
недеља, 20. децембар 2015.

Recenzija: Metatron Omega - Gnosis Dei (2015.)

Metatron Omega - Gnosis Dei

[Scroll down for English] 
Dark ambient projekat iz Srbije, Metatron Omega je ono što me posebno fascinira na našoj muzičkoj sceni. Pratim rad ovog umetnika, pod imenom Scorpio V,  od samog početka. Oduševljava me ezoterija samih tonova koje stvara. Umetnost postoji, a one man band je veliki izazov, posebno u Srbiji. No, Metatron Omega je projekat kod koga se to ni ne oseća, što je vrlo pohvalno. Ova godina je bila vrlo produktivna i iznedrila je album Gnosis Dei, izdat pod patronatom velikog Cryo Chamber-a. To se skoro čini nedostižnim za ostale bendove, a njegov rad treba poslužiti kao uzor svima, koji se muzikom bave. Album ima sedam pesama prepunih mistike, gnosticizma, savršenstva sklada. Cover profesionalno urađen i krajnje u maniru koji Metatron Omega stvara. Sve pohvale za Simona Heath-a.

I red je da svoje mišljenje podelim sa vama. Album otvara Apotheosis. Totalna apoteoza. Mrak. Tonovi nastavljaju da nas okružuju. Pesma traje i mi uživamo. Totalna mistika boja i mraka, koji nas i dalje okružuje. U sledećoj numeri Godhead Emanation, zvuk zvona nas budi. Ton nam daje takt, vokal se prvi put uključuje. Stičemo utisak da nam se obraća samo božanstvo. Gospodar našeg vremena, Gospodar iluzije. Apsolutna kontrola naše volje, u to smo sigurni. Prelazimo na Eye of Providence i okultno je oko nas, dok su tonovi mirni. Svevideće oko nas gleda, predviđa nešto. Crkveno horsko pevanje nam ne da mira. Uživamo! Numerom četiri Ordo Draconis, tonovi iz dubine. Glas, horsko pevanje u pozadini. Svetlo je prigušeno, sveća je u sobi i to je to. Osećaj uživanja se stvara, koji se rečima ne može opisati. To će shvatiti svi slušaoci, koji budu preslušavali ovaj fantastičan album. Definitivno jedna od boljih pesama na albumu (lični utisak). Sledeća pesma Hierosgamos, nešto novo osećamo, ali smo i dalje prikovani za fotelju. Ritual se nastavlja! Prija nam dok nas tonovi, sada u ovoj pesmi, probijaju i potpuno rastapaju. Osećamo unutrašnji sklad. Transformacija je potpuna. Numerom Hypostasis, nastavljamo naše mistično i nadasve mračno putovanje. Oseća se u pesmi uticaj poslednjeg velikog filozofa kraja srednjeg veka Plotina (opet lični utisak), što me posebno raduje. Tonovi su ono što razbija ovaj album i krase umetnost  ovog muzičara. Uživanje je tu, a ritual se nastavlja. Ponizno smo spustili glave. Prosvetljenje čekamo. Došli smo i do poslednje numere Transfiguration, pomalo setni, jer se naše putovanje bliži kraju. Ovo je ujedno i najduža pesma na albumu i ubedljivo najbolja. Savršeno za kraj. Jedna totalno druga projekcija transfiguracije. Ako smo imali mistiku u dosadašnjem slušanju albuma, sada ovom numerom uzdigli smo se na nebo, podigli ruke, novo telo dobili i potpuno promenili. Totalno mračna atmosfera, koja nas vodi u nebesa. Stičemo utisak da igramo, a ujedno i prkosimo samim bogovima. Život dobija potpuno jedan drugi smisao. 
Umetnik je prisutan u našim mislima i posle slušanja albuma. Spajajući Istok i Zapad, mistiku same filozofije Scorpio V, kreira nešto novo do sada neviđeno na našim prostorima. Istražujući um, mrak, monaštvo, ezoteriju i okultno vodi nas u neku drugu dimenziju i život gde je sve moguće. Metatron Omega je projekat kojim naša scena treba da se ponosi. To je projekat koji zaslužuje vaše vreme i pažnju. Upustite se u ezoteriju, preispitujte ortodoksno i gregorijansko pevanje. Jednostavno uživajte. Amin!

Metatron Omega
Meditative, esoteric / occult ambient with gregorian and orthodox chants
Cryo Chamber, (2015.)

01: Apotheosis
02: Godhead Emanation
03: Eye of Providence
04: Ordo Draconis
05: Hierosgamos
06: Hypostasis
07: Transfiguration

Ocena: 10/10.

 Metatron Omega - Gnosis Dei

Dark ambient project from Serbia, Metatron Omega is what fascinates me the most on our music scene. Following the work of this artist, named Scorpio V, from the very beginning. It delights me very esoteric tones created. Art exists, a one man band is a big challenge, especially in Serbia. But Metatron Omega is a project in which it does not feel, which is very commendable. This year has been very productive and has produced an album Gnosis Dei, issued under the leadership of Cryo Chamber's. It almost seems unattainable for other bands, and his work should serve as a model for all who are engaged in music. The album has seven songs full of mysticism, Gnosticism, perfect harmony. Cover is professionally made and end in a manner that Metatron Omega creates. All praise for Simon Heath from Cryo Chamber
I turn to my opinion share with you. The album opens Apotheosis. Total apotheosis. Awesome. The tones continue to surround us. The song lasts and we enjoy. Total mystic colors and darkness that surrounds us still. The following numerical Godhead Emanation, the sound of the bells to wake us up. Ton gives tact, singer for the first time includes. We get the impression that only speaks to the deity. Lord of our time, Master of illusion. Absolute control of our will, we're sure of. Moving on to the Eye of Providence and the occult is all around us, while calm tones. The all-seeing eye watching us, anticipates something. A church choir singing us not to peace. We enjoy! Numero four Ordo Draconis, the sounds from the depths. Voice, choir singing in the background. The light is dim, candles in the room and that's it. The feeling of pleasure is created, which words can not describe. It will be appreciated by all listeners, who are listened to this fantastic album. Definitely one of the better songs on the album (personal impression). Next Track Hierosgamos, something new feel, but we're still chained to a chair. The ritual continues! Previous us while we tones, now in this poem, penetrate and dissolve completely. We feel the inner harmony. The transformation is complete. Numero hypostasis, we continue our mystical and very dark journey. He feels the impact of the great philosopher Plotinus at the end of the Middle Ages (again personal impression), which made me very happy. Tones are what breaks this album and art adorn this musician. The enjoyment is there, but the ritual continues. Humbly lowered our head. Enlightenment wait. We have come to the last track Transfiguration, a little melancholy, because our journey is nearing an end. This is also the longest song on the album and by far the best. Perfect for the end. A totally different projections of transfiguration. If we had a mystique in the current listening albums, now this record, and we rose to the sky, raised arms, a new body and get completely changed. Totally dark atmosphere, which leads us to the heavens. We get the impression that we play, and also defy the gods themselves. Life gets a completely different meaning. 
The artist is present in our minds and after listening to the album. Blending East and West, the mysticism of philosophy Scorpio V creating something new so far unseen in our region. Exploring the mind, darkness, monasticism, the esoteric and the occult leads us to another dimension of life where everything is possible. Metatron Omega is a project that our scene should be proud. It is a project that deserves your time and attention. Relax in esotericism, reconsider orthodox and gregorian chanting. Simply enjoy. Amen! 

Metatron Omega
Meditative, esoteric / occult ambient with gregorian and orthodox chants
Cryo Chamber, (2015.)

01: Apotheosis
02: Godhead Emanation
03: Eye of Providence
04: Ordo Draconis
05: Hierosgamos
06: Hypostasis
07: Transfiguration

Mark: 10/10.

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