
понедељак, 27. јун 2016.

Recenzija: Urze de Lume - Caminhos da Urze, (2015.)

Urze de Lume - Caminhos da Urze, (2015.)

[Scroll down for English]
Portugalski dark folk sastav, Urze de Lume, o kojem smo već pisali (recenziju prvog albuma možete pročitati ovde), obradovao nas je svojim novim albumom, Caminhos da Urze, izdatim pod patronatom Soliferro Grabaciones Íberas. Muzika ovog benda, koji svojim tonovima neguje i čuva tradiciju Keltiberije, itekako mi je poznata. Njihov rad zaslužuje svakako sve veću pažnju, jer momci stvaraju nešto nestvarno, a to su upravo i dokazali ovim albumom. Veliki korak napred u svom ritualu su učinili. Fizičko izdanje albuma odlično i na pravi način prezentuje njihovu muziku. Album sadrži petnaest pesama instrumentalnog karaktera.

Oficijalna fejsbuk stranica

Otvara ga prva numera Caminhos da Urze. Uz zvuke kiše i grmljavine u pozadini otpočinjemo naše putovanje. Brzo prelazimo na drugu numeru Escuro Inverno. Čujemo zvuk gajdi, koji već postaje zaštitni znak benda. Melodija odlična. Bubanj u stopu prati i mi uživamo. Start odličan i prelazimo na treću pesmu Entrudo de Lume. Praporci nas uvode. Priključuju se gajde i bubanj. Jedna krajnje melodična pesma. Ritual je skrojen i tu nema dileme. Četvrta pesma Foicadas de Lume. Praporci se čuju, doboš i zvuk gitare. Stvaraju sklad zvuka i harmonije. Čine da uživamo dok slušamo ovu predivnu baladu urađenu u instrumental maniru. Sledeća peta pesma A Cabra e o Canhoto. Tonovi su malo brži i to nam zvuk bubnja kazuje. Uključuju se gajde, koje šire tonove oko nas i mi počinjemo da igramo. To uživanje nastavljamo preslušavajući šestu So i sedmu pesmu Entre os Ventos e a Saudade. Osma numera Marcha dos Trovoes. Čujemo opet kišu i grmljavinu u pozadini i onda boom. Udaraju gajde i zvuk bubnja po nama dok uživamo u jednoj od najboljih pesama na albumu (lični utisak). Urze de Lume morate doživeti na jedan poseban način, koji ćete osetiti samo dok budete preslušavali ovaj album. Sledeće pesme Garrano i Larouco, čujemo zvuke koji su neopisivi, zvuke koji dolaze od samih bogova. Flauta igra samu ulogu u ritualu stvaranja. I gajde odličan ritual nastavljaju. Numerom La Fora a Neve, uz zvuke zvona vode nas u dvanaestu pesmu Por Terras do Demo, gde opet uz zvuke neprevaziđenih gajdi uživamo. Trinaesta numera Geada negra, ubedljivo najbolja pesma na albumu, gde je bend pokazao svo umeće koje zna. Pokazali su nam kako se muzikom vlada i očarali su nas u potpunosti. Došli smo do pretposlednje pesme Memorias de Inverno. Zvuk vode i klasične gitare pružaju nam potpuni smiraj. Došli smo do kraja i poslednje pesme Lamento " por uma Alvorada de Destrocos". Zvuk kavala se nadvija nad nama. Tonovi su tako dobri da se rečima opisati ne mogu. Jedna potpuna nežna pesma, nestvaran smiraj duše prouzrokovan muzičkim skladom. Savršeno za kraj momci!
Utisci? Album koji je do tančina isplaniran. Produciran maestralno, odsviran umetnički. Stvaran je za posebne slušaoce, posebnu atmosferu i kao takav zaslužuje vašu pažnju dok nam poručuje poštujte svoju tradiciju i svoje pretke. Živeli!

Urze de Lume
dark folk
Caminhos da Urze, (2015.)

01: Caminhos da Urze
02: Escuro Inverno
03: Entrudo de Lume
04: Foicadas de Lume
05: A Cabra e o Canhoto
06: So
07: Entre os Ventos e a Saudade
08: Marcha dos Trovoes
09: Garrano
10: Larouco
11: La Fora a Neve
12: Por Terras do Demo
13: Geada Negra
14: Memorias de Inverno
15: Lamento "por uma Alvorada de Destrocos"

Ocena: 10/10.


Urze de Lume - Caminhos da Urze, (2015.)

Portuguese dark folk band, Urze de Lume, which we already wrote (review of the first album you can read here), we were delighted with their new album, Caminhos da Urze, issued under the auspices of Soliferro Grabaciones Íberas. The music of this band, whose tones cherishes the tradition of Keltiberije, certainly looked familiar. Their work certainly deserves all the more attention because the guys create something unreal, but they just proved this album. A big step forward in their ritual are done. The physical edition of the album perfectly and properly present their music. The album contains fifteen tracks of instrumental character.

It opened with the first track Caminhos da Urze. With the sounds of rain and thunder in the background we will begin our journey. Quickly moving on to another track Escuro Inverno. We hear the sound of bagpipes, which has become a trademark of the band. Melody excellent. Drum closely monitored and we enjoy. Start excellent and proceed to the third song Entrudo de Lume. Nice sounds introduced us. They are connected to the bagpipes and drums. One extremely melodious song. Ritual is tailored and there is no doubt. The fourth song Foicadas de Lume. Hear the bells, drum and guitar sound. Create harmony of sound and harmony of passion. Seem to enjoy while listening to this beautiful ballad done during instrumental manner. A fifth song Cabra e o Canhoto. The tones are a bit faster and it tells us the sound of the drum. They include the bagpipes, which spread tones around us and we start to play. To continue enjoying listening through the sixth and seventh songs So and Entre os Ventos e a Saudade. The eighth track Marcha dos Trovoes. We hear again the rain and thunder in the background and then boom. They hit the bagpipes and the sound of the drum after us while we enjoy one of the best songs on the album (personal impression). Urze de Lume must experience in a special way, you'll feel just as you listened to this album. Next songs Garrano and Larouco, we hear sounds that are indescribable, the sounds coming from the gods themselves. The flute plays a role in the very ritual of creation. I bagpipes great ritual continues. The song La Fora a Neve, with the sounds of bells take us to the song Por Terras do Demo, where once again to the sound of bagpipes enjoy unsurpassed. Thirteen tracks Geada Negra, by far the best song on the album, where the band showed all the skills that he knows. They showed us how music governments and charmed us completely. We came to the penultimate song Memorias de Inverno. The sound of water and the classical guitar gives us complete calm. We have reached the end of the last song Lamento "por uma Alvorada de Destrocos". Sound of kaval hangs over us. The tones are so good that words can not describe. A complete and gentle song, surreal calmness of the soul caused by musical harmony. The perfect for the end guys!
Tips? The album, which is planned to the last detail. Masterfully produced, sounded art. It's real special audience, a special atmosphere and as such deserves your attention while telling us observe their own traditions and their ancestors. Cheers!

Urze de Lume
dark folk
Caminhos da Urze, (2015.)

01: Caminhos da Urze
02: Escuro Inverno
03: Entrudo de Lume
04: Foicadas de Lume
05: A Cabra e o Canhoto
06: So
07: Entre os Ventos e a Saudade
08: Marcha dos Trovoes
09: Garrano
10: Larouco
11: La Fora a Neve
12: Por Terras do Demo
13: Geada Negra
14: Memorias de Inverno
15: Lamento "por uma Alvorada de Destrocos"

Mark: 10/10.

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