must and should strive for. Hyperborea and Tula are close! By far the best song on the album (personal impression). Eighth track, Fraternitat (feat. H.O.S.T), famous tones and collaboration of musicians from Silesia and France. In the warrior manner, we move on to the ninth track, Kaiserbund (feat. Gevaudan). Electro industrial is all around us. The lights come on and we continue to enjoy ourselves. We listen carefully to every note this song brings us. We moved on to the tenth, Sois la révolution Interlude (feat. Droid Legion) and the eleventh track, Esthet. Two songs, which as a compound make one. We came to the twelfth track, Seppuku. Great tones, Mishima in the background. Everything is ready for the coup. Traditionalists are not indulging in a new world order. It remains an honor and seppuku. Thirteenth, One avant! and the fourteenth track, Objectivisme (feat. Giovinezza Europea), the tones take us further. They are louder than before. They love it even more. We came to the fifteenth track, Ordo ab Chaos. The announcement of the chaos that is coming to us. The penultimate track on this album is BlutKult. The bells in the distance, the tones are getting stronger. The cult is ready, and we are ready for the cult. Last track, Nihil New Sub Sole (feat. Imperial Cathedral). Prophets of the place!
Impressions? Relatively, I was almost introduced to the work of Theusz Project. I must say I got what I was looking for. Music that makes sense, music that tones for a better tomorrow for all of us, music that preserves and nurtures some, unfortunately, forgotten values today. 
martial, electro, industrial
Skull Line, (2019.)

Mark: 9/10.

made by: Predrag G.


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