Krajiny Hmly - Na konci ciest (At Journey's End), (2016.)
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Hmly je bend koji nam dolazi iz Slovačke i nedavno su izdali svoj album prvenac
Na Konci Ciest (Na kraju
putovanja). Album je izdat 30 juna ove
godine kao rezultat kolaboracije dva labela – Art of the Night Productions i
Echoes of Koliba Productions, i to u ograničenom tiražu od 500 kopija. Bend
postoji od 2011 i osnovali su ga Namtar (ex-Imperium, ex-Aeon Winds) i Samos
aka Wolkogniv (inače vlasnik Folkingrimm Art), dok su postavu popunili članovima
i bivšim članovima bendova poput Concubia Nocte, Ancestral Volkhves,
osredjikavog demo splita Ked´ Padnú Hmly
sa bendom Misty Forest izdatom 2012 i i krajnje nezapaženog promo singla Do Hlbín Spánku Zabudnitia godinu dana
kasnije, prvenac je definitivno novo poglavlje u karijeri ovog benda. Definitivno se može reći da će fanovima pagan
black metala da kaplje voda iz usta dok budu slušali ovaj materijal. U svojim tekstovima otpevanim na maternjem
slovačkom jeziku bend obradjuje teme prirode, duhovnosti i žalosti.
sam se pripremao za pisanje ove recenzije, uradio sam malo istraživanje i mogu
sa sigurnošću da kažem da se ovaj album prilično visoko kotira na portalima
koji se dotiču i ovog pod-žanra koji, moram to da priznam, nije nešto previše
privlačio moju pažnju. Samo sam
sporadično natrčao na neki od pagan-black metal
bendova i to je bilo to. Ali
nakon preslušavanja ovog materijala benda Krajiny Hmly, podžanr je definitivno
privukao moju pažnju.
Evo i razloga zašto. Kao prvo, bend ima fantastičan osećaj za
melodiju. Koju god pesmu da odaberete,
svaka je pravi praznik za uši fanova melodičnog black metala. Gitarski rifovi, koji su u prvom planu muzike
koju ovaj bend izvodi, su tako dobro odradjeni tako da prosto zarobljavaju
uši. Tipični black metal rasp-vokali
prate melodiju, koja je fantstično ispunjena bubnjarskim beatovima, a čak i bas
je dobio svoje izraženo mesto u miksu, što je ovih dana prava retkost. Pesme su tako vešto aranžirane da prosto
svaka izvire iz prethodne (probajte da ceo album preslušate par puta na
repeatu, i shvatićete o čemu govorim).
Jedna mala zamerka je sirov zvuk gitare, koja mi zvuči kao kostur sa
veoma malo mesa na sebi.
Iz ovako kompaktne celine je jako teško
izdvojiti pesmu koja se ističe kvalitetom i odskače od ostalih. Ali ako baš moram to da uradim neka to bude
pesma „Pustina“ koja ima nešto neverovatno privlačnou sebi. Melodija je prosto hipnotišuća a kombinacija
pomenutih rasp i clean vokala je izgleda pogodila pravu količinu izbalansiranosti
i osetljivosti za pravi trenutak kada će se upotrebiti koji vokalni stil. Definitivno moja omiljena stvar sa albuma.
Krajiny Hmly je bend koji definitivno zaslužuje
pažnju scene. Ako ste i mislili sa nakon
splita i promo singla pred sobom imate samo još jedan bend više, ovaj album bi
zaista trebalo da vas razuveri u tome.
Krajiny Hmly – Na Konci Ciest
pagan black metal
Ocena: 9/10.
Recenziju uradio: Igor Živić
Krajiny Hmly - Na konci ciest (At Journey's End), (2016.)
Hmly is a band from Slovakia, and recently have released their debut na Konci Ciest (At the End of the
Journey). The album got released on 30th
of June of this year as a result of colaboration of two labels – Art of the
Night Productions and Echoes of Koliba Productions, in 500 copies. The band exists since 2011m, and was founded
by Namtar (ex-Imperium, Ex-Aeon Winds) and Samos aka Wolkogniv (the owner of
Folkingrim Art), The line-up was filled
up by members and ex-members of bands like Concubia Nocte, Ancestral Volkhves,
After average demo split Ked Padnú Hmly done with Misty Forest from 2012 and totally
unnoticed singl Do Hlbín Spánku
Zabudnitia a year later, the debut is definitelly a new chapter in the
career ofthe band. Definitelly we can
say that fans of pagan black metal will salivate on this material. In their lirics all sang on their native Slovakian
language, the band is treating topics such as nature, spirituality and sorrow.
When I was preparing myself to writethis
review, I have done a small research,and I can say that this album is very
highly graded on several internet portals dealing with this subgenre, which
have not attracted my attention so much, 'till now. Only sporadically, I have run accross some
bands, and that is it. But after I've
heard this band and their album, I have promissed myself that I will pay
attention to pagan black more.
And here are the reasons why. First of all, the band has fantastic sense
for melody. Whichever song you choose,
each one is trully a festival for pagan black ears. Guitar riffs, in the forefront of the bands
music, are executed so well that they are simply capturing our ears. Typical black metal rasp vocals are closely
following the melody, fantastically filled up with druming beats, and even bass
has got its place in the mix, which is really rare these days. Songs are so skillfully arranged that each is
springing out of the previous one (just try to listen to the whole album on
repeat, and you will understand what I am thinking off), The only objection is pretty raw sound of
guitar, that sounds like a skeleton with not enough meat on it.
From an album that is a unit so solid like this
one is, it is very hard to single out a track or two that are standing out and
with their quality are raising above the rest of the pack. But if I have to do that, the track „Pustina“
is the one that has something amazingly attractive in it. Melody is a mesmerizing combination of before
mentioned rasp and clean vocals, the one that has hit the bulls-eye with the
true amount of ballance and sense for the true moment to use certain vocal
style. It is definitelly my favorite
track on the album.
Krajiny Hmly is the band which definitelly
deserves the attention of the scene. If
you thought that after split and promo single in front of yourself you have
only a band more, this album will undeceive you.
Krajiny Hmly – Na Konci Ciest
pagan black metal
Mark: 9/10.
Made by: Igor Živić
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