
петак, 13. март 2015.

Recenzija: Epoch - Purity & Revolution, (2013.)

Epoch - Purity & Revolution

[Scroll down for English]
Martial projekat Epoch, Kena Holewczynki, svojim albumom Purity & Revolution istakao je nove standarde u ovom muzičkom žanru. Kritika novog svetskog poretka je prisutna. Tržišna ekonomija je  u krizi. Sve to možemo osetiti u njegovoj muzici. Postavljamo pitanje, da li je stvarno kapitalizam novi fašizam? Fizičko izdanje albuma totalno u martial žanru. Pruža poruku baš kakvu treba. Sadrži devet pesama i krećemo sa preslušavanjem.

Album otvara W.T.O. , u pomalo electro - martial zvuku. Zvuk dobar, mi opušteni i tako je počelo naše druženje. Prelazimo na drugu numeru Capitalism is the New Fascism. Kako album odmiče čujemo sve učestalije martial tonove. Muzikom, tekstom navodi nas da kritikujemo državni sistem Novog svetskog poretka. Ustajemo i otpor pružamo. Ništa nas neće zaustaviti! Novi svetski poredak je napokon u krizi i mi se radujemo. Sledeća Architects of the New World, vodi nas u kritiku tih vladara iz senke arhitekata novog svetskog poretka. Bezdušnog odlučivanja o sudbini drugih država. Spremite se, stiže nam demokratija iz "zapadnog slobodnog sveta". Numerom False Hope, False Victory, sve glasniji tonovi, sve jače emocije.. Lažna nada je svuda oko nas! I, da, zaista Vlada jeste problem. To shvatamo. Proletarijat je u krizi. U numeru Purity & Revolution, uvodi nas glas, dok tonovi plove oko nas. Uživamo u možda najboljoj numeri na albumu (lični utisak). Numerom The Corporate State, shvatamo da država jeste jedna velika korporacija i da tržišna ekonomija jede male države. Prelazimo na Invisible Empire. Glas Teodora Ruzvelta vodi nas i objašnjava stvari zaista onakvim kakvim jesu. Vladari iz senke su svuda oko nas. Nažalost, to je naša realnost. Numerom Capitalism is the New Fascism (version), prelazimo na poslednju numeru March of the Revolution. Obuzima nas revolucionarno raspolozenje. Proletarijat se budi. Ustaje protiv današnjeg nepravednog sistema vrednosti. Ustaje zarad borbe potlačenh i verovanje u bolje sutra. Korporacije, Novi svetski poredak je opomenut. Revolucija je na pomolu. Te misli nas gone dok završavamo slušanje ovog odličnog albuma. Živela revolucija!!!
Utisci? Posle decenija ćutanja Ken se ponovo oglasio svojim projektom Epoch. I to je dobro. Sada je prodorniji, kritičniji i zaslužuje vašu pažnju. Magazini, recenzenti trebalo je veću pažnju da obrate na ovaj album (opet lični utisak), ali to je samo njihova greška. Ne znaju šta su propustili! Ja sam svoj primerak fizičkog izdanja albuma odavno nabavio, a vi to možete učiniti putem ovog linka. Uživajte!

Purity & Revolution
Martial industrial
Carbon 12 Records, (2013.)

01: W.T.O.
02: Capitalism is the New Fascism
03: Architects of the Third World
04: False Hope, False Victory
05: Purity & Revolution
06: The Corporate State
07: Invisible Empire
08: Capitalism is the New Fascism (version)
09: March of the Revolution

Ocena: 8,7/10.

Epoch - Purity & Revolution

Martial project Epoch, (Ken Holewczynski), their album Purity & Revolution said the new standards in this musical genre. Criticism of the New World Order is present. The market economy is in crisis. All that we can feel in his music. We ask the question, is it really capitalism new fascism? The physical edition of the album totally in martial genre. Provides message exactly as it should. It contains nine songs  and we start to listen.
The album opens W.T.O., in a slightly electro - martial sound. Sounds good, we relaxed and so began our friendship. Moving on to another track Capitalism is the New Fascism. As the album progresses we hear more and more frequent martial tones. Music, text leads us to criticize the state system of the NWO. We get up and provide resistance. Nothing will stop us! The New world order is finally in crisis and we are looking forward to. Next Architects of the New World, lead us to critique these rulers from the shadow of the architects of the new world order. Heartless decision on the fate of other countries. Get ready, here comes the democracy of "Western free world." Track False Hope, False Victory, louder sounds, more intense emotions .. False hope is all around us! And, yes, indeed the Government is the problem. To realize. The proletariat is in crisis. The track Purity & Revolution, introduces voice tones while navigating around us. We enjoy perhaps the best track to the album (personal impression). Track The Corporate State, we understand that the State is a large corporation and the market economy eats small states. Moving on Invisible Empire. Voice of Theodore Roosevelt leads us and explains things really as they are. The rulers of the shadows are all around us. Unfortunately, that's reality. Track Capitalism is the New Fascism (version), cross the last track March of the Revolution. It invades our revolutionary mood. The proletariat uprising. He rises against the present unjust system of values. He gets up for the sake of fighting, and his belief in a better tomorrow. Corporation, the New World Order is cautioned. The revolution is in the offing. These thoughts after us while we finish listening to this excellent album. Long live the Revolution !!!
Impressions? After decades of silence Ken again hear his project Epoch. And that's good. It is now pervasive, critical and deserves your attention. Magazines, reviewers should have to pay more attention on this album (again personal impression), but it is only their fault. What they missed! I am my own copy of the physical edition of the album has long been procured, and you can do it through this link. Enjoy! 

Purity & Revolution
Martial industrial
Carbon 12 Records, (2013.)

01: W.T.O.
02: Capitalism is the New Fascism
03: Architects of the Third World
04: False Hope, False Victory
05: Purity & Revolution
06: The Corporate State
07: Invisible Empire
08: Capitalism is the New Fascism (version)
09: March of the Revolution

Mark: 8,7/10.

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