
уторак, 14. јун 2016.

Predstavljanje: Plamen Večnosti, (Srbija)

Plamen Večnosti

[Scroll down for English]
Plamen Večnosti, umetnički solo projekat multi-instrumentaliste Sifr Shraddhe, nastao je kao evoluciona konsekvensa starog ambientalnog projekta pod imenom Plamen Večne Zime. Pomenuta promena imena, za sobom je vukla već dugo priželjkivanu promenu muzičke baze projekta, odigrala se 2013. godine. Tada je Sifr Shraddha odlučio da utoli glad inspiracije, koja je strpljivo čekala da manifestuje svoj sadržaj kroz, do tada nepoznate kanale i puteve. Ništa nije moglo unapred da uputi na posledicu promene imena starog projekta (iz Plamen Večne Zime u Plamen Večnosti) i na ono što će doneti rad sa novim načinima ispoljavanja nakupljanih energija.
Period u kojem je Plamen Večnosti došao do naziranja svrhe svog postojanja, smešten je u 2014. godinu kada se i odigrava najaktivniji period priprema, snimanja i iskustava koji su direktno inspirisali kreiranje prvog albuma ovog umetničkog projekta. Album nosi naziv The Horripilation, a manifestovan je na datum 24.01.2015. Inspirisan direktno, putem svakodnevnih iskustava na psiho/fizičkom planu, Plamen Večnosti je dobio epitet ’umetnički projekat’. Razlog za ovu vrsti kategorizacije leži u tome što muzičko manifestovanje inspirativnih kretanja nije jedina stavka koju Plamen Večnosti nosi unutar sebe. Naime, projekat, kao takav, oko sebe okuplja dodatne elemente, bez kojih epitet ’umetnički projekat’ ne bi nosio stvarnu težinu. Ručno kreiranje instrumenata, čija je svrha bila da daju što unikatniji zvuk na prvom albumu, jeste jedan do kamena temeljaca projekta Plamen Večnosti. Sifr Shraddha je bio spreman otići dovoljno daleko u težnji da što preciznije zabeleži vibracije koje je nosila snaga inspiracije, pa je u sam tok snimanja albuma uvrstio i određene elemente kao što su pravljenje specifične atmosfere unutar prostora gde se snima i direktan fokus na energije koje su morale biti upisane u pesme. Shodno tome, Plamen Večnosti je, pored muzičkog jezgra, koje jeste sama suština projekta i neka vrsta kapije za manifestaciju vibracije, u svoje postojanje uvrstio elemente koji nisu svojstveni epitetu ’muzički projekat’.

EP pod nazivom ’Apokrifa’ je delo koje je krunisalo početak 2016. godine. U pitanju je jedna vrsta nesvakidašnjeg i pomalo opskurnog pristupapravljenju EP izdanja koje naizgled, ali samo naizgled, odudara od prvog albuma. Rad je bio fokusiran izričito i samo na vokalni aspekt izražavanja uvek istog inspirativnog izvora. Ovoga puta, najpogodniju formu za izražavanje inspiracija pronalazi u pravoslavnim načinima pevanja - pojanja, koje Sifr Shraddha podražava i pokušava dosegnuti u izdanju ’Apokrifa’. Vidljivo je odstupanje od svakog tekstualnog kalupa - izbačene su reči u pesmama, a pojanje se svelo na izgovaranja samoglasnika. Cilj ovakvog pristupa je svakako bio da se dubina i širina inspirativnih tokova podigne na nivo koji nije omeđen ničim drugim osim frekvencijamačisith tonova, bez reči. Nadilaženje onoga ''šta bi se imalo za kazati slušaocima''je rezultiralo u mnogo pristupačnijim i pitkijim trenucimamuzičke ekspresije.Oni su, uveijeni u skute ikonografskog pristupa koji je korišćen na ovom EP izdanju, želeli da zaborave sami sebekroz buđenje čiste i iskrene emocija koja leži zakopana duboko unutar svega i svakoga.

Svaka pesma koja se stvara kroz Plamen Večnosti iza sebe nosi širinu stvarnih i izrazito snažnih momenata na raznim poljima. Upravo ti trenuci su bunar sa kojega se napijaju tonovi i ritmovi u pesmama Plamena Večnosti. Trenuci koji svojom užasavajućom lepotom, nevinom gracioznošću i uznemirujućom neizvesnošću mame ka dubinama koje ostaju zauvek nepoznate, zauvek neistražene. Svrha umetničkog projekta Plamen Večnosti leži u tome da što preciznije, što jasnije i što tačnije načini otvore i kapije kroz koje će se manifestovati mogućnost i naznaka za suštinsko oživljavanje onih vibracija koje Plamen Večnosti apsorbuje i, u ovom slučaju, pušta kroz kanal kao što je muzika. 


Plamen Večnosti

The Flame Of Eternity (Plamen Večnosti) is an artistic solo project of the multi-instrumentalist Sifr Shraddha. It came into being as a natural consequence of an evolutionary process that took its place within an old ambient project named Plamen Večne Zime (The Flame Of Eternal Winter). The changing of a name of the project (From The Flame Of Eternal Winterto The Flame Of Eternity), thattook place in in the year 2013. and had brought about a long needed change of the very basis of the project itself. Sifr Shraddha finnaly decided to quench the thirst of an inspirational forces that were about to took the form yet partly unknown to the musical and artistic language of Sifr.Nothing could prepair the terrain of artistical expression for the upcoming of those movements of inspiration that were waited for.
The year 2014. was the year when The Flame Of Eternitybegan to see the glimpses of its real purpose. Those were the times in whichthe most of the inspirational movements and experiences had done what they needed to do to influence the creation of the first phisical manifestation of this artistic project. Under the name ’The Horripilation’The Flame Of Eternity had released the first album on date 24.01.2015. The above mentioned experiences were the esencial part that work on every-day psycho/physicalbasis in order to influence the under-flow of the album.They were also the reason for the title that was used together with this project – the artisitc project. Why is that? The reason lies within the very thing that has been done through this project. Beside the musical expression of art, Sifr took a step further. This step is releated with the manufacturing of the instruments by the hands of Sifr alone. The physical creation of the instruments, that can be heard on the first album ’The Horripilation’, contributed directly to the fact that the need for the most unique and unrepeated sounds was the one of those drives that drove the inspirational core of The Flame Of Eternity.The hand-made instruments were just a part of the whole new scenario that took place in the time around the recording of the first album. Other things like the needed correct and perfect atmosphere while recording and the focus on the inspirational energies where the ones that carved those energies within the very structure of every song. Altogether, with those elements that are mentioned here, it becomes clear to the one that the title ’the artistic project’ is more sutable forthe work The Flame Of Eternity, for it now focuses not only on the creation of music, but on the creation of the correct instruments and atmosphere used, both within and without.

EP release under the name ’Apokrifa’, crowned the beginning of 2016. What Sifr tried to do here is to focus the work only on the vocal based way of expressing the inspirational forces. On the first hand, it might be that the way in which the expression took form on ’Apokrifa’ was a bit different from the previous release. But, in is only the illusion.On this release, the inspirational forces had found out that theorthodox way of singing suits them best.In order to appear in the form of vibrations, Sifr needed to crush down the barriers of the sang word, and to sing using only thevowels.The goal of this kind of approach was to rise the expression of the inspiraitonal forces, their depth and potential.This risen flow of musical expression resulted inthe trancendence of ’that which might be told to the listeners’ and in much purer, more precise vibrations.Cloacked up with the iconographic expression, that is used on this EP release, they aimed for that very trancendence that they produced, in order to bring about the awakening of that purest emotion that is rooted deep within each, every and all. 

Every deed that has been accomplished through The Flame Of Eternity carries behind itself the weight of a real events/experiences of various fields. Those moments are the very well from which melodies and rhythms of The Flame Of Eternity drinks. The moments thatwith their horrifyingbeauty, innocent grace and disturbinguncertaintyare beckoning to the depths that always stays unexplored, unrevealed. The very purpose of the artistic project The Flame Of Eternity lies within the process in which it,as precise as it can,strive to create the openings and gates through which the real possibility for the revival and bringing into the light of those vibrations that it absorbs andreleases through the channel of the music, may manifest.


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