
недеља, 18. септембар 2016.

Recenzija: Temple Of Gnosis - De Secretis Naturae Alchymica, (2016.)

Temple Of Gnosis - De Secretis Naturae Alchymica, (2016.)

[Scroll down for English]
Projekat sa kojim smo se već upoznali. Projekat o kome smo već pisali i recenzije radili. Projekat, koji slobodno možemo reći je ponos naše scene (i da, nisam uopšte pristrasan, već surovo objektivan).  Kod albuma i muzike volim priču. Volim da osetim proces stvaranja i dubinu samog postojanja. Ono izvorno čega već jako dugo u tom žanru na našoj sceni nema. To sve upravo čini čovek koji stoji iza imena H.M.T. i njegov projekat Temple Of Gnosis. Nakon EP-a, sada se H.M.T. vraća sa prvim full lenght albumom De Secretis Naturae Alchymica. E, sada dolazimo do onoga dela sa početka recenzije. A, to je "priča", koju ovaj umetnik stvara. Pošto je fizičko izdanje albuma u mojim rukama, pokušaću vam dočarati ono što sam ja osetio dok sam booklet prelistavao. Svaki detalj je na mestu i pažljivo je planiran. Za same tekstove korišćeni su stari alhemijski manuskripti i ništa nije prepušteno slučaju (verujte mi, proverio sam). Booklet je urađen maestralno. Uz pažljivi alhemijski izgled, pored samih tekstova nalazi se opet pažljivo birana ilustracija, krajnje profesionalno urađena od strane dizajnerske kuće Prometheus Art And Design.

Prelazimo sada na sam album, koji sadrži sedam pesama. Prva numera Unto The Earth. Krenuli smo putem alhemije. Vokal nam je vodič, tonovi su mirni i opuštajući. Trenutak stvaranja je upravo počeo. Mirno prelazimo na drugu numeru Serpentivm. Duboki tonovi se nižu. Bubanj udara. Vokal se javlja, tekst najavljuje dolazak zmije iz postanja. Tonovi su dugi, teški i prijaju našim ušima. Uživamo. Od sredine pesme čujemo brže tonove. Vokal proročki govori, najavljuje dolazak. Growl vokal, tonovi se razlivaju, mistika je oko nas. Prešli smo na treću numeru Sol Katharsis. Čujemo pomalo "nejasan" vokal. Mistika je opet tu oko nas, što izuzetno volim kod ovog projekta. Sve pažljivo i do tančina isplanirano. Uključuje se muzika. Katarza! Pozitivan osećaj. Blaženstvo uživanja spravljeno za posebne trenutke. Ritual u svakom smislu te reči. Sledeća četvrta numera Tree Of Life, singl izdat pre nekoliko mesecei (o kome smo već pisali), a sada je deo ovog kapitalnog albuma. Sa namerom stvaran, idealno uklopljen. Prešli smo na petu pesmu Discipvli H. Trismegistvs. Nastavljamo istim tempom. Tonovi teški, razlivaju se. Odličan osećaj. Stepenik više nego kao pre vremena našeg postanja! Oktagon! Jasno je sve! Došli smo do pretposlednje pesme The Twelve Keys. Zvona zvone. Najavljuju magični broj dvanaest. Muzika je i dalje fantastična, tekst sistemom nabrajanja vodi nas na nama znano mesto. Prepustili smo se uživanju na putu koji je pred nama. Kraj albuma i poslednja sedma numera Absolvtio. Za kraj smireno, povučeno se stvaraju tonovi. H.M.T. zna kako to radi i savršeno to prenosi slušaocima. 
O utiscima i treba nešto reći, a da ne bude preobimno. Tekstovi ciljani, muzika birana, proizvod nastao iz najstarijih rukopisa alhemije. Zlato je stvoreno, a to je upravo ovaj album, dragulj naše scene!

Temple Of Gnosis
occult doom / dark ambient / experimental / death metal
De Secretis Naturae Alchymica, (2016.)

01: Unto The Earth
02: Serpentivm
03: Sol Katharsis
04: Tree Of Life
05: Discipvli H. Trismegistvs
06: The Twelve Keys
07: Absolvtio

Ocena: 9/10.


Temple Of Gnosis - De Secretis Naturae Alchymica, (2016.)

The project with which we are already familiar. The project on which we have already written the reviews did. The project, which we can say is the pride of our scenes (and yes, I am not at all biased, but raw objective). When the album and music, I like the story. I like to feel the process of creating and depth very existence. It originally by a very long time in this genre on our scene there. It all just makes the man behind the name H.M.T. and his project Temple of Gnosis. After the EP, now H.M.T. returns with the first full length album De Secretis Naturae Alchymica. Well, now we come to that part of the beginning of the text. And, this is the "story", which the artist creates. Since the physical release of the album in my hands, I will try to describe what I felt when I leafed through the booklet. Every detail is in place and carefully planned. For the wording used the old alchemical manuscripts and nothing is left to chance (believe me, I checked). Booklet is done masterfully. With careful alchemical appearance, in addition to the texts themselves is again carefully chosen illustrations, very professionally done by the design house Prometheus Art And Design.

We turn now to the album, which contains seven songs. The first cut Unto The Earth. We went through alchemy. Vocals our guide, tones are peaceful and relaxing. The moment of creation is just beginning. Calm moving on to another track Serpentivm. Bass is lower. Drum shock. Vocals occurs, the text announces the arrival of the snakes out of creation. Tones are long, heavy and suited our ears. We enjoy. From the middle of the song we hear tones faster. Vocals prophetically speaking, announces the arrival. Growl vocal tones to spills, mysticism is all around us. We went to the third track Sol Katharsis. We hear a bit "vague" vocals. Mysticism is again around us, which is extremely like about this project. All carefully and thoroughly planned. Includes the music. Catharsis! Positive feeling. Bliss consumption is stored in special moments. The ritual in every sense of the word. Next fourth tracks Tree Of Life, the single released a few mesecei (about which we have already written), and now is part of this capital of the album. In order real, ideally integrated. We went to the fifth song Discipvli H. Trismegistvs. We continue at the same pace. The tones heavy, gelatinous. Great feeling. Step higher than as a time of our Posting! Octagon! Clearly all! We came to the penultimate song The Twelve Keys. Bells ring. Announce magic number twelve. Music is still fantastic, text listing system leads us to us famous city. We left the enjoyment on the road that lies ahead. End of the album and the last seventh tracks Absolvtio. The place calmly, quietly creating tones. H.M.T. knows how it works and it perfectly conveys the audience.
Tips? Song targeted, selected music, a product originated from the oldest manuscripts of alchemy. Gold has been created, and that is exactly the album, the jewel of our scene!

Temple Of Gnosis
occult doom / dark ambient / experimental / death metal
De Secretis Naturae Alchymica, (2016.)

01: Unto The Earth
02: Serpentivm
03: Sol Katharsis
04: Tree Of Life
05: Discipvli H. Trismegistvs
06: The Twelve Keys
07: Absolvtio

Mark: 9/10.

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