
среда, 20. јануар 2016.

Recenzija: Biały Viteź - Odejść By Wiecznie Żyć, (East Side, 2015.)

Biały Viteź - Odejść By Wiecznie Żyć, (East Side, 2015.)

[Scroll down for English] 
Biały Viteź, bend iz Gdanjska (Poljska), svoju muziku definišu kao pagan folk black metal, obradovali su nas svojim novim full lenght albumom Odejść By Wiecznie Żyć. Posle nekoliko singlova, split izdanja, album je konačno ugledao svetlost dana. Tekstovi su na poljskom jeziku što me posebno raduje. Cover albuma maestralno urađen, za svaku pohvalu. Booklet odličan. Pored tekstova na poljskom, uporedo se nalaze i tekstovi na engleskom jeziku. Na samom fizičkom izdanju albuma nalazi se i video spot za pesmu Ojcowizna, koji će gledati iskreni kolekcionari fizičkih izdanja albuma. I red je da i mi nešto o samim pesmama kažemo. na albumu ima deset numera prožetih odličnim melodijama, tonovima...

Prva numera Kiedy Wiatr Rozwieje Prochy, instrumental u pitanju, dobar uvod za početak. Mistika je oko nas rog se u pozadini čuje, tek toliko da nas uvede u drugu pesmu  Odejść By Wiecznie Zyć. Otvara je zvuk frule i bubanj. Folk uticaji su evidentni na samom početku. Pridružuju se gitare, balalajka, vokal. Dobri tonovi i odlična pesma za nastavak slušanja albuma. Prelazimo na treću I Runą Krzyże, i tonovi su brži. Oseća se uticaj black metala. Tonovi udaraju po nama samo tako. Vokal sirov i uživanje nastavljamo. Brza pesma do srži. Tako dobri rifovi da nas bacaju na zemlju. Četvrta Płacze Moje Serce, sada su tonovi opušteniji. Jedna prava folk sa svim tradicionalnim instrumentima i odličnim vokalom. Sledeća Mój Slad Na Tej Ziemi, ujedno i najduža pesma na albumu sa dobrim gitarskim početkom. A, onda presek i znatno brži tonovi. Vokal brutalan, gitarski prelazi fantastastični. Ostaje nam samo da uživamo. na polovini pesme mali predah nam daju tek toliko da odmorimo. A, onda nas udaraju veličanstvenim tonovima i tekstom do kraja pesme. Za sam kraj čuje se frula, koja daje poseban utisak pesmi. Šestom numerom O Imię Me Pytaj Wiatru, ženski vokal nas uvodi u pesmu. Uključuje se muški vokal i nastavljamo. Osećaj je stvarno fantastičan, a to ćete videti kada budete slušali album. Opet taj dobar zvuk flaute, čini naše uživanje još boljim. Nakon ove pesme pomislićemo da ne može biti bolje, ali u to nas je uverila sedma Ponieś Rzeko Ma. Ubedljivo najbolja pesma na čitavom albumu (lični utisak). Balada je u pitanju, a potpuno uživanje učinio je nežni ženski kristalno jasni vokal. Blaženstvo ravno samih bogova. Osmu pesmu Vindafrelsi, otvaraju tradicionalni instrumenti ( po zvuku liče na gajde), a onda brži tonovi se uključuju. Dobro upakovana kombinacija pagan folka sa black metalom. Vokal standardno dobar, a naše uživanje se nastavlja. Došli smo do pretposlednje numere Do Słońca, jedna gitarska balada, koja nas vodi do poslednje pesme Ojcowizna. Ženski vokal na početku, uključuju se gitare i horsko pevanje. Odličan osećaj u nama stvaraju dok ih slušamo. Numera u kojoj su pokazali svo svoje umeće vrsnih muzičara. Pesma majstorski urađena i otpevana na poseban rodoljubivi način. Majstori svog zanata su. 
Završili smo sa slušanjem albuma. Rad benda pratim od samih početaka. oduševili su me svojom muzikom još na split albumu sa Graveland-om, za sva vremena. Novi i poslednji album zaslužuje svu pažnju. Nekako, moram da primetim da u Srbiji, a možda i šire, muzički portali, fanzini nisu dali prostora ovom fantastičnom albumu. To je naravno samo njima znano zašto je tako. A, ja svoje impresije podelio sam sa vama. Ovaj album pravi poklonici muzike trebaju imati u svojoj kolekciji. Ovaj album ulazi u anale pagan/folk muzike u to budite sigurni. Jedan od boljih, koje sam u životu slušao. Toliko. Slava!

Ocena: 10/10.

 Biały Viteź - Odejść By Wiecznie Żyć, (East Side, 2015.)

 Biały Viteź, a band from Gdansk (Poland), define their music as folk pagan black metal, surprised us with their new full length album Odejść By Wiecznie Żyć. After several singles, split releases, the album finally saw the light of day. The texts are in Polish makes me particularly happy. Cover album masterfully made, for praise. Booklet excellent. In addition to articles in Polish, in parallel there are texts in English. At the physical release of the album, there is a video for the song Ojcowizna, who will look honest collectors of physical editions of the album. I turn to and me about the songs themselves speak. The album has ten tracks imbued with great melodies, tones ...
The first track Kiedy Wiatr Rozwieje Prochy, instrumental in question, a good introduction to start. Mysticism is about us horn is heard in the background, just enough to get us into another songOdejść By Wiecznie Żyć. Opens the sound of flute and drum. Folk influences are evident at the outset. Join the guitar, balalaika, vocals. Good tones and a great song to continue listening to the album. Moving on to the third  I Runą Krzyże, and the tones are faster. He feels the influence of black metal. Tones strike at us like that. Raw vocals and enjoying continue. Fast song to the core. So good riffs that pull us to the ground. Fourth Płacze Moje Serce, now sounds more relaxed. One right folk with all the traditional instruments and excellent vocals. Next Mój Slad Na Tej Ziemi, also the longest song on the album with a good guitar at the beginning. And then, cross-section and a substantially faster tones. Brutal vocals, guitar exceed amazing. We can only enjoy in the songs give us a little break just to rest. And then we hit a majestic tones and text to the end of a song. In the end I hear a flute, which gives a special impression songs. Six song O Imię Me Pytaj Wiatru, female vocalist brings us into a song. Includes the male vocalist and continue. The feeling is really fantastic, and you will see that when you listen to the album. Again, the good sound of a flute, makes our enjoyment even better. After this song you will think that it can be better, but it has convinced us seventh Ponieś Rzeko Ma. By far the best song on the entire album (personal impression). A ballad is in question, and the full enjoyment of women's done is gentle crystal clear vocals. Bliss straight gods themselves. The eighth song Vindafrelsi, open the traditional instruments (the sound resembles a bagpipe), then faster tones are included. Well packed with a combination of pagan folk and black metal. Vocals good standard, and our enjoyment continues. We came to the penultimate track Do Słońca, one guitar ballad, which leads us to the last song Ojcowizna. Female vocals in the beginning, including the guitar and chorus. Excellent feeling create in us while we listen to them. The track which showed all his skills of great musicians. The song masterfully performed and sung in a special patriotic manner. Masters of their craft are.
We ended up listening to the album. The work of the band follow from the very beginning. enchanted me with his music still split album with Graveland, for all time. The new and final album deserves all the attention. Somehow, I must admit that in Serbia, and perhaps beyond, music portals, fanzines did not give space to this fantastic album. It is of course known only to them why. And, I've shared their impressions with you. This album is a true music fans should have in their collection. This album enters the annals of pagan / folk music rest assured. One of the best, I've ever heard. Slava!


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