
понедељак, 11. јул 2016.

Recenzija: Siegfried - K, (2016.)

Siegfried - K, (2016.)

[Scroll down for English]
Italijanska petorka, pod imenom Siegfried, koja svira new wave i neofolk, obradovala nas je svojim novim albumom pod nazivom K. Realizovan pod okriljem muzičke izdavačke kuće Blucher Records u formi digipack izdanja. E, sada upravo fizički izgled izdanja je ono što me je oduševilo prilikom samog otvaranja diska. Limitirana edicija izdanja u samo 300 primeraka. Fantastičan cover i splet boja u koje je uklopljen. Booklet od šesnaest strana sa tekstovima pesama uz predivne ilustracije. Sve to čini da prvi utisci o materijalu donesu ushićenje. Sam album sadrži jedanaest ispevanih na italijanskom, izuzev poslednje, koja je na engleskom jeziku. I došao je taj momenat, kada svoje viđenje albuma u daljem tekstu delim sa vama čitaocima.

Počinjemo sa prvom numerom Kundalini Rising. Instrumental je u pitanju. Lagani tonovi na samom početku kao uvod, a onda od trećeg minuta brži tonovi i mi uživamo. Savršen spoj elektronike i klasičnih instrumenata. Sledeća Distonia. Opet se oko nas rastapaju maestralni tonovi uz odličan zvuk gitare. Uključuje se vokal i naša igra počinje. Zadovoljni smo. Totalno melodična pesma. Startovali smo dobro i to je savršeno. Ni primetili nismo da smo već u trećoj numeri Sentenza. Klavijature nas uvode, tonovi lete. Uključuje se gitara, bubanj je tu i počinjemo. Odličan sklop je napravljen i čujemo vokal. Pesma dobar prelaz ka sledećoj numeri Berserkir. Melodija i glas nas vode. Osećamo se kao stari vikinški šampioni. Razgovaramo sa starim nordijskim bogovima dok idemo ka Valhali, mestu gde piju hrabri (lični utisak). Došli smo do pesme Psicopolizia. Jedna opuštena pesma, prožeta elektro elementima. Savršeno ka sledećoj numeri La Follia Di Nijinsky. Jedna od boljih pesama na albumu. Odličan gitarski uvod, čist vokal tera nas da uživamo. Tekst odličan, što samo upotpunjuje naš utisak. Igramo dok nas tonovi nose po sobi. Sedma numera Sopra Un Erotik. Akustična gitara i balada je počela. Jedna topla pesma za naš smiraj i opuštanje. Osma Kali Yuga, tonovi su brži. Elektro motivi u pesmi ne izostaju, što nam se posebno sviđa. Prodoran vokal, javlja se iz dubine. Kali Yuga je tu sa nama. Vraćamo se u drevna vremena. Spremni smo na to. To je ono što upravo želimo. Devetom numerom Kraken, upoznajemo to kolosalno čudovište. Tu morsku neman iz legende. Tu ogromnu hobotnicu o kojoj nam je još pričao u svojim delima rimski istoričar Plinije Stariji. Kraken nas svojim pipcima obuhvata i vuče u dubinu svoga mraka, dubinu svoga postojanja. Došli smo do pretposlednje numere Trans Europe Express. U pitanju je elektro instrumental. Sasvim dobar prelaz ka poslednjoj numeri na albumu Kenaz Muzik, ujedno i najdužoj pesmi. Elektro - gitarska kombinacija pojačana ostalim instrumentima. Uključuju se brži gitarski rifovi, vokal i mi igramo. Došli smo do drugog dela pesme više instrumentalnog karaktera. Dobre vibracije su tu oko nas, što čini odličan sklop za sam kraj albuma.
Utisci? Prvi put se susrećem sa ovim bendom ovako detaljno. Sam album je dobro produciran, tekstovi maestralni, muzika još bolja. Svakako album vredan vaše pažnje. Stvaran za ljubitelje kvalitetne muzike, stvoren za uživanje. Topla preporuka!

new wave, neofolk
K, (2016.)

01: Kundalini Rising
02: Distonia
03: Sentenza
04: Berserkir
05: Psicopolizia
06: La Follia Di Nijinsky
07: Sopra Un Erotik
08: Kali Yuga
09: Kraken
10: Trans Europe Express
11: Kenaz Muzik

Ocena: 9/10.


Siegfried - K, (2016.)

The Italian quintet, Siegfried, plays the new wave and neofolk, delighted us with a new album titled K. Realized under the auspices of the music publishing company Blucher Records in the form of digipack edition. Well, now just the physical appearance issue is what impressed me during the opening drive. Limited edition edition in only 300 copies. Fantastic cover, and the combination of colors in which it is incorporated. Booklet of sixteen pages with texts of songs and beautiful illustrations. All this makes the first impression of the material brought excitement. Album contains eleven songs in italian, except the last, which was in english.

We begin with the first song Kundalini Rising. Instrumental in question. Light tones at the beginning as an introduction, and then from the third minute tones and faster, and we enjoy. The perfect combination of electronics and classical instruments. Next Distonia. Again around us dissolve masterful tones with a great guitar sound. Turns on vocals and our game begins. We are satisfied. Totally melodic song. We started well and it was perfect. We did not even notice that we are in the third song Sentenza. Keyboards introduce us, ringing flights. Turns on guitar, drums, and here we go. Excellent circuit is made and hear vocals. Cheers good transition to the next song Berserkir. The melody and the voice guide us. We feel like the old Viking champions. We talk with the old Nordic gods as we go towards the Valhalla, the place where they brave drink (personal impression). We came to the song Psicopolizia. A relaxed song, imbued with electrical elements. Perfect to the next La Follia Di Nijinsky. One of the better songs on the album. An excellent introduction to guitar, clean vocals makes us enjoy. Text excellent, it only complements our impression. We play until we carry tones of the room. The seventh track Sopra Un Erotik. Acoustic guitar and ballads began. One hot song for our calmness and relaxation. Eighth Kali Yuga, tones are faster. Elektro motifs in the songs are not lacking, what we particularly like. Shrill vocals, appeared from the depths. Kali Yuga is here with us. We'll be back in ancient times. We are ready for this. This is precisely what we want. Ninth Kraken the piece, to get to know a colossal monster. Here the sea monster of legend. Here enormous octopus of which we still talking in their works the Roman historian Pliny the Elder. Kraken tentacles us your covers and pulls her into the depths of darkness, the depth of its existence. We came to the penultimate track Trans Europe Express. It is an electro instrumental. Quite a good transition to the last track on the album Kenaz Muzik, also the longest song. Elektro - guitar combination of enhanced other instruments. They include a faster guitar riffs, vocals and we're playing. We come to the second part of the song more instrumental character. Good vibes are there around us, which makes it an excellent circuit for the very end of the album.
Tips? The first time I meet with this band in such detail. Sam album is well produced, masterful lyrics, the music even better. Certainly an album worth your attention. For real lovers of quality music, perfect to enjoy. Warmly recommended!

new wave, neofolk
K, (2016.)

01: Kundalini Rising
02: Distonia
03: Sentenza
04: Berserkir
05: Psicopolizia
06: La Follia Di Nijinsky
07: Sopra Un Erotik
08: Kali Yuga
09: Kraken
10: Trans Europe Express
11: Kenaz Muzik

Mark: 9/10.

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