
среда, 4. јануар 2017.

Recenzija: Huldre – Tusmørke, (2016.)

Huldre – Tusmørke

[Scroll down for English] 
Huldre nam dolaze iz Danske i prave predivnu pagan-folk muziku o trolovima, vilama, starim nordijskim pričama i legendama...  Ovoj formuli ostaju verni i na ovom albumu.  Šest članova koji su svi veoma talentovani muzičari uspevaju da inkorporiraju u svoj muzički izraz više različitih intrumenata i tehnika sviranja, a opet ne izgubivši u tom procesu smisao.  Svoju muziku su obogatili nekim tipičnim srednjevekovnim instrumentima i njihovi scenski nastupi su veoma bogat vizuelni doživljaj, jer na binu obično ne izlaze bez dosta zelenila.  Nanna Barsley je osoba veoma moćnog vokala koju teško da možete da fotografišete dok je na bini, jer je stalno u pokretu, kao što je i njihova muzikam što samo pokazuje sa koliko energije i predanosti oni pristupaju svojoj muzici.  Tu su još i Troel Dueholm na flauti, Laura Beck na violini, na gitari i lauti je Lasse Olufson, basista je Bjarne Kristiansen a bubnjeve i ostale udaraljke svira Jacob Lund.  Verni svojoj nordijskoj tradiciji, ne odustaju od upotrebe maternjeg jezika (norveški i danski), ali kada njihova muzika jednom obuhvati i zarobi vaša čula, skoro da i ne primećujete da postoji jezička barijera. Nakon veoma uspešnog Intet Manneskebarn, bend je učesvovao na mnogim velikim svirkama i pobrao je brojne nagrade, uključujući i treće mesto na Wacken Metal Battle 2014.

Na ovom albumu su zasukali rukave i zaista odlučili da se širokoj svetskoj sceni predstave albumom koji je veoma pažljivo promišljen i izveden, tako da je veoma prijatan za slušanje.
„Jagt“, pesma koja otvara album je, već na samom startu, prava eksplozija finih i tananih melodija na flauti, violini, sa oštrim gitarskim rifovima i bubnjevima koji prosto eksplodiraju u vašim ušima.  Nanna suvereno vlada svojim glasovnim sposobnostima.  Produkcijski, ovaj album je uspeo da istanke sve finese i detalje koji muziku koju ovaj bend izvodi i čini tako posebnom.  Produkcija je mnogo izbalansiranija i nekako bogatija u poredjenju sa produkcijom na prethodnim Huldre albumima.  Već nakon prvog slušanja je jasno da je bend uspeo da svoju verziju folk-metala postavi na veoma visoko mesto.  „Hindeham“ je prosto pisana za živo izvodjenje, i predstavlja jednu od onih pesama koju jednostavno morate da čujete da biste poverovali da postoji.  „Varulv“ ponovo ističe Nannine vokalne sposobnosti, jer u ovoj pesmi ona svoj glas izvija do polu-operatičnih visina, dok su gitare i bubnjevi prosto usijani.  „Underjordisk“ je jedna od bržih pesama na albumu i prosto vam odaje utisak pesme koju možete da slušate jedino dok jurcate na konju.  „Skifting“ počinje sa finom bas linijom, da bi postepeno izrasla u pravi gigant od pesme u kojoj se vešto menjaju raspoloženja.  „Faestemand“ je još jedna od pesama koja ističe nebeski kvalitet Nanninog glasa.  „Morke“ i „Tearing“ su teškaši, dok „Tearing“ počinje sa nekim gotovo retro feelingom relizovanim zvukom gitare i svojim hipnotičkim ritmom.  Negde oko polovine violina čini da se pesma razvije u pravi folk-hard hitter.
Na ovaj album se čekalo četiri godine i vredelo je svakog dana čekanja.  Album pokazuje zreliji bend.  Jasan zvuk je pokazatelj da i u metal muzici postoje veoma kvalitetni muzičari koji itekako znaju da prave dobre kombijacije.  Fantastičan muzički doživljaj.

Huldre – Tusmørke
pagan folk metal

Ocena: 9/10.

Recenziju napisao: Igor Živić

Huldre – Tusmørke

Band Huldre are hailing from Danmark and they are making beautiful lpagan-folk music about trolls, fairies, old nordic stories and legends...  They have staied faithfull to this formula on this album too.  Six band members that are very talented musitians have successfully incorporated in their musical expression many different musical instruments and techniques, and again, their music hasn't lost any meaning and sense.  They have enriched it by some typical Middle Age instruments and their stage appearances are very rich visual expirience, because on the stage they are goind out with full scenography.  Nanna Barsley is a person with very powerfull vocal and you will have a big problem of photographing her on the stage, because she is in constant movement, so is their music.  There are also Troel Dueholm on flute, Laura Beck on violine, on guitar and lauta is Lasse Olufson, bass player is Bjerne Kristiansen, and drums and other percussions are plaied by Jacob Lund.  Their shows are true showcase of how much energy and dedication they are doing what they do best with.  Faithfull to their Nordic tradition, they are not giving up on use of their native language (Danish and Norwegian), but when their music at once possess your senses, you will even not notice that there is a language barrier present. 
After very successful Intet Manneskabarn, the band has took part in many big gigs and has reaped great revards, including the third place on Wacken Mwetal Battle 2014.  This time, they have rolled up their sleeves and really decided to introduce themselves with an album that is very well thought out and executed, so it is very pleasent listening experience.  „Jagt“ is a sond that opens the album, and right from the beginning, you have a real explosion of nice and gentle flute melodies, violine and sharp guitar riffs and drumms that are exploding in your ears.  Nanna is souvereign in her vocal delivery.  Productionwise, this album succeded in accentuating all the finesses and details that make the music this bend is performing so special.  Production is much more ballanced and somehow richer in comparison with the production on their previous efforts.  Already after first listen it is clear that the band positioned their version of folk-metal on very high place.  „Hindeham“ is simply composed for live performance, and is one of those songs that you simply have to hear to believe how it sounds.  „Varulv“ again puts Nannas vocals in full front, because in this track she is goind with her voise co some full operatic hights, and guitars and drumms are simply burning fire.  „Underjordisk“ is one of faster tracks on the album and gives the impression of the song that you can listen only 'till you are charging on the back of a horse into battle.  „Skifting“ beginns with nice bass line, but it gradually grows into a real gigantic song with many mood changes.  „Faestemand“ is another track guided by a the heavenly qualityof Nannas vocals.  „Morke“ and „Tearing“ are both heavy weights, with the latter one beginning with some almost rethro feeling realized through the guitar sound and trully hypnotic rhythm.  Somewhere at the half of the song, the violine makes it into another folk-hard hitter.
Four years fans oh Huldre hava had to wait on this album, and it has been worthy of waiting.  The album is showing that behind it is a more mature band.   Its clear sound is a evidence that in metal music there are many high-quality musitians that know how to make good musical combination.  Fantastic musical experience.
Huldre – Tusmørke
pagan folk metal

Mark: 9/10.

Made by: Igor Živić

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