
среда, 16. децембар 2015.

Recenzija: Lia Fail - Cynical Stones, (2012.)

Lia Fail - Cynical Stones
[Scroll down for English] 
Volim neofolk, a posebno onaj koji svoje korene traži u irskoj tradiciji. Takve stvari me tek opčinjavaju, a posebno bendovi koji takvu muziku stvaraju. Jedan od takvih je i neofolk bend iz Italije, Lia Fail. Sam naziv benda označava u irskoj mitologiji Kamenje sudbine. Bend čini šestoro profesionalnih muzičara. Imaju svoj novi album Cynical Stones, koji u svakom pogledu potpuno podseća na stara izdanja vinila. Neke dobre stvari nikada ne umiru. Sam album ima deset pesama potpunog neofolk žanra. 

Album otvara numera Restless Eyes i odmah nam se za uši lepi zvuk akustične gitare. Uključuje se muški vokal, a potom i ženski. Violina je tu, a naše oči su odmorne. Tonovi se razlivaju i sve je produkcijski odlično urađeno. Tišina zaista jeste ruševina. Druga numera Lonely Anguish, tu je flauta kao novi instrument, koji se uključuje u bend. Mili ženski glas vodi nas dok padamo u zagrljaj divne melodije koju bend stvara. Odlična numera, a tek smo na početku albuma. Ushićenje raste! Sledeća New Dimension. Vode nas u neku potpuno novu dimenziju. Tekst ima težinu. Sve dobija smisao. To nam klavir kazuje i mi uživamo. Prija što ne odustaju od tih divnih tonova. Tako je i u pesmi Like a Star. Opet taj ženski glas, flauta i mi se topimo. Ubedljivo jedna od boljih numera na albumu (lični utisak). Sve je upakovano gitara, klavir, flauta i blaženstvo je tu. Peta numera Just a Breath, akustična gitara kao uvod. Glas koji nam govori o vremenu koje je prošlo. Podseća nas na neka lepa vremena. Muzika baš onakva, kakva treba da bude. Sledeća numera Leipzig. Volina i bas gitara vode nas u Lajpcig. Grad u kome smo usamljeni. Za mene  lično jedna vrlo emotivna pesma sa božanstvenim tekstom. Pomen o ratu i ostalim lošim stvarima koje taj rat nosi. Volim njihovu muziku, to postaje sve jasnije i jasnije. Numera In This Square. Flauta nas vodi, dok se tonovi razlivaju. Opet smo u velikom gradu, dok je tišina oko nas. Nikoga nema, niko nas ne sluša. Žrtva, koju moramo da damo je velika i to ne možemo promeniti. Prelazimo na Battlefield. Bitka počinje i senke sećanja su oko nas. Jedino je ostao bol sa fronta i smrt. Sećanja na naše pale drugove nisu izbrisana. Pesma  Lost in the Wind, bas udara, bubanj je tu, kao i ženski glas. Osećamo slobodu. Podižemo ruke gore i ponosno gledamo ka nebu. Stojimo i uživamo. Za kraj ostala nam je pesma A Soldier..., ujedno i najduža na čitavom albumu. Pesma o vojniku. Najbolja pesma na čitavom albumu (opet lični utisak). Rat ne donosi dobro nikome, pa ni našem vojniku. Vodi nas opet savršeni ženski glas i mi uživamo. Sklad tonova i teksta je tu, dovoljno je samo da se prepustimo. To uživanje nam prekida drugi deo pesme malo jačim tonovima, ali na onaj pozitivan način. U drugom delu muški vokal nas opet podseća na našeg vojnika, uz savršenu pratnju klavira, i put ne možemo nigde da nađemo. No, ipak tu je tračak svetlosti, koji nam pokazuje izlaz polako ka završetku albuma.
Neofolk scena Italije je zaista impozantna. Tu su bendovi koje volim Corde Oblique, Ataraxia, a sada im se priključuje i Lia Fail iz Bolonje. Kombinujući neofolk uticaj Italije sa motivima Irske kreiraju savršenu muziku. Muziku sa dušom. Uticaji sa strane su prisutni, što mene posebno raduje, tako da ako volite Dead Can Dance i Sol Invictus u muzici ovog doista fantastičnog benda ćete uživati. Iz sveg srca vam to toplo preporučujem!
Lia Fail
Three Legged Cat Records, (2012.)
01: Restless Eyes
02: Lonely Anguish
03: New Dimension
04: Like a Star
05: Just a Breath
06: Leipzig
07: In This Square 
08: Battlefield
09: Lost in the Wind
10: A Soldier...
Ocena: 10/10.
Lia Fail - Cynical Stones 
I like neofolk, especially one that seeks its roots in the Irish tradition. Such things just fascinate me, especially bands that kind of music they create. One of them is the neofolk band from Italy, Lia Fail. The very name of the band means in Irish mythology "Stone of Destiny". The band is composed of six professional musicians. They have a new album Cynical Stones, who in every respect fully reminiscent of old vinyl editions. Some good things never die. The album has ten songs full neofolk genre.

The album opens with the track Restless Eyes and us immediately to the ears of the beautiful sound of the acoustic guitar. Includes the male vocalist, and later women. The violin is there, but our eyes are rested. Tones up and flow over all production is well done. Silence truly is a ruin. The second track Lonely Anguish, there is a flute as a new instrument, which is included in the band. Nice female voice guides us until we fall into the arms of a beautiful melody that the band creates. Excellent track, and we are only at the beginning of the album. Exhilaration is growing! Next New Dimension. They take us into a whole new dimension. The text carries weight. Everything makes sense. It tells us the piano and we enjoy. Previous do not give up those wonderful tones. So it is in the song Like a Star. Again the female voice, flute and I melt. Arguably one of the better tracks on the album (personal impression). Everything is packed guitar, piano, flute and bliss is there. The fifth track Just a Breath, acoustic guitar introduction. The voice that tells us about the time that has passed. It reminds us of some good times. Music is exactly the way, as it should be. Next track Leipzig. Skates and bass lead us in Leipzig. The city in which we are lonely. For me personally, one very emotional song on the divine text. Importance of war and other bad things that war carries. I love their music, it is becoming clearer and clearer. The track In This Square. Flute leads, while tones spills. We're back in the big city, and the silence around us. There's nobody, no one is listening. The victim, you have to give is great and we can not change. Moving on to Battlefield. The battle begins and shadow memories are all around us. Only the pain remained from the front and death. The memories of our fallen comrades are not deleted. The song Lost in the Wind, bass impact, the drum is there, as well as the female voice. We feel freedom. We raise hands up and proudly looking toward the sky. We stand and enjoy. In the end we are left with is a poem A Soldier... , the longest on the entire album. The song about a soldier. The best song on the entire album (again personal impression). War brings no good to anyone, not even our soldier. Lead us again perfect female voice and we enjoy. The harmony of tones and the text is there, it is enough to indulge. To enjoy our fine second part of the song a little stronger tones, but in the positive way. In the second part of the male vocals reminds us again on our troops, combined with excellent piano accompaniment, and the way we can not seem to find it. Still, there is a glimmer of light that shows us the way out slowly to the end of the album.
Neofolk scene of Italy is really impressive. There are bands that I like Corde Oblique, Ataraxia, and now they are joined by the Lia Fail from Bologna. Combining neofolk influence of Italy featuring Ireland culture created the perfect music. Music with the soul. Impacts on the side are present, I'm particularly looking forward to, so if you like Dead Can Dance and Sol Invictus in music this really fantastic band will enjoy. From the bottom of my heart that I recommend to you! Long Live Lia Fail!!!
Lia Fail
Three Legged Cat Records, (2012.)
01: Restless Eyes
02: Lonely Anguish
03: New Dimension
04: Like a Star
05: Just a Breath
06: Leipzig
07: In This Square 
08: Battlefield
09: Lost in the Wind
10: A Soldier...
Mark: 10/10.

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