
уторак, 17. фебруар 2015.

Recenzija: Cuélebre - Oinos (2014.)

Cuélebre - Oinos

[Scroll down for English]
Španski Medieval-Pagan-Folk bend Cuélebre, inspiraciju traži u pejzažu Iberijskog poluostrva i mitologiji vremena pre Rimljana. Nezaobilazan je i keltski uticaj u njihovoj muzici, tekstovima. Kombinujući sve to sa srednjovekovnim instrumentima stvaraju jednu ezoteričnu atmosferu uživanja. Svojim novim albumom Oinos podigli su sve na noge od oduševljenja i red je da naš Celtic - Slavic Webzine Serbia napiše svoje mišljenje o albumu. 

Album konceptualno sadrži deset pesama. Samo fizičko izdanje je dobro urađeno. Cover fotografija ispunjava očekivanja. Booklet od osam strana sa tekstovima i prelepim ilustracijama. Besprekorno, nema šta! Prvi utisci su odlični i pušten je plejer.  Album otvara Fodder for the raven, odličan početak. Na samom startu nas upoznaju sa njihovim svetom muzike. Jedna odlična melodija. Na putovanje nas vodi bubanj, hurdy-gurdy i tekst pun emocija. Nastavljamo numerom Tigino, gde osećamo sve veći uticaj srednjovekovne muzike. Opuštena i mirna melodija. Mi, uživamo i vrlo smo zadovoljni. Numera Amergin's chant, nastavljaju istim tempom. Bubanj nas uz zvuke grmljavine polako uvodi u pesmu. Mistično okruženje je oko nas i mi uživamo. Muzika je sve bolja i bolja kako album odmiče. Savršena melodija. Sledećom numerom Dekam Kwennos, opet stvaraju to mistično okruženje oko nas. Flauta nas vodi, a mi se potpuno prepuštamo. Istim tempom nastavljaju numerom Kurgan. Instrumental je u pitanju, a verovatno i najbolja pesma pesma na ovom albumu (lični utisak). Dok slušamo ovu pesmu osećamo potpunu slobodu i to je ono što joj posebnu draž daje. Ovo je bend u pravom smislu te reči. Bend sa dušom! Numerama Immrama i Idisi, vode nas kroz epohe antičke Iberije do srednjovekovne Španije. Numerom Ochlam, još jedan odličan instrumental je u pitanju. Melodija baš onakva kakva i treba da bude. Brza i melodična. Zadovoljni smo. Numerom Durbed, nastavljaju da se poigravaju sa muzikom. I, da, oni to tako savršeno rade. Opet nas vode kroz istorijska razdoblja Španije, a mi se bližimo kraju albuma. Poslednja numera Bosque y piedra, jedna skladna i umirujuća, savršeno za kraj. 

Oinos, nije samo album koji se mora slušati, koji se mora posedovati. On predstavlja ostvarenje koje se oseća, remek delo grupe ljudi okupljenih oko muzike, koji nam još uvek nisu pokazali sve i koji će sigurno ostaviti velikog udela u Medieval-Pagan-Folk sceni. U to budimo sigurni!!!

Art Gates Records (2014.)

01: Fodder for the raven
02: Tigino
03: Amergin's chant
04: Dekam Kwennos
05: Kurgan
06: Immrama
07: Idisi
08: Ochlam
09: Durbed
10: Bosque y piedra

Ocena: 10/10.

Cuélebre - Oinos

Spanish Medieval-Pagan-Folk band Cuélebre, seeking inspiration in the landscape of the Iberian Peninsula and the mythology of time before the Romans. Celtic influence in their music, lyrics are definitely feels. Combining all this with medieval instruments create an esoteric atmosphere of enjoyment. With his new album Oinos raised all at the feet of enthusiasm and turn to our Celtic - Slavic Webzine Serbia write opinion about the album.
Conceptual album contains ten songs. The physical release is well done. Cover photo meets expectations. Booklet of eight pages with text and beautiful illustrations. Impeccable! First impressions are excellent and released the player. The album opens Fodder for the raven, a great start. At the very beginning we learn about their world of music. One great tunes. On the journey takes us to the drum, hurdy gurdy and text full of emotion. We continue the track Tigino, where we feel the increasing influence of medieval music. Relaxed and calm tones. We enjoy ourselves and we are very satisfied. The track Amergin's chant, continue at the same pace. Drum us with the sound of thunder slowly introduced into the song. The mystical environment around us and we enjoy. The music is getting better and better as the album progresses. The perfect melody. Next track Dekam Kwennos, again to create a mystical environment around us. Flute leads us, and we completely surrender. Continue at the same pace the track Kurgan. Instrumental in question, and probably the best song song on this album (personal impression). While listening to this song feel complete freedom and that is what gives it a special charm. This is a band in the truest sense of the word. The band that has a soul! Tracks Immrama and Idisi, taking us through the epoch of ancient Iberia to medieval Spain. Track Ochlam, another great instrumental in question. The melody and just as it should be. Fast and melodic. We are satisfied. Track Durbed continue to play with the music. And, yes, they both work perfectly. Again, take us through the historical periods of Spain, and we are nearing the end of the album. Last track Bosque y piedra, a harmonious and soothing, perfect for the end.
Oinos, not only album that has to listen, who must possess. It represents an achievement that is felt, a masterpiece of a group of people gathered around the music, which we still have not shown and that will surely leave a great role in the Medieval-Pagan-Folk scene. Be sure!!!

Art Gates Records (2014.)

01: Fodder for the raven
02: Tigino
03: Amergin's chant
04: Dekam Kwennos
05: Kurgan
06: Immrama
07: Idisi
08: Ochlam
09: Durbed
10: Bosque y piedra

Mark: 10/10.

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