
среда, 4. март 2015.

Recenzija: Svart1 - Ardat Lili (2015.)

Svart1 - Ardat Lili

"Muzika kojoj nisu potrebne reči, muzika Raimonda Gaviana."

[Scroll down for English] 
Trilogija je nastavljena. Svojim drugim albumom Ardat Lili, Raimondo Gaviano nastavlja eksperimentisanje i istraživanje muzike. Nakon odličnog prvog albuma Satanische Helden (recenziju pročitati ovde), usledio je još bolji Ardat Lili. Na albumu gostuju TSIDMZ, Uncodified i Le Cose Bianche (L.C.B.). Izdat po okriljem Mask of the Slave Recordsa, sadrži trinaest pesama, a naš Celtic - Slavic Webzine Serbia će dati svoje mišljenje o njemu. Fizičko izdanje albuma, baš kako treba da bude. Sasvim na način prepoznatljiv za stil ovog umetnika iz Italije. 

Album otvara Abu Fihama. Polako nas uvodi ženski glas u priču, a onda melodija koja se do naših ušiju probija, dok naše uzbuđenje raste. Opet taj sklad karakterističan za muziku Raimonda Gaviana. Numerom Al-Gaylani, naše putovanje se nastavlja. Umirujuća melodija, koja nas vodi do afričkog kontinenta, Starog Istoka. Putujemo i uživamo. Numerom Nergal, gostuje Uncodified, opet pred naše oči stavlja pitanje Afrike, robovlasničkog sistema, načina razmišljanja običnog slobodnog čoveka i porobljenog čoveka. Čini da poredak stvari u životu, kroz istoriju, doživimo baš onakvim kakve jesu. Numerom Ardat Lili, idemo ka sredini albuma i sve boljim numerama. pesma koja nosi naslov kao i sam album nas ostavlja bez daha. Sledećom Ardatu, osećaj je još bolji, melodični tonovi nas opet vode. Putujemo i uživamo. Numerom Ashakku Marsu, mistično okruženje je stvoreno. Dozivaju se stari Bogovi da promene sadašnji poredak stvari. Numerama Lamashtu i Clisma Bissau, nema zaustavljanja. Pritisak raste, dok se tonovi razlivaju. Umetnik nas baca na zemlju. U numeri Clisma Bissau gostuje Le Cose Bianche (L.C.B.). Jedan primerak savršene saradnje. Numerom Milcom, tonovi su svuda oko nas. U pozadini se čuje jedan jači ton. Zvuk nedefinisanog, ali onog pravog tona, koji rastapa sve. Muzika kojoj nisu potrebne reči, muzika Raimonda Gaviana. Numera Mujina, prepoznatljivi tonovi. Osećaj mraka, vina u čaši, osećaj potpune slobode od modernog sveta.  U numeri Alu, saradnja sa TSIDMZ. Dva umetnika stvaraju muziku od koje zastaje dah. Ponosni smo na to. Sklad harmonije i slobode. Život je jedan, proživimo ga u slobodi. Afrika, Arabija, Stari Istok, putujemo... Oduševljenje raste i numerom Utukku. Igra tonova se nastavlja. Opet ta mistika, želja, putovanje. Za kraj Oni, opuštena, pomalo i tužna melodija. jedinstvo boja je tu. Ustajemo, igramo u zanosu opijeni muzikom. 

Drugi deo trilogije je završen i to vrlo uspešno. Album zaslužuje svu našu pažnju. Umetnik je sazreo na svom putovanju i treba mu to priznati. Očekivanja su velika za nastavak putovanja. Sa nestrpljenjem čekamo novi i poslednji deo trilogije, a do tada uživajmo u aktuelnom albumu. Svako dobro!

Ardat Lili
Dark ambient, industrial, ritual dark ambient
Mask of the Slave (2015.)

01: Abu Fihama
02: Al-Gaylani
03: Uncodified-Svart1 Nergal
04: Ardat Lili
05: Ardatu
06: Ashakku Marsu
07: Lamashtu
08: LCB-Svart1 Clisma Bissau
09: Milcom
10: Mujina
11: TSIDMZ-Savrt1 Alu
12: Utukku
13: Oni

Ocena: 10/10.

Svart1 - Ardat Lili

"Music that does not require words, it is the music Raimondo Gaviano."

The trilogy is set. His second album Ardat Lili, Raimondo Gaviano continues to experiment and explore music. After a great first album Satanische Helden (read review here), there was even better Ardat Lili. The album features TSIDMZ, Uncodified and Le Cose Bianche (L.C.B.). Licensed by the auspices Mask of the Slave Records, contains thirteen songs, and our Celtic - Slavic Webzine Serbia will give its opinion on it. The physical edition of the album, just as it should be. Quite a way recognizable style of this artist from Italy.
The album opens Abu Fihama. Slowly introduces us to a woman's voice in the story, and then tune to our ears through, while our excitement grows. Again, this harmony characteristic of the music of Raimondo Gaviano. Tracks Al-Gaylani, our journey continues. Soothing melodies, which leads us to the African continent, Ancient Old East. We travel and enjoy. Track Nergal, featuring Uncodified, again before our eyes puts the issue of African slavery system, the way of thinking of ordinary free man and an slaved man. It seems that the order of things in life, throughout history, the experience just as they are. Track Ardat Lili, go to the middle of the album and all the songs better. Poem titled as well as the album leaves us breathless. By the following Ardatu, the feeling is even better, melodic tones take us. We travel and enjoy. Track Ashakku Marsu, mystic environment is created. Experience the old gods to change the present order of things. Tracks Lamashtu and Clisma Bissau, there is no stopping. Pressure grows, while the tones spills. The artist throws us to the ground. The song Clisma Bissau featuring Le Cose Bianche (L.C.B.). A classic of perfect cooperation. Track Milcom, tones are all around us. In the background you can hear a stronger tone. Sound undefined, but the right one ton, which dissolves all. Music that does not require words, it is the music Raimondo Gaviano. The track Mujina, recognizable tones. The feeling of darkness, the wine in the glass, the feeling of complete freedom from the modern world. The track Alu, cooperation with TSIDMZ. Two artists create music that takes your breath away. We are proud of it. The harmony and freedom. Life is one, relive it in freedom. Africa, Arabia, the Old East, traveling ... The enthusiasm is growing and the track Utukku. Play tone continues. Again, this mystique, the desire journey. In the end Oni, relaxed and a bit sad melody. Unity of color there. We get up, play in ecstasy intoxicated music.
The second part of the trilogy is completed and it is very successful. Album deserves all our attention. The artist has matured in its journey and should hand it to him. Expectations are high for the continuation of the journey. We are eagerly waiting for the new and final part of the trilogy, but until then enjoy the current album. All the best!

Ardat Lili
Dark ambient, industrial, ritual dark ambient
Mask of the Slave (2015.)

01: Abu Fihama
02: Al-Gaylani
03: Uncodified-Svart1 Nergal
04: Ardat Lili
05: Ardatu
06: Ashakku Marsu
07: Lamashtu
08: LCB-Svart1 Clisma Bissau
09: Milcom
10: Mujina
11: TSIDMZ-Savrt1 Alu
12: Utukku
13: Oni

Mark: 10/10.

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