Sonnenkind - Sternensaat/Der Traumgarten, Alte Welt, (2018.)
Sa muzičkim projektom Sonnenkind, naši čitaoci u Srbiji su se već upoznali, ali sada imamo jednu lepu novost za vas. Izašao je novi album Sternensaat/Der Traumgarten. Tematski je podeljen na dve celine. Ima ukupno sedamnaest pesama i mi krećemo u preslušavanje nemačkog folka prošaranog sunčevim zracima.
Album otvara prva pesma i nežne melodije. Glas i čistina zvuka gitare je ono što se posebno izdvaja. Melodija nas vodi u svet uživanja (lični utisak). Nežno i tačno u svakom segmentu. Idemo dalje na drugu numeru gde su za nijansu brži tonovi. Ali nam se samo tako čini. Sklad je tu. I prešli smo na treću pesmu Der Tempel. Taj prepoznatljivi zvuk gitare nas podiže i tera da igramo. Nepoznavanje nemačkog jezika, uopšte vam neće biti prepreka u preslušavanju albuma, sve to čini emocija koju umetnik u ovoj pesmi pruža slušaocima. Sledeća četvrta, sada već čuvena obrada, meni lično jedna od omiljenih, pesma koji oslikava autora i samu Indokinu (opet lični utisak). Samo se prepustite i uživajte. Preko pete numere prelazimo na sledeću šestu pesmu, svakako dragulj samog albuma. To je Ulaanbaatariin Udesh, u kojoj gostuje Yuan Jing. Gitara nas uvodi u pesmu. Krećemo. Vokali su neodoljivi. Božanstven je osećaj. U Mongoliji smo i stepom hodamo. Priroda je oko nas. Najbolje sa albuma, a ni do polovine nismo došli. Sledeća sedma i osma pesma nastavljaju istim tempom i ne predstavljaju da nas zadivljuju. Jednostavno uživamo. Prvi opus albuma je završen i prelazimo na sledeći deo i devetu pesmu Goldner Lebenswein, gde gostuje Allerseelen (Gerhard Hallstatt). Za nijansu drugačija melodija. Usporenije je, ali savršeno prija. Došli smo do desete numere Ein Anfang, gde opet čujemo božanstveni glas Yuan Jing. Opijeni smo muzikom koju su nam u ovoj pesmi podarili. Jedanaesta pesma nas vodi u sledeću dvanaestu La Disolucion del Individuo, gde gostuje Septimo Romae. Pesma sa porukom, koja proročki gleda napred. Trinaesta pesma, čujemo klavir, koji nas opušta. Iznova uključuje se vokal Rudolfa S. Milina jedna za slušati. Sledeća četrnaesta My Inner Garden, takođe jedna od omiljenih, gde umetnik pokazuje svoje savršenstvo u muzici, a Anastasija velikanova u tekstu koji je napisala za ovu pesmu. Davno sam čuo tu pesmu i okupirala me je potpuno za sva vremena. Drago mi je da je našla svoje zasluženo mesto na ovom još savršenijem albumu. Petnaesta pesma Patagonia Libre, obrada numere čileanskog muzičara Rex Folk-a.Jednostavno, neka Patagonija slobodna bude zanavek. Ko razume shvatiće. Bližimo se kraju albuma i slušamo The True Colour of The Wind, obradu pesme projekta Sinweldi. Na jedan poseban način je to učinjeno. Definitivno posle ove obrade, zavoleću još više Sinweldi. Za kraj Sonne-Golthi-Ade, obrada pesme Allerseelen-a. Savršeno.
Utisci? Album koji zaslužuje svaku pažnju i da se nađe u kolekciji svakog poštovaoca iskrene i iskonske muzike. A, upravo Rudolf S. to i radi. Stvara muziku sa dušom i samo za vas.
folk /neofolk
Alte Wlet, (2018.)
Ocena: 9,5/10.
Recenziju napisao: Predrag G.
Sonnenkind - Sternensaat/Der Traumgarten, Alte Welt, (2018.)
With the Sonnenkind music project, our readers in Serbia have already met, but now we have a nice news for you. New album Sternensaat / Der Traumgarten was released. The thematic is divided into two parts. He has a total of seventeen songs and we start to listen the German folk surrounded by sunshine.
Album opens first song and delicate tunes. The voice and purity of the sound of the guitar is what is particularly special. The melody leads us into the world of enjoyment (personal impression). Gently and accurately in every segment. Let's go on to the next track where the shades are faster. But it just seems to us. The fund is here. And we moved on to the third song Der Tempel. This recognizable sound of the guitar raises us and makes us play. Not knowing the german language, you will not have any obstacles to listening to the album at all, it all makes the emotion the artist offers in this song to the listeners. The next fourth, now well-known processing, me personally one of the favorites, a song that depicts the author and Indochina itself (again a personal impression). Just relax and enjoy. Through the fifth track we are going to the next sixth song, certainly the gem of the album itself. This is Ulaanbaatariin Udesh, with Yuan Jing. Guitar introduces us into a song. Off we go. The vocals are irresistible. It's a divine sense. We are walking in Mongolia. Nature is around us. Best of the album, and we did not come to half.
Album opens first song and delicate tunes. The voice and purity of the sound of the guitar is what is particularly special. The melody leads us into the world of enjoyment (personal impression). Gently and accurately in every segment. Let's go on to the next track where the shades are faster. But it just seems to us. The fund is here. And we moved on to the third song Der Tempel. This recognizable sound of the guitar raises us and makes us play. Not knowing the german language, you will not have any obstacles to listening to the album at all, it all makes the emotion the artist offers in this song to the listeners. The next fourth, now well-known processing, me personally one of the favorites, a song that depicts the author and Indochina itself (again a personal impression). Just relax and enjoy. Through the fifth track we are going to the next sixth song, certainly the gem of the album itself. This is Ulaanbaatariin Udesh, with Yuan Jing. Guitar introduces us into a song. Off we go. The vocals are irresistible. It's a divine sense. We are walking in Mongolia. Nature is around us. Best of the album, and we did not come to half.
The next seventh and eighth songs continue at the same pace and do not represent us as being amazed. We just enjoy it. The first opus of the album is completed and we are going to the next part and the ninth song Goldner Lebenswein, with Allerseelen (Gerhard Hallstatt). A different tune for the nuance. It's slower, but it's perfectly nice. We came to the tenth track Ein Anfang, where we again hear the divine voice of Yuan Jing. We were caught up with the music that they gave us in this song. The eleventh song leads us to the next twelve, La Disolucion del Individuo, where he hosts Septimo Romae. A song with a message, which prophetically looks forward. Thirteen songs, we hear the piano, which relaxes us. Again, Rudolf S. Amazing vocals include one to listen. The next fourteenth My Inner Garden, also one of the favorites, where the artist shows his perfection in music, and Anastasia Velikanova in the text that she wrote for this song. I heard that song long ago and it occupied me completely for all time. I'm glad she found her deserved place on this even more perfect album. Fifteenth song by Patagonia Libre, processing the track of Chilean musician Rex Folk. Simply, let Patagonia be free. Who understands, will understand. We are nearing the end of the album and listening to The True Color of The Wind, processing the song of the Sinweldi project. In one particular way, this is done. Definitely after this processing, I will love even more Sinweldi. For the end, Sonne-Golthi-Ade, the processing of the song Allerseelen. Perfect.
Impressions? An album that deserves all the attention and is found in the collection of every honest and primal music admirer. And exactly Rudolf S. is doing it. Makes music with true soul and just for you.
Impressions? An album that deserves all the attention and is found in the collection of every honest and primal music admirer. And exactly Rudolf S. is doing it. Makes music with true soul and just for you.
folk /neofolk
Alte Wlet, (2018.)
Mark: 9,5/10.
Made by: Predrag G.
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