
недеља, 7. фебруар 2016.

Recenzija: Festung Nebelburg - Zwischen den Jahren, (2015.)

Festung Nebelburg - Zwischen den Jahren, (2015.)

[Scroll down for English] 
U poslednje vreme prilično mnogo solo projekata se pojavljuje, naročito onih koji se kreću u pagan, black i sličnim metal vodama.  To može da znači nekoliko stvari.  Pre svega, možda muzičari počinju da ozbiljnije razmišljaju o sopstvenoj vrednosti i sposobnostima, i ne žele da budu umetnički ograničeni ni na koji način drugim muzičarima, produkcijskim kućama, studijima koje moraju da plate i ko zna čim još.  Sa druge strane, možda je razlog za to činjenica da isto tako polako shvataju da je jedini način da urade ono što oni smatraju da mogu sa svojom muzikom ako se sa čudovištem koje se zove muzička scena susretnu sami, bez nepotrebnih balasta i opterećenja koje muzička industrija može da nametne.  Ja ne znam pravi razlog, ali je isto tako činjenica da ima gomila onih koji još uvek nisu dorasli takvom iskoraku.

Nemački pagan metal bend Fastung Nebelburg sigurno ne spada medju njih.  Iza ovog benda stoji čovek koji sebe zove Nattulv i iz Istočne Bavarije je.  Malo je reći da je Nattulv izuzetno talentovani multiinstrumentalista.  Master za album Zwischen den Jahren (nem. = Izmedju godina)je odradjen u Kalthallen Studiju, a album je samostalno izdat u svega 500 kopija u digipack varijanti.  Album bi mogli da nazovemo konceptniim ili tematskim, jer ceo govori o Rauchnächte, magičnim noćima koje obeležavaju kraj stare i početak nove godine.  Muzički, ovde se radi o kombinaciji pagan metala sa black’n’roll uticajima.  Vokalno u muzici ovog benda dominiraju clean vokali, ali ima i onih tipičnih black metal grlenih vokala, čisto da začine stvar.  Rifovi su zanimljivi i puni života i odišu nekom praiskonskom snagom koju je i za očekivati u muzici bilo kojeg pagan metal benda. 
Album otvara kratki instrumentalni uvod pesme “Prolog” ali već od nakon 30-ak sekundi nam je jasno o čemu će ovde dalje da se radi jer već prva pesma postavlja jasnu stazu kojom će ceo album dalje da se kreće.  Sledi pesma “Verboten” koju otvara skoro doom rif, ali već nakon 20 sekundi pesma prerasta u pagan black rokačinu tokom čijeg se trajanja predivno prepliću black-metalski i clean vokali rokom strofa, dok u predrefrenu i refrenu ostaje samo clean vokal sa izuzetno melodičnom gitarskom deonicom.   Sledeća pesma “Drudendrücken” nastavlja u istom stilu sa početnim rifom koji zvuči kao rif i neke punk pesme, i time pokazuje širinu uticaja koje je Nattulv uspeo da ukroti i pretoči u muziku ko ju prezentuje kroz bend Fastung Nebelburg.  “Perchtenlauf” ima čak i neki thrash začin u sebi, ali ponovo kombinuje više različitih uticaja što čini ovaj bend i njegovu muziku veoma interesantnom za slušanje.  Pesmu “Irrlich” otvara klasičan pagan-black rif, brz i oštar poput žileta, a clean vokal čini da ova pesma žvuči skoro kao himna (a i ceo album ima sličan prizvuk).  “Altes Wissen” počinje skoro atmosferičnim pasažom odsviranim na nedistorziranoj gitari, ali na nekih pola minuta prerasta u novu pagan black poslasticu u kojoj ovog puta preovladava black metal grleni vokal i koristi svaku sekundu da iskaže svoje kvalitete.  Čak na momente se čini i da se više uklapa u samu muziku od himničnog clean vokala.  Po meni, ali to sam samo ja, ova pesma možda za nijansu odskače od ostatka albuma svojom upečatljivošću.  “Thomasnacht” je prava black’n’roll krljačina koja takodje nikoga neće ostaviti ravnodišnim, a u sličnom maniru je i sledeća  „I Hob Drammt“.  Album zatvara naslovna „Zwishen den Jahren“ i svojim opijajućim ritmom prosto poziva na headbanging.
Iako je svaka pesma na ovom albumu kombinacija istih elemenata, oni su tako vešto iskombinovani da ni jedna pesma ne zvuči monotono i ponavljajuće.  Nema tu previše mudrosti, Nattulv je odlučio kuda želi da ide muzički i od početka do kraja albuma ostaje veran formuli kao neki fanatični alhemičak siguran u formulu koju koristi.  Ovo svakako zaslužuje kredit.  Ovo je definitivno bend koji zna šta hoće, zna svoj cilj, i zna kako da taj cilj i postigne.

Festung Nebelburg - Zwischen den Jahren
pagan metal
Samostalno izdanje

Ocena: 8,5/10.

Recenziju napisao: Igor Živić

Festung Nebelburg - Zwischen den Jahren, (2015.)

 In the last time there are many one-man projects appearing on the metal scene, mostly those who are securely floating through pagan, black and similar metal waters.  That could mean several things.  First of all, it might be that musicians are starting more seriously to think about their own value and abilities, and do not want to be artistically limited by other musitians, priduction houses, studios that has to be paied, and who knows what else.  On the other side, The reason might be the fact that they slowely beginn to realise that the only way to do what they believe that they should do musically is if they do it if they meet the beast of music industry as a one-man project, without unnecessary balasts and loads.  I don't know what the real reason is, but the fact is also that there are a load of those that are still immature musically for such a bold step in their cariere.
German pagan metal band Fastung Nebelburg for sure is not a band like that.  Behind this band stands the man that calls himself Nattulv, and hails fro Eastern bavaria.  It is definitely not too much to say that Nattulv is very talented multi.instrumentalist.  Master for the album  Zwischen den Jahren (ger. = Between the Years) was done in Kalthallen Studio, and the album has been independently released in only 500 copies as a digipack.  The album is conceptual, or thematic, because it tells the story about Rauchnächte, magical nights that are coming at the end of the old year and the beginning of the new one.  Musically,  here we have a combination of pagan metal with black'n'roll influences.  Vocally, in the music of this band clean vocals are dominating, but there are thos typical raspy vocals as in any other black metal or black metal influenced band, as a seasoning.  Riffs are very interesting and full of life, giving the impression of some kind of a primordial strength, that can be expected in the music of any pagan metal band.
The album is opened by a short instrumental intro to the first song „Prolog“, but already after 30-ish seconds it is clear what we will hear after that beginning, because first song already sets the path the whole album will take.  Then comes the track „Verboten“ opened by almost doom riff, but already after 20 seconds it becomes real black metal thunderstorm, with black metal raspy and clean vocals interwoven during the stanzas, 'till only clean vocals stay in pre-choruses and choruses, and all undergirded with very melodic guitar part.  Next song „Drudendrücken“ continues in the same manner with the opening riff that sounds punky, and showcases the wideness of the influences that Nattulv has tamed and translated into music presented by the band.  “Perchtenlauf” has even some thrashy feeling into itself, but again, very skillful combination of many different influences is what makes this band and its music very interesting to sliten too.  Track „Irrlich“ opens with a classical pagan-black riff, fast and sharp like a razor blade, and clean vocal makes this track sounds almost like a hymn (as the whole album itself).   “Altes Wissen” beginns with almost atmospheric passage played on non-distorted guitar, but at some half monute it quickly transforms into real pagan black titbit with black metal raspy vocals dominating and using every second to show its qualities.  In certain moments it even sounds like tha they are better fitting to the bands music.  If you are asking me, and that is only my personal opinion, this song is maybe for a nuance jumping off from the rest of the album by its strickingness.  “Thomasnacht” is a real black'n'roll destruction that will leave nobody indifferent, and in the similar manner is the next one „I Hob Drammt“.  Album closes the title track „Zwishen den Jahren“ and with its mesmerising rhythm it invites everybody on real headbanging.
Although every song on this album is a combination of the same elements, they are so skilfully combined that none of them sounds monotonous and repeating.  There is not to much artificial wisdom; Nattulv has decided where he want to bo musically and from the beginning to the very end of the album he sticks to the formula, like some fanatical alchemist sure in the quality of the formula he is using.  This is what clearly deserves a credit.  This is definitely a band that knows what does it wants, knows its goal, and knows how that goal has to be reached.

Festung Nebelburg - Zwischen den Jahren
pagan metal

Mark: 8,5/10.

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