
понедељак, 30. јануар 2017.

Recenzija: Gaoth - Dying Season's Glory, (2016.)

Gaoth -  Dying Season's Glory

(Scroll down for English)
Projekat Fionn-a Stafort-a iz benda Celtachor, Gaoth, mi je od samog početka zapao za oko. Kao veliki fan Celtachor-a redovno pratim i samostalne projekte članova benda. Fionn je prošle godine bio vrlo aktivan, te samostalno izdao (a koliko sam pročitao reizdanje će ponoviti i velika atmosferik black metal izdavačka kuća), svoj prvi album Dying Season's Glory. Svu produkciju i tekstove pesama potpisao je lično Fionn. Fizički izgled albuma me je oduševio. Turobno drveće na cover-u albuma najavljuje kraj prirode i jednog godišnjeg doba. Opisuje savršeno atmosferu keltskih pejzaža i nasleđa (lični utisak). Album ima devet pesama otpevanih na engleskom jeziku. 

Otvara ga dosta upečatljivo uz zvuke ptica pesma, Autumnal Breath. Tonovi teški, ali prijaju. Vokal iz dubine, rifovi se rastežu i mi uživamo. Pesme su duge i sa namerom skrojene. U drugoj numeri Weeping of the Fens i trećoj Gaoth, tonovi su malo drugačiji i nekako "nežniji". Shvatamo da je album pravljen za posebne sladokusce atmosferik black metala. Vokal, iako u pojedinim momentima pomalo nejasan (ako je to uopšte zamerka) i dalje odlično vodi kroz čitav album. Tako istim intenzitetom uživamo u pesmama Will of Mountains (gde hodamo po keltskim planinama) i Waning of the Years, koja nas instrumentalnim tonovima vodi u sledeću šestu pesmu Where Leaves Depart. Jedan fantastičan instrumental, koji me je u potpunosti oduševio. Sedma pesma Astral Paths, lagani uvod i upravo preslušavamo najbolju pesmu na albumu (lični utisak). Vokal ovde ubija koliko je dobar. Muzika rastura naš organizam i mi uživamo. Došli smo do pretposlednje pesme, Dying Season's Glory. Pesma po kojoj album nosi naziv, pesma koja vas neće ostaviti ravnodušnim, a to ćete shvatiti kada je budete preslušavali. Spomenuću samo odlične rifove koji oduzimaju dah, dok se za ostalo sami morate uveriti. Svakako jedna od boljih pesama. Došli smo do kraja i do pesme The Burning Horizon. Beskrajni horizont je ispred nas, vatra nas okružuje. Nestajemo u potpunosti. Savršeno za kraj.
Utisci? Ako volite umetnost, volećete svakako ovaj album. Ali imajte na umu jedno, slušajte ga dok šetate po prirodi, šumi, stavite slušalice. Osluškujte oko sebe i shvatićete o čemu vam govorim. Čujemo se!

Gaoth -  Dying Season's Glory
Irish Atmospheric/Black Metal
Independent, (2016.)

01: Autumnal Breath
02: Weeping of the Fens
03: Gaoth
04: Will of Mountains
05: Waning of the Years
06: Where Leaves Depart
07: Astral Paths
08: Dying Season's Glory
09: The Burning Horizon

Ocena: 9,5/10.


Gaoth -  Dying Season's Glory

Fionn Stafort project from a band Celtachor, Gaoth, for me from the very beginning caught the eye. As a big fan Celtachor routinely follow the band members solo projects. Fionn last year was very active, and self-released (and from what I read re-release will repeat big atmospheric black metal label), his first album Dying Season's Glory. All the production and the lyrics signed personally Fionn. The physical appearance of the album I was thrilled. Dreary trees on the album cover in announcing the end of nature and a season. It describes perfectly the atmosphere of Celtic heritage and landscape (personal impression). The album has nine songs sung in English.
It opened with a lot of striking with the sound of bird song, Autumnal Breath. Tones difficult, but good for you. Vocals from the depths, reefs stretch and we enjoy. Songs are long and deliberately tailored. In the second song Weeping of the Fens and third Gaoth tones are slightly different and "softer". We understand that the album made for special gourmet atmospheric black metal. Vocals, although in certain moments somewhat vague (if at all gripe) still awesome runs through the whole album. So enjoy the same intensity in the songs of Will Mountains (where we walk to the Celtic Mountains) and of the Waning Years, instrumental tones, which leads us to the next sixth song Where Leaves Depart. One fantastic instrumental, which I was totally thrilled. The seventh song Astral Paths, easy introduction and just listening to the best song on the album (personal impression). Vocal here how good kills. Music ripping apart our bodies, and we enjoy. We came to the penultimate song, Dying Season's Glory. The song which the album carries the title, song that will not leave you indifferent, and that you will realize when you listened. I will mention just a great riffs breathtaking, while the rest is up to you to convince. Definitely one of the better songs. We came to an end and the song The Burning Horizon. Endless horizon in front of us, fire surrounds us. Disappear completely. Perfect for the end.
Tips? If you love art, you'll love this album definitely. But remember one thing, listen to it while walking in nature, forest, putting on headphones. Listen around and you'll understand what I'm saying. See you!

Gaoth -  Dying Season's Glory
Irish Atmospheric/Black Metal
Independent, (2016.)

01: Autumnal Breath
02: Weeping of the Fens
03: Gaoth
04: Will of Mountains
05: Waning of the Years
06: Where Leaves Depart
07: Astral Paths
08: Dying Season's Glory
09: The Burning Horizon

Mark: 9,5/10.

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