
недеља, 26. април 2015.

Predstavljanje: Paleowolf (Srbija)


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Vec određeni vremenski period zaintrigirao me je paleofolk projekat iz Srbije, Paleowolf. Posebno me je privukla mistika muzike, koju projekat nosi i obraćanje precima našim. Iza projekta stoji A. W. , osoba koja svojom muzikom vrlo uspešno priziva duhove prošlosti. Ove reči zato i jesu upravo tu, da upoznaju nepoznate sa samom filozofijom projetka. Pa, i red je da već počnemo.

Paleowolf je “plemenski” dark ambient / neofolk (“paleofolk”) projekat iz Srbije, nastao kao proizvod prizivanja drevnih duhova prošlosti, davnih senki praistorijskog doba, energije koju Paleowolf kanališe kroz muziku. Era u kojoj se duh Paleowolf-a nalazi je vreme pre, tokom i posle ledenog doba, praistorijska i prastara era kada su ljudi još uvek živeli životima lovaca-sakupljača, provodili svo svoje vreme u prirodnom ambijentu i bili povezani sa živim svetom oko sebe na jedan poseban, dublji način. Muzika se sastoji od kombinacije plemenskih ritmova, šamanskih bubnjeva i zvukova drevnih instrumenata sa dark ambient dronovima, šamanskim vokalima i epskim horovima. Oko slušaoca se gradi drevna atmosfera misterije koja ima za svrhu olakšavanje uspostavljanja kontakta sa prirodom, kako bi se otvorili duhovni kanali i povezalo sa drevnim ljudskim umom kroz genetsku memoriju čovečanstva usađenom u svakom od nas.

Paleowolf je u mnogome inspirisan drevnom i šamanskom muzikom iz celog sveta, posebno nordijskom i severnoazijskom plemenskom muzikom i iskonskim Sibirskim i Mongolskim praksama tzv. grlenog pevanja (“throat chanting”). Inspiracija za ritmove takođe dolazi iz prastare muzike, ali se može osetiti i kombinacija sa savremenijom “epskom” muzikom, Inspiracija takođe dolazi i od strane modernih neofolk i dark ambient imena kao što su Wardruna, Syven, Nest, Lustmord i ostali. Muzika, dakle, nije i ne pokušava biti replika praistorijske muzike, već predstavlja jedinstvenu i interesantnu mešavinu raznih zvukova i stilova. Veliki deo vokalnog aranžmana čini grleno pevanje, ostale vokalne delove čine razne vrste šamanskih prizivanja. U pevanju se ne koriste reči, jer duh koji Paleowolf pokušava da izazove dolazi iz pred-kulturno i pred-civilizacijske ere kada su ljudi komunicirali uglavnom neverbalno, uz korišćenje jednostavnih zvukova i vokalnih signala. U tim vremenima, umovi naših predaka radili uglavnom sa audio-vizuelnim simbolima, te možemo samo pretpostavljati koliko su bili maštovitiji i kreativniji. To je um koji je uspeo da preživi velike klimatske promene i grube spoljašnje uslove, borio se sa jakim zverima i predatorima i stvorio komplikovanu tehnologiju koju imamo danas. Ovaj um se nije izgubio u evolucionoj trci i odlutao u senku zaboravljenih hodnika vremena. Mi, potomci naših predaka, i dalje nosimo taj veličanstveni um i duh duboko u nama; ali smo ga nekako uspeli suzbiti, uglavnom kroz specifičan proces
socijalizacije gde je kontakt sa prirodom uskraćen i gde je čovek bombardovan raznim besmislenim sadržajima, koji mu onemogućavaju da se bavi suštinskim stvarima.

Mi sada razmišljamo u rečima, umesto simbolima. Ipak, očigledna je činjenica da se mnogo manje može reći rečima nego muzikom ili slikama - zato je potrebno mnogo više vremena i energije da se nešto opiše rečima nego da se nacrta ili otpeva. Možemo čak i reći da naš um na nekim nivoima funkcioniše i primitivnije nego ranije, jer smo neke njegove delove zapostavili a mudrosti zaboravili. Stoga nama, potomcima i modernim ljudima, od primarne dužnosti treba da bude da ponovo zapalimo drevnu svetlost u sebi i vratimo se višem, zdravijem stanju bića. Neka vam muzika Paleowolf-a pomogne u toj plemenitoj misiji.

Projekat svakako zaslužuje vašu pažnju, a to možete i učiniti preko:

Oficijalna web-strana:


Paleowolf is a “tribal” dark ambient / neofolk (“paleofolk”) project from Serbia, born as a consequence of invoking ancient spirits of the past, ancient shadows of prehistoric times, whihc energy Paleowolf is channeling through the music. The era in which the spirit Paleowolf dwells are times before, during and after the Ice Age, prehistoric and ancient era when people were still living the lives of hunter-gatherers, spent all their time in the natural environment and were connected with the living world around us in a special, deeper way. Music consists of a combination of tribal rhythms, shamanic drums and sounds of ancient instruments, combined with dark ambient drones, shamanic vocals and epic choirs. Ancient atmosphere of mystery is thus being built around the listener, with the purpose of facilitating the establishment of contact with Nature, in order to open the spiritual channels and to connect with the ancient human mind through the genetic memory of mankind implanted in each and everyone of us.
Paleowolf is greatly influenced by ancient and shamanic music from the entire world, especially by Nordic tribal music and primordial Siberian and Mongolian throat singing practices. The inspiration for rhythms also comes from the ancient music, but combination with more modern "epic" music can also be felt. Inspiration also comes from modern neofolk and dark ambient names such as Wardruna, Syven, Nest, Lustmord and others. Music, therefore, is not and is not trying to be a replica of the prehistoric music, but a unique and interesting mix of different sounds and styles. Much of the vocal arrangement is consisted of throat singing, the other vocal parts are made of various types of shamanic invocations. Words are not used in singing, because the spirit that Paleowolf trying to invoke is coming from the pre-cultural and pre-civilization era, when people communicated mostly nonverbally, using simple sound cues and vocal signals. In those times, minds of our ancestors worked mainly with audio-visual symbols, and because of that we can only assume how imaginative and creative they were. It is the mind that has managed to survive the great climatic changes and harsh environmental conditions, fought with strong beasts and predators and created a complicated technology that we have today. This mind is not lost in the evolutionary race and didn’t wandered off into the shadows of forgotten corridors of time. We, the descendants of our ancestors, continue to carry this magnificent mind and spirit deep within us; but somehow we managed to suppress it, mainly through a specific process of socialization where contact with Nature is greatly reduced, and
where man is bombarded with various senseless content, making it almost impossible for him to deal with more substantive, deeper matters.
We now think and function mainly upon words, rather than symbols. However, obvious is the fact that much less can be said by using the words than by using music or pictures - because it takes much more time and energy to describe something than to draw it or sing it. We can even say that, on some levels, our mind works more primitively than before, because we neglected certain parts of it and have forgotten great deal of wisdom. Therefore to us, the descendants and modern people, of primary duty should be to re-ignite the ancient light in ourselves and return to a higher, healthier state of being. Let the music Paleowolf help you in this noble mission.


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