
среда, 20. јул 2016.

Recenzija: Drusuna - Kaytos Kom, (2016.)

Drusuna - Kaytos Kom, (2016.)

[Scroll down for English]
 Drusuna, ritual pagan folk iz Gallaecia nas je obradovao svojim novim Ep-em, Kaytos Kom. U pitanju je samizdat, kojim će bend pokazati definitivno šta ume. Sam izgled ovog digipack izdanja me je u najmanju ruku oduševio pre svega svojim cover-om i samom postavkom slike. Dizajnerska kuća Prometheus Art & Design je uradila maestralnu stvar. Tekstovi su ispevani na proto - celtic jeziku što daje posebnu draž ovom izdanju. EP ima pet pesama i mi na svoje putovanje krećemo.

Prva numera Tirros Drusunas (Land of Drusuna). Zvuk didžeridua čujemo. Putovanje je počelo. Tonovi su božanstveni. Uključuju se i ostali instrumenti. Čujemo ženski vokal, glas samih bogova lično. Gitara daje poseban doživljaj i upotpunjuje naše uživanje. Dobrodošli u zemlju zvana Drusuna. Druga numera Spiralis Amsteras (Spiral of Time). Čujemo zrikavce, pravi zvuk prirode. Doboš se uključuje, kao i didžeridu. Tonovi su fenomenalni. Igramo. Prepustili smo se vremenu, putujemo u nepoznato. Svojevrsnu melodiju prave, kao jedni od retkih muzičara današnjice. Oni prave muziku sa dušom, u to budite uvereni. Doveli su nas do treće numere Cernunnos. Klanjamo se keltskom rogatom bogu. U šumi smo. Očekujemo tog zaštitnika. Ritual je uveliko počeo. Muzika nam smiraj donosi. Spremni smo za njegov dolazak. Himnu posvećenu njemu pevamo. Počinjemo ritualni ples da izvodimo. Didžeridu nam muzički savršen takt daje i ples se nastavlja. Rogati bog je tu. Pognuli smo glave i ponizno mu se klanjamo. Ritual je došao kraju i prešli smo na četvrtu numeru Litus Samoni (Shaman Ritual). Tonovi se rastapaju oko nas. Jedan potpuno pravi šamanski ritual. Postajemo proto - Kelti ili pak KeltoIberi i slavimo stare bogove. Putujemo u neke stare zemlje, kada su narodi bili slobodni. Ritual traje dok nastavljamo igru oko vatre okupljanja, podižemo darove namenjene bogovima. Putovanje se završava poslednjom numerom Wexta (Journey). Zvuk vode u pozadini čujemo. Gavran se javlja dok leti iznad nas. Vidi sve i o svemu nas obaveštava. Tonovi su sve brži. Muzika stvorena za ples. Putujemo duž predela KeltoIberije. Pre rimska istorija je pred nama. Duh slobodnog kontinenta osećamo. Savršeno za kraj. U stilu pravih čuvara kulture, istorije i tradicije Iberijskog poluostrva završavaju. Savršeno!
Utisci? Bendovi Iberijskog poluostrva sa ponosom neguju i čuvaju od zaborava svoje korene. Takav je upravo i bend Drusuna. To su nam upravo i pokazali ovim EP-em. Uradili su fantastičan materijal. Malo je reći da sam oduševljen njime, jer ovo je svakako nešto najlepše što sam čuo u poslednjih par godina i drago mi je zbog toga. Album koji vredi imati svaki poklonik kvalitetne muzike, one muzike sa dušom!

ritual pagan folk
Kaytos Kom, (2016.)

01: Tirros Drusunas (Land of Drusuna)
02: Spiralis Amsteras (Spiral of Time)
03: Cernunnos
04: Litus Samoni (Shaman Ritual)
05: Wexta (Journey)
Ocena: 10/10.


Drusuna - Kaytos Kom, (2016.)

Drusuna, ritual pagan folk from Gallaecia delighted us with their new Ep, Kaytos Kom. It's self release, which the band will definitely show what you can do. The appearance of this edition digipack me in the least impressed especially its cover a picture and the setting. The design company Prometheus Art & Design has done a brilliant thing. The lyrics are sung in the proto - celtic language which gives a special charm to this release. EP has five songs and we're going on a journey.

The first track Tirros Drusunas (Land of Drusuna). We hear the sound of didgeridoo. The journey has begun. Tones are divine. Incorporates and other instruments. We hear a woman's voice, the voice of the gods themselves personally. Guitar provides a unique experience to complement our enjoyment. Welcome to the land called Drusuna. Other tracks Spiralis Amsteras (Spiral of Time). We hear crickets, real sounds of nature. Drum is included, as well as the didgeridoo. Tones are phenomenal. We play. We left for the weather, we travel into the unknown. A kind of ringing true, as one of the few musicians of today. They make music with soul, rest assured of that. They brought us to the third track Cernunnos. We worship the horned Celtic God. In the forest we are. We expect that the patron. Ritual is largely begun. Music brings us calm. We are ready for his arrival. Sing the anthem dedicated to him. We begin to perform the ritual dance. We didgeridoo music provides the perfect tact and dancing continues. Horned God is here. We bowed our head and humbly worship. Ritual has come to an end and we went to the fourth track Litus Samoni (Shaman Ritual). Tones dissolving around us. One completely true shamanic ritual. We become proto - Celtic or CeltIberi and celebrate the old gods. Travel to some of the old country, when the nations live free. The ritual lasts as long as we continue to play with the fire of gathering, aimed at raising the gifts to the gods. The journey ends with the last track Wexta (Journey). The sound of water in the background we hear. The raven occurs while flying above us. View all and informs us about everything. Tones are faster. Music made for dancing. We travel along the compartment CeltoIberia. Pre Roman history is upon us. Spirit of the continent feel. Perfect for the end. In the style of true guardian of culture, history and traditions of the Iberian Peninsula ending EP. Perfect!
Tips? Bands Iberian peninsula proudly cherish and keep from forgetting its roots. This is exactly the band Drusuna. These are precisely and showed us with this EP. They did a fantastic material. To say that I'm delighted with it, because this is definitely the best thing I've heard in the last couple of years and I'm glad about that. An album that is worth to have every devotee of quality music, music with one soul!

ritual pagan folk
Kaytos Kom, (2016.)

01: Tirros Drusunas (Land of Drusuna)
02: Spiralis Amsteras (Spiral of Time)
03: Cernunnos
04: Litus Samoni (Shaman Ritual)
05: Wexta (Journey)
Mark: 10/10.

уторак, 19. јул 2016.

Recenzija: Black Velvet Band - Pożoga, (2015.)

Black Velvet Band - Pożoga, (2015.)

Doom folk metal, dobra kombinacija koja nam dolazi iz Lublina u Poljskoj, pod imenom Black Velvet Band. Bend čine petorica vrsnih muzičara, koji su nam nakon prvog albuma, EP-a i singlova, podarili novi drugi album Pożoga. Album je objavila muzička izdavačka kuća Art Of The Night Productions. Cover i naslovna strana super urađene. Album ima sedam pesama ispevanih mahom na poljskom jeziku. Sama kombinacija folk žanra sa doom varijantama meni stvara veliko zadovoljstvo, a i još veći izazov prilikom pisanja recenzija.

Prva numera Ruiny. Horski vokal uz zvuke gitare otvaraju album. Prebacujemo se na brže tonove, gde se uključuje i vokal. Dobre vibracije na samom startu. Bubanj daje takt, vokal u stopu prati, koji se u samom početku izdvojio kao zvezda vodilja. Uz odličnu gitarsku solažu za sam kraj prelazimo na drugu numeru Nowa Krew. Žestoki rifovi kreću, uključuje se čisti vokal. Jedna od boljih pesama na albumu. Uživamo u svakom tonu, koji bend stvara. Novu krv tražimo i u tome ne odustajemo. Posebno se izdvajaju gordi gitarski rifovi, koji poseban šmek daju ovoj pesmi. Sledeća pesma broj tri Nie Mamy Skrzydel. Čujemo lagani zvuk akustične gitare. Vokal takođe lagan, čini da uživamo u ovoj svojevrsnoj baladi. Drugi deo brži i baladu ostavljamo iza nas dok počinjemo da igramo. Došli smo do sredine albuma i četvrte pesme Kolowrot. Lagani tonovi, počela je pesma koja obećava. Rif gitare se niže u nastavku. Pokazuje sve svoje uticaje doom žanra. Kakav doom vokal dok muzika prati u stopu. Odličan osećaj svakako stvaraju. Za kraj pesme lagani tonovi, samo kratko, da zadaju završni udarac bržim tonovima. Savršeno! Peta numera Zamieć. Opet krećemo sa laganim tonovima, koje u stopu prati vokal. Tonovi se nižu oko nas, dok plešemo. Dobar osećaj blaženstva su stvorili, tako da nama ostaje samo da uživamo. Šesta numera Z Tej Ziemi Powstalem. Istim tempom nastavljaju i udaraju samo tako. Vokal gromoglasan i širi se sobom dok slušamo pesmu. Bubanj daje takt, kao vojna izvidnica, dok se pripremamo za boj. Pripremili su nas za bitku i poslednju numeru na albumu. Došli smo do pesme Imperium, koja je ujedno i najduža pesma na celom albumu. Zaštitni znak postaju ti lagani uvodi u svakoj pesmi i to me potpuno oduševljava. Oni taktički pripremaju svoj napad i to je evidentno. Ne, to je odlično. Počeli smo i sa bržim tonovima. Nećemo se predati. Imperium će pobediti. Savršeno za kraj.
Utisci? Momci, šta da vam kažem. Sve više napredujete i pravite sve bolju muziku. To ste upravo ovim albumom i dokazali. Ne skrećite sa svoga puta, samo tako nastavite. Verujem u vas. Slava!

Black Velvet band
folk doom metal
Art Of The Night Productions, (2015.)

01: Ruiny
02: Nowa Krew
03: Nie Mamy Skrzydel
04: Kolowrot
05: Zamieć
06: Z Tej Ziemi Powstalem
07: Impreium

Ocena: 8,5/10.


Black Velvet Band - Pożoga, (2015.)

Doom folk metal, a good combination that comes from Lublin in Poland, this is Black Velvet Band. The band consists of five great musicians, and after the first album, EP's and singles, here a new second album Pożoga. Album published music label Art Of The Night Productions. Cover and layout done super. The album has seven songs mostly in polish. The mere combination of folk genre with doom variants gives me great pleasure and an even greater challenge when writing reviews.

The first track Ruiny. Choral vocals with the sounds of guitar opens album. Switching to faster tones, where includes vocals. Good vibrations at the start. Drum gives tact, vocals closely followed, which in the beginning singled out as the guiding star. With great guitar solo for the very end to cross another track Nowa Krew. Furious riffs range, including the clean vocals. One of the better songs on the album. We enjoy every tone that the band creates. We're looking for new blood, and that does not give up. Especially interesting are the proud guitar riffs, which give a special flavor to this song. Next song number three Nie Mamy Skrzydel. We hear a slight sound of acoustic guitars. Vokal also lightweight, seems to enjoy this kind of ballad. The second part of the ballad faster and leave behind us as we begin to play. We came to the middle of the album and fourth songs Kołowrót. Light tones, began a song that promises. Guitar riff is lower below. It shows all influences of doom genre. What doom vocals, while the music goes wherever. Be sure to create a great feeling. For the end of the song light tones, just briefly, to inflict the final blow faster tones. Perfect! The fifth track Zamieć. Again, we start with light tones, which is closely followed vocals. Tones are dotted around us while we dance. A good sense of bliss are created, so that we are left only to enjoy. The sixth track Z Tej Ziemi Powstalem. Continue at the same pace and beat just like that. Thunderous vocals and spreads them while listening to the song. Drum gives tact, as well as military advisers, as we prepare for the fight. They prepared us for battle and the last track on the album. We came to the song Imperium, which is also the longest song on the whole album. The trademark of these becoming light introduced into each song and it inspires me completely. They tactically prepare attack and this is evident. No, that's great. We started with a faster tones. We will not surrender. Imperium will win. Perfect for the end.
Tips? Guys, what can I say. More progress and make all the better music. You've just proved this album. Do not deviate from its path, keep going. I believe in you. Slava!

Black Velvet band
folk doom metal
Art Of The Night Productions, (2015.)

01: Ruiny
02: Nowa Krew
03: Nie Mamy Skrzydel
04: Kolowrot
05: Zamieć
06: Z Tej Ziemi Powstalem
07: Impreium

Mark: 8,5/10.

недеља, 17. јул 2016.

Recenzija: Pravia - Bestie ze Wschodu, (2016.)

Pravia - Bestie ze Wschodu, (2016.)

[Scroll down for English]
Pagan metal oduvek volim. Volim taj osećaj povratka svojim korenima i starim bogovima. Još kada je dodat i prizvuk death metala, to čini da osećaj bude još bolji. Takav je upravo bend Pravia iz Poljske. Ove godine su izdali svoj prvi album Bestie ze Wschodu. Album je izdala Art Of The Night Productions, takođe iz Poljske. Cover doista zanimljivo urađen, nema šta.

Album ima devet pesama i otvara ga Intro. Kratka najava onoga što će tek uslediti dok slušamo album. Sledećom drugom numerom Krwawy Król Karkonosz, udaraju na prvu. Sirovo i nabijeno, teškim tonovima od samog starta. Bas, bubanj udaraju samo tako. Ubacuje se growl vokal. Uigrani momci i to nam kazuju svojim tonovima. Dobar start. Na samom početku posebno se vokal izdvaja, koji nas u svakom pogledu uništava na onaj pozitivan način. Treća numera Sadistic. Naziv pesme u potpunosti odgovara tekstu. Zvuk gitare nas vodi. Baca nas na zemlju growl vokal.  Počinjemo da skačemo i slemujemo.  Rifovi udaraju po nama dok uživamo u jednoj od boljih pesama na albumu. Četvrta pesma Bestie ze Wschodu. Lagani rif uz vojnički zvuk bubnja nas vodi. Poziva Svaroga, starog boga Slovena. Klanjamo mu se, ponizno spuštamo glave. Čista rokačina od muzike i mi smo negde na sedmom nebu. Pred kraj pesme dolazi nam solaža, malo duža, tek toliko da nas pripremi za završni udarac. Definitvno najbolja pesma na albumu! Prešli smo na petu pesmu Implosion. Cepaju nas po šavovima da nam se kičma raspada. Skakanje uz pesmu je neizbežno. Totalna eksplozija. Nismo ni primetili da slušamo šestu pesmu W Jedną Stronę. Istim tempom nastavljaju. Tonovi su sve brži i brži. Vokal sve grublji, sve teži. Odlična pesma. Sedma numera, Dying Heart Of The Ancient God. Vraćamo se opet starim bogovima i to nam jako prija. Ne popuštaju nijednog trenutka. Dozvali su stare bogove. Pijemo sa njima, postajemo junaci mitologije svog naroda. Došli smo do pretposlednje pesme Zmora. Taj stari slovenski demon je došao po nas. Pesma prepuna slovenske mitologije, uostalom kao i ceo album. I poslednja pesma koja je pred nama je Legacy Of Lechia. Pesma koja se sluša u dahu. Ostavljaju nam zaveštanje kao potrebu da trajemo i širimo njihovu muziku.
Utisci? Bend iako relativno mlad, nastupa kao da je na sceni dugi niz godina. Svojim tonovima i tekstovima čuvaju slovensku tradiciju i mitologiju od potpunog zaborava. Hvala im na tome. Ovim albumom sam postao njihov muzički fan. Pored ruskog pagan death metal benda Лешак, sada mogu reći da sam našao još jedan omiljeni bend iz gore pomenutog žanra. Svaka čast momci, samo nastavite oštro i ne posustajte, jer bogovi su na vašoj strani. Slava!

pagan death metal
Bestie ze Wschodu
Art Of The Night Productions, (2016.)

01: Intro
02: Krwawy Król Karkonoszy
03: Sadistic
04: Bestie ze Wschodu
05: Implosion
06: W Jedną Stronę
07: Dying Heart Of The Ancient God
08: Zmora
09: Legacy Of Lechia

Ocena: 8,75/10.


Pravia - Bestie ze Wschodu, (2016.)

Pagan metal always love to listen. I love the feeling of returning to the roots and ancient gods. Since he added the connotation of death metal, it makes sense to be even better. This is precisely bend Pravia from Poland. This year they released their first album Bestie ze Wschodu. The album was issued Art Of The Night Productions, music label also of Poland. Cover made really interesting, true slavic indeed.

The album has nine songs and opens the Intro. Brief announcements of what is yet to come as we listen album. Following another track Krwawy Król Karkonosz, hit the first. Raw and charged, heavy tones from the start. Bass, drum beat like that. Inserts the growl vocals. A swift guys and to show us with amazing tunes. A good start. At the beginning of a specific vocal is allocated, which us in all respects to that destroys a positive manner. The third track Sadistic. Name the song completely fits the text. The sound of the guitar leads. He throws us to the ground growl vocals. We begin to jump and dance. Riffs strike at us while we enjoy in one of the better songs on the album. The fourth song Bestie ze Wschodu. Light riff with a military drum sound leads. Calls Svarog, the god of ancient Slavs. We adore him, we humbly lowered his head. Amazing sounds of music and we are somewhere in the seventh heaven. Before the end of the song comes solos, a little longer, just to prepare us for the final blow. Definitely the best song on the album! We went to the fifth song Implosion. Tear us apart at the seams to be the backbone of our breakup. Jumping to the song's inevitable. Total explosions. We did not even notice that we listen to the song sixth W Jedną Stronę. Continue at the same pace. Tones are faster and faster. Vocals and more rough, more difficult. Great song. The seventh track, Dying Heart Of The Ancient God. We're back to the old gods, to be very good. Do not give in at any moment. Invoke the old gods. Drink with them, we become heroes of the mythology of our people. We came to the penultimate song Zmora. That old Slavic demon came to us. Song filled of Slavic mythology, just like the whole album. And the last song is Legacy Of Lechia. Song to listen to the breath. Leave us a legacy as a need to last and expand their muzka.
Tips? Although a relatively young band, performing as if it were on the scene for many years. Its tones and texts stored Slavic tradition and mythology from complete oblivion. I thank them for that. On this album, I became a fan of their music. In addition to the Russian pagan death metal band Lešak, I can say that I found another favorite band from the aforementioned genre. Well done guys, keep sharp and not delay, because the gods are on your side. Slava!


pagan death metal
Bestie ze Wschodu
Art Of The Night Productions, (2016.)

01: Intro
02: Krwawy Król Karkonoszy
03: Sadistic
04: Bestie ze Wschodu
05: Implosion
06: W Jedną Stronę
07: Dying Heart Of The Ancient God
08: Zmora
09: Legacy Of Lechia

Mark: 8,75/10.

петак, 15. јул 2016.

Najava: NEGURA BUNGET + Ossific + gosti, (Live – 08.10. 2016. Dom omladine, Beograd – 20h)

MH Concerts & Serbian Hellbangers predstavljaju

Rumunska NEGURA BUNGET se vraća u Srbiju, ovoga puta sa nekoliko specijalnih povoda. Prvi je izlazak njihovog najnovijeg albuma ZI koji će se u prodaji pojaviti neposredno pred najnoviju turneju. Drugi povod je 20 godina postojanja benda, a treći 10 godina od izlaska njihovog (po mnogima) najboljeg albuma OM.

Za ovu priliku bend sprema specijalnu plej listu i obećava posebno i unikatno veče za sve fanove, kako nove tako i stare.

Specijalni gosti na koncertu biće black metal bend OSSIFIC iz Kanade.

U narednom periodu objavićemo još jedan bend koji će nastupiti isto veče.

Ulaznice u prodaji od 01. avgusta:
600din – pretprodaja
900din – cena na dan koncerta

Prodajna mesta: Eventim, Felix, Mungos



Za sve dalje informacije možete saznati putem fb eventa, a mi ćemo vas naravno putem Webzina o svemu obaveštavati.



четвртак, 14. јул 2016.

Recenzija: J Orphic - AD ASTRA, (2015.)

J Orphic - AD ASTRA, (2015.)

[Scroll down for English]
Martial/Neoclassic duo iz Italije, J Orphic, u sastavu Marco de Marco i Lucija Horvat, obradovao nas je svojim novim albumom, AD ASTRA. Twilight Records iz Argentine, sa ponosom je objavila album. Sa ovim fantastičnim projektom smo se već upoznali recenzijom prethodnog albuma i intervjuom koji smo radili. Muzika kojoj ne trebaju reči da se opiše. Muzika koja se doživljava. Novim albumom udarili su stepenicu više u svom muzičkom stvaralaštvu. Fizički izgled neoklasičnog manira, protkan martial motivima. Album ima deset pesama, koje ćemo sada podeliti sa vama. 

Prva numera Intro, u krajnje horsko klasičnom žanru. Na samom startu nas uvode u svoj svet muzike i daju nam putokaze, kojim ćemo se kretati. Druga Aride Origini. Vokal u kombinaciji sa martial/neoclassic zvukom dobre vibracije u našim ušima stvara. Uključuje se i horsko pevanje, što stvara još veći muzički sklad. Kako pesma odmiče naš osećaj je još bolji. Glas "Vođe" iz nekih prošlih vremena čujemo. Smiraj je tu i mi uživamo. Trećom numerom Walking In The Garden Of Taras, idemo u šetnju. Čujemo ženski vokal, koga se dobro sećamo sa prošlog albuma,  i to nam izuzetno prija. Pesma krajnje umetnički i na jedan potpuno poseban i misitčan način stvarana. Šetamo i ne obraćamo pažnju na dešavanja oko nas. Uživamo i ne brinemo za ostalo. Tako nastavljamo i u sledećoj pesmi Prime Instinct. Kombinacija martiala i neoklasikala se potpuno nastavlja. Peta numera The Rumble That Come. Čujemo zvona i horsko pevanje. Nema stajanja, pesma traje, zvuk zvona ne posustaje dok ga nadjačavaju sirovi martial zvuci, što me posebno raduje. Upravo slušamo najbolju numeru na albumu. Tekst fantastičan dok ga u pozadini čujemo. Isti osećaj imamo i dok slušamo šestu pesmu In Conflict With Medusa. Razlivaju se fantastični tonovi. Čista klasika, u to smo sigurni. Oko nas su martial tonovi, koji podsećaju na topovsku paljbu. Lete oko nas dok na glas vodi. Sedma numera Drinking Tea In An Occidental Colony. Tonovi su drugačiji i donose nam potpuno jedan vojnički osećaj. Stojimo mirno i dalje zapovesti čekamo. Bližimo se kraju albuma i dolazimo do In The Same Place Where We Born. Vodi nas Lucijin glas. Uključuje se orkestralni zvuk, koji podseća na orgulje i pokazuje nam put do mesta našeg rođenja. Ezoterija u svakom smislu te reči. Došli smo do pretposlednje pesme My Sisters In Struggle. Doboši udaraju iz sve snage i najavljuju juriš. Odličan martial zvuk. Uključuje se zvuk zurki ili pak nešto što liči na trubu. Osećaj je odličan. Jedna od boljih pesama na albumu. Stigli smo do poslednje desete pesme Walking Through Our Origins. Jedan martial neoklasik za kraj. Pesma nabijena jakim emocijama i dobrim vibracijama. Pesma koju morate doživeti, uostalom kao i ceo album. 
Utisci? Volim muziku koju ovaj dvojac stvara. Kombinujući martial žanr sa horskim vokalima čine da njihova muzika zvuči kao muzika samih bogova sa stvaranja našeg sveta. Sa samih početaka našeg postanja. Album o kome se priča i okome će se tek pričati. Svakako album, koji će ući u anale martial/neoklasikal žanra.

J Orphic
AD ASTRA, (2015.)

01: Intro
02: Aride Origini
03: Walking In The Garden Of Taras
04: Prime Instinct
05: The Rumble That Come
06: In The Conflict With Medusa
07: Drinking Tea In An Occidental Colony
08: In The Same Place Where We Born
09: My Sisters In Struggle
10: Walking Through Our Origins

Ocena: 9,5/10.

J Orphic - AD ASTRA, (2015.)
Martial / Neoclassic duo from Italy, J Orphic, composed of Marco de Marco and Lucija Horvat, delighted us with his new album, AD ASTRA. Twilight Records in Argentina, proudly announced the album. With this fantastic project we have already met the review of previous albums and the interview we did. Music that does not need words to describe it. The music that is seen. The new album hit the step up in his musical creativity. Physical appearance neoclassical manners, martial embroidered motifs. The album has ten songs, which we will now share with you.

Intro, chorus of the classical genre. At the very beginning introduced to his world of music and give us signs, which we are moving. Other Aride Origini. Vocals combined with martial / neoclassic sound good vibrations in our ears creates. Turns on the chorus, which creates an even greater musical harmony. As the song progresses our feeling is even better. Voice of "Leader" from some past times we hear. Sunset is here and we enjoy. Third song Walking In The Garden Of Taras, let's go for a walk. We hear a female vocalist, who remember well the last album, and it gives us very good. Song extremely artistic and in a completely separate way and mistic created. We walk around and not paying attention to what is happening around us. We enjoy and not worry about the rest. So we continue, and the next song Prime Instinct. The combination of martial / neoclassic and fully adjustable. The fifth track The Rumble That Come. We hear the bells and choral singing. There is no downtime, the ringtone does not give up until you override the raw martial sounds, makes me particularly happy. Just listen to the best song on the album. Text fantastic while in the background we hear. We have the same feeling while listening to the sixth song In Conflict With Medusa. Flow over the fantastic tones. Pure classics, we're sure of. Around us the martial tones, reminiscent of the cannon fire. Flying around us as the voice of water. Seven tracks Drinking Tea In An Occidental Colony. Tones are different and bring us a full military sense. We are calm and we are waiting for further commands. Nearing the end of the album and come to In The Same Place Where We Born. Take us Lucia voice. It includes the orchestral sound, reminiscent of the organ, and shows us the way to the place of our birth. Esoteric in every sense of the word. We came to the penultimate song My Sisters In Struggle. Drums beat out all the power and announce the onslaught. Excellent martial sound. Includes sound zurli or something that looks like a trumpet. The feeling is great. One of the better songs on the album. We reached the last ten songs Walking Through Our Origins. One martial classicists to an end. Song charged with strong emotions and good vibrations. The song that you have to experience, just like the whole album.
Tips? I love music that this duo creates. Combining martial genre with choral vocals that make their music sound like music to themselves gods of creation of our world. From the very beginning of our creation. Album of the talk and the eye will only testify. Certainly album, which will enter the annals of martial / neoclassical genre. 

J Orphic
AD ASTRA, (2015.)

01: Intro
02: Aride Origini
03: Walking In The Garden Of Taras
04: Prime Instinct
05: The Rumble That Come
06: In The Conflict With Medusa
07: Drinking Tea In An Occidental Colony
08: In The Same Place Where We Born
09: My Sisters In Struggle
10: Walking Through Our Origins

Mark: 9,5/10.

понедељак, 11. јул 2016.

Recenzija: Siegfried - K, (2016.)

Siegfried - K, (2016.)

[Scroll down for English]
Italijanska petorka, pod imenom Siegfried, koja svira new wave i neofolk, obradovala nas je svojim novim albumom pod nazivom K. Realizovan pod okriljem muzičke izdavačke kuće Blucher Records u formi digipack izdanja. E, sada upravo fizički izgled izdanja je ono što me je oduševilo prilikom samog otvaranja diska. Limitirana edicija izdanja u samo 300 primeraka. Fantastičan cover i splet boja u koje je uklopljen. Booklet od šesnaest strana sa tekstovima pesama uz predivne ilustracije. Sve to čini da prvi utisci o materijalu donesu ushićenje. Sam album sadrži jedanaest ispevanih na italijanskom, izuzev poslednje, koja je na engleskom jeziku. I došao je taj momenat, kada svoje viđenje albuma u daljem tekstu delim sa vama čitaocima.

Počinjemo sa prvom numerom Kundalini Rising. Instrumental je u pitanju. Lagani tonovi na samom početku kao uvod, a onda od trećeg minuta brži tonovi i mi uživamo. Savršen spoj elektronike i klasičnih instrumenata. Sledeća Distonia. Opet se oko nas rastapaju maestralni tonovi uz odličan zvuk gitare. Uključuje se vokal i naša igra počinje. Zadovoljni smo. Totalno melodična pesma. Startovali smo dobro i to je savršeno. Ni primetili nismo da smo već u trećoj numeri Sentenza. Klavijature nas uvode, tonovi lete. Uključuje se gitara, bubanj je tu i počinjemo. Odličan sklop je napravljen i čujemo vokal. Pesma dobar prelaz ka sledećoj numeri Berserkir. Melodija i glas nas vode. Osećamo se kao stari vikinški šampioni. Razgovaramo sa starim nordijskim bogovima dok idemo ka Valhali, mestu gde piju hrabri (lični utisak). Došli smo do pesme Psicopolizia. Jedna opuštena pesma, prožeta elektro elementima. Savršeno ka sledećoj numeri La Follia Di Nijinsky. Jedna od boljih pesama na albumu. Odličan gitarski uvod, čist vokal tera nas da uživamo. Tekst odličan, što samo upotpunjuje naš utisak. Igramo dok nas tonovi nose po sobi. Sedma numera Sopra Un Erotik. Akustična gitara i balada je počela. Jedna topla pesma za naš smiraj i opuštanje. Osma Kali Yuga, tonovi su brži. Elektro motivi u pesmi ne izostaju, što nam se posebno sviđa. Prodoran vokal, javlja se iz dubine. Kali Yuga je tu sa nama. Vraćamo se u drevna vremena. Spremni smo na to. To je ono što upravo želimo. Devetom numerom Kraken, upoznajemo to kolosalno čudovište. Tu morsku neman iz legende. Tu ogromnu hobotnicu o kojoj nam je još pričao u svojim delima rimski istoričar Plinije Stariji. Kraken nas svojim pipcima obuhvata i vuče u dubinu svoga mraka, dubinu svoga postojanja. Došli smo do pretposlednje numere Trans Europe Express. U pitanju je elektro instrumental. Sasvim dobar prelaz ka poslednjoj numeri na albumu Kenaz Muzik, ujedno i najdužoj pesmi. Elektro - gitarska kombinacija pojačana ostalim instrumentima. Uključuju se brži gitarski rifovi, vokal i mi igramo. Došli smo do drugog dela pesme više instrumentalnog karaktera. Dobre vibracije su tu oko nas, što čini odličan sklop za sam kraj albuma.
Utisci? Prvi put se susrećem sa ovim bendom ovako detaljno. Sam album je dobro produciran, tekstovi maestralni, muzika još bolja. Svakako album vredan vaše pažnje. Stvaran za ljubitelje kvalitetne muzike, stvoren za uživanje. Topla preporuka!

new wave, neofolk
K, (2016.)

01: Kundalini Rising
02: Distonia
03: Sentenza
04: Berserkir
05: Psicopolizia
06: La Follia Di Nijinsky
07: Sopra Un Erotik
08: Kali Yuga
09: Kraken
10: Trans Europe Express
11: Kenaz Muzik

Ocena: 9/10.


Siegfried - K, (2016.)

The Italian quintet, Siegfried, plays the new wave and neofolk, delighted us with a new album titled K. Realized under the auspices of the music publishing company Blucher Records in the form of digipack edition. Well, now just the physical appearance issue is what impressed me during the opening drive. Limited edition edition in only 300 copies. Fantastic cover, and the combination of colors in which it is incorporated. Booklet of sixteen pages with texts of songs and beautiful illustrations. All this makes the first impression of the material brought excitement. Album contains eleven songs in italian, except the last, which was in english.

We begin with the first song Kundalini Rising. Instrumental in question. Light tones at the beginning as an introduction, and then from the third minute tones and faster, and we enjoy. The perfect combination of electronics and classical instruments. Next Distonia. Again around us dissolve masterful tones with a great guitar sound. Turns on vocals and our game begins. We are satisfied. Totally melodic song. We started well and it was perfect. We did not even notice that we are in the third song Sentenza. Keyboards introduce us, ringing flights. Turns on guitar, drums, and here we go. Excellent circuit is made and hear vocals. Cheers good transition to the next song Berserkir. The melody and the voice guide us. We feel like the old Viking champions. We talk with the old Nordic gods as we go towards the Valhalla, the place where they brave drink (personal impression). We came to the song Psicopolizia. A relaxed song, imbued with electrical elements. Perfect to the next La Follia Di Nijinsky. One of the better songs on the album. An excellent introduction to guitar, clean vocals makes us enjoy. Text excellent, it only complements our impression. We play until we carry tones of the room. The seventh track Sopra Un Erotik. Acoustic guitar and ballads began. One hot song for our calmness and relaxation. Eighth Kali Yuga, tones are faster. Elektro motifs in the songs are not lacking, what we particularly like. Shrill vocals, appeared from the depths. Kali Yuga is here with us. We'll be back in ancient times. We are ready for this. This is precisely what we want. Ninth Kraken the piece, to get to know a colossal monster. Here the sea monster of legend. Here enormous octopus of which we still talking in their works the Roman historian Pliny the Elder. Kraken tentacles us your covers and pulls her into the depths of darkness, the depth of its existence. We came to the penultimate track Trans Europe Express. It is an electro instrumental. Quite a good transition to the last track on the album Kenaz Muzik, also the longest song. Elektro - guitar combination of enhanced other instruments. They include a faster guitar riffs, vocals and we're playing. We come to the second part of the song more instrumental character. Good vibes are there around us, which makes it an excellent circuit for the very end of the album.
Tips? The first time I meet with this band in such detail. Sam album is well produced, masterful lyrics, the music even better. Certainly an album worth your attention. For real lovers of quality music, perfect to enjoy. Warmly recommended!

new wave, neofolk
K, (2016.)

01: Kundalini Rising
02: Distonia
03: Sentenza
04: Berserkir
05: Psicopolizia
06: La Follia Di Nijinsky
07: Sopra Un Erotik
08: Kali Yuga
09: Kraken
10: Trans Europe Express
11: Kenaz Muzik

Mark: 9/10.

уторак, 5. јул 2016.

Najava: Fallen Arise nastavlja svoju mini turneju po Balkanu

Fallen Arise nastavlja svoju mini turneju po Balkanu

Grčki metalci, Fallen Arise, nakon turneje po Grčkoj i Bugarskoj u aprilu i julu, sada nastavljaju dalje svoju promociju novog albuma Adeline.

Krajem jula meseca, tačnije 29. 06. 2016. posetiće i našu zemlju. Nastupaće u Nišu u čuvenom klubu Black Stage, a nakon toga sele se za Rumuniju gde nastupaju na Artmania Festivalu. Kako sami kažu: "Radujemo se nastupu u Srbiji, a novi datumi gostovanja će tek uslediti..."