
уторак, 20. јануар 2015.

Intervju: Stíofán De Roiste - Celtachor (Irska)


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Tragajući za novim saradnicima Celtic - Slavic Webzine Serbia se uputio ka Irskoj, tačnije u Dablin. Na postavljena pitanja o planovima za budućnost, trenutnim projektima u kojima je saradnik razgovarali smo sa Stíofán-om De Roiste, pevačem benda Celtachor.

1. Zdravo Stíofán, hvala što si izdvojio vreme da odgovoriš na pitanja za naš Webzine. Pre svega, ti živiš u Irskoj, koliko tebi znače keltski koreni i šta oni za tebe predstavljaju?

Stíofán: Kao mali sam još bio zainteresovan za irsku mitologiju, ništa drugo me nije interesovalo, kod kuće je uvek bila prisutna muzika, moj otac je bio flautista, moja majka pevačica, a moj ujak je svirao violinu, imao je veliku ljubav za Irsku, muziku i učenje. Tokom godina sam postao  sve više zainteresovan za Irsku istoriju/folkor/mitologiju, i počeo sam prilično puno da čitam (što sam nastavio i danas) i to je formiralo moje rane godine.
Mislim da nema veze iz koje zemlje dolaziš, tvoji koreni treba da budu od neke važnosti za tebe. Uvek sam podržavao interes, ako neko radi nešto što bi pomoglo da sačuvamo bogatu istoriju koju imamo, bilo da pomaže jezik galski/irski, podržava irsku književnost u prošlosti i sadašnjosti, tradicionalnu irsku muziku. Svako uključen u očuvanju žive istorije, i ljudi koji imaju veliki interes da čuvaju tradiciju pripovedača živom su poželjni. Ko zna, možda i ja želim da postanem pripovedač u kasnijim godinama, ali za sada to radim kroz muziku.
Moji irski koreni su meni izuzetno važni. Ní tír gan teanga.

2. Kao muzičar, interesuješ se za keltsku mitologiju. U čemu najviše tražiš inspiraciju?

 Stíofán: Interesovanje za irsku mitologiju da, inspiraciju dobijam u prirodi, pejzažu, literaturi, poeziji i pričama o Irskoj. Trudim se da što više vremena provedem u zemlji koliko mogu, to su mesta, koja daju pravi uvid u priče i sage o kojima se moj bend bavi. Za malo ostrvo, imamo puno velikih stvari za videti i to je praznik za oči. Mesta koja me posebno inspirišu Wicklow planine, Cork, delovi Sligo-a i Donegal-a. Takođe dobijam veliku inspiraciju iz rada sa mojim članovima benda. Kada i nemamo ideja, uvek dopunjavamo jedno drugo i na kraju ispadne dobro. Srećan sam što radim sa prijateljima i muzičarima koje imam, jer teško je naći takve umove ili ljude sa kojima se savršeno slažeš.

3. Tvoj matični bend je Celtachor. Možeš li nam reći nešto više o bendu? Kako je priča uopšte nastala?

Stíofán: Celtachor je osnovan 2007. godine sa mojim prijateljem Daithi-em. Nismo odmah postali stvarni bend do 2010. godine. Naš prvi nastup bio je podrška bendu Cruachan 27. avgusta. Nakon toga odlični bubnjar Anais, nam se pridružila. Točkovi su pokrenuti, a stvari su se kretale veoma brzo. Pridružio nam se drugi gitarista Fionn i novi basista u poslednje dve godine Oliver. Nakon toga je postava bila stabilna i jaka, a mi smo kao druga porodica. Radimo veoma dobro zajedno. 
Bili smo inspirisani, da donesemo irske mitološke sage u pogledu muzike, ne izostavljajući ništa iz priča i čineći sve onako kako smo zamislili. Svi u bendu su na istoj talasnoj dužini u tom pogledu i svi težimo da izgradimo vizuelnu sliku u umu slušaoca. Vidimo nas kao pripovedače irske mitologije i saga. Mislim da će puno ljudi uživati u našem drugom albumu, koji je na putu. Snimili smo album u Sun studiju u Temple Lane-u, Dablinu sa švedskim producentom Ola Ersfjord-om. To će biti naše prvo izdanje za nemačku diskografsku kuću Trollzon. Veoma smo uzbuđeni.

4. Nakon odlaska pevača, pridružio si se kao stalni član bendu Mael Mordha. Kakvi su dalji planovi benda za budućnost?

Stíofán: Pridružio sam se bendu Mael Mordha, krajem 2014. godine, nakon nekoliko uspešnih meseci rada sa njima. Bio je veliki šok kada je Rob napustio bend. Moja namera kada sam se priključio bila je, da nastavim tamo gde je bend stao i što je radio svih ovih godina, i da moj način rada tome prilagodim. Trenutno radimo na novim pesmama, koje će nadamo se biti gotove, negde ove godine, nadamo se pre leta! U martu sviramo u Škotskoj na North of the Wall i sa bendom Argus u Dablinu, aprila ove godine. Možda ćemo imati još nekih gostovanja u Velikoj britaniji, ali to je sve za sada.

5. Imaš svoj samostalni projekat Laochra. Posle izdavanja nekoliko singlova, možemo li uskoro očekivati novi album? Kako napreduje taj projekat?

Stíofán: Laochra-u pokreće ljubav, kada sam bio mladji puno sam pisao u svojim sveskama. Želeo sam da kreiram svoju mitologiju inspirisanu irskim i nordijskim mitovima i fantazijom. Našao sam puno svojih starih svezaka i muziku, koju sam pisao u svojim tinejdzerskim godinama. Veći deo te muzike naćiće se na prvom albumu. 
Imam gostujućeg gitaristu i bubnjara, koje ću pozvati kada bude vreme. Trenutno radim na prvom albumu, za koji se nadam da će izaći ovog leta, a može izaći i kasnije.


6. Imaš tri stalna projekta u kojima si član? Kako sve postižeš?

Stíofán: Uživam u svakom posebno. Volim da budem zaposlen što više mogu i na taj način mogu da predstavim sebe na različite načine sa svakim projektom. Nije to za svakoga, ali ako možeš, zašto da ne!

7. Koji album u budućnosti publika prvo da očekuje Celtachor, Mael Mordha ili Laochra?

Stíofán: Mislim da će Celtachor prvi izaći, to će biti drugi naš album do sada, ali datum izlaska nije još konačan, izgleda da treba još vremena. Izgleda da će biti radna godina za sva tri benda. Kao što uvek kažem, odmaraću kada budem mrtav ha! Tu je i novo izdanje za Mael Mordha u nekom trenutku ove godine i Laochra album na leto uz malo sreće.

8. I za kraj šta bi poručio čitaocima u Srbiji? Možda neki koncert u Srbiji?

Stíofán: Želim da ti se zahvalim za intervju i hvala svim fanovima u Srbiji za sve veću podršku. Voleli bismo da održimo koncert u Srbiji, tako da ako postoji mogućnost sada, ako postoje promoteri, koji žele Celtachor kao goste na festivalu/šou ili više gostovanja, kontaktirajte nas putem

Hvala tebi još jednom i želim tebi i tvojima uspešnu godinu! Slainte agus tainte!




Searching for new associates Celtic - Slavic Webzine Serbia headed to Ireland, specifically in Dublin. About future plans, current projects, we talked with a Stíofán De Roiste, lead singer of the band Celtachor.

1. Hello, thank you took the time to answer questions for our Webzine. First of all, you live in Ireland, how much you mean Celtic roots and what they represent for you?
Stíofán: From a young age i was  interested in Irish Mythology, it called out to me like nothing else, there was always some sort of music being played at home,my father was a flute player and my mother a singer and my great uncle was a fiddle player who had a great love for Irish, music and teaching. Over the years i became more and more interested in Irish history/Folklore/ Mythology and i began to read quite alot(to which i still read alot today.) and this formed my earlier years.
I think no matter what country you come from, your roots should be of some importance to you. I have always supported/had interest in anyone doing something that helped the rich history we have, be it helping the language of gaelic/Irish, supporting Irish literature both past and present,Traditonal Irish music, Anyone involved in renactment and living history and people who have a keen interest in keeping the tradition of the seanachai/storyteller alive.Who knows, maybe i would like to become a storyteller in my later years, but i do so now through music.
My Irish roots are of the utmost importance. Ní tír gan teanga.

2. As a musician, an interest in the Celtic mythology. What's the most you're looking for inspiration?
Stíofán: An interest in Irish Mythology yes, i get my inspiration from the landscape, the literature and the poetry and stories of Ireland. I try to spend as much time in the country as i can, these are the places that give real insight into the stories and the sagas which my band deal with. For a small Island we have alot of great things to see and it is  a feast for the eyes. Particular spots where i have been inspired , The Wicklow mountains, Cork and parts of Sligo and Donegal. Also i get great inspiration from working with my bandmates, Just when i have worked out a idea, it can be turned on its head from someone else hearing it and turn out completely different. I am lucky to work with the friends and musicians that i have, it can be hard to find like minds or people you perfectly gell with.

         3. Your band is Celtachor. Can you tell us more about the band? How did the story originate?

Stíofán: Celtachor began and was formed in 2007 with my friend Daithi.
We did not become a actual band until 2010.We performed our first show supporting Cruachan on August 27th and after that a amazing drummer Anais joined us soon after.The wheels were set in motion, and things picked up again quite fast. We had a great second guitarist Fionn join us and a new bassist Oliver for the last two years.Since then the lineup has been stable and strong and we are like a second family. We work very well together.
We were inspiried to work on making the Irish Mythological sagas a reality in terms of music, leaving out very little detail from any of the stories and making everything concept driven. Everyone in the band is on the same wavelength in this regard and we all strive to create the visual painting in the mind of the listener.We see ourselves as the narrators of Irish Mythology and it's sagas.I think alot of people will enjoy our second album that is on its way! We recorded the album in Sun studios in Temple Lane, Dublin with Swedish producer Ola Ersfjord. It will be our first release on our German label Trollzorn. We are very excited.

           4.  After the departure of singer, you joined as a permanent member of the band Mael Mordha. What are the future plans for the band?

Stíofán: I joined Mael Mordha in the later months of 2014 after a successfull few months working with them,It was a great shock when Rob had left the band, but it was my intention when i joined that i would continue to deal and tackle with the same themes that the band used over the years and bring them into the future in my own way.Currently we are working on new music which we hope to have out sometime this year hopefully before the summer! We are playing in scotland in March at North of The Wall and playing with Argus in Dublin in April. We may have some other dates in the uk but thats all for the moment!

5.   You have your own independent project Laochra. After issuing several singles, can we expect a new album? How does this project?
Stíofán: Laochra is a total labour of love, when i was younger i use to write alot in notebooks. I wanted to create my own mythology inspired by Irish Myths/Norse Myths and fantasy. I found alot of the olde notebooks and music that i wrote when i was in my teenage years,most of the music for the first album is of this material.
I have a session guitarist and drummer who i will announce when the time is right. Currently we are working on the first album which we hope to have out by this summer but may come out later.

 6. You are a permanent member of the three musical project. Will you share with us this experience?
Stíofán: I enjoy each of them very much,i like to be as busy as possible and in this way i can express myself in different ways with each project.It is not for everyone but if you can do it, why not!

7. Which album first audience to expect ...Celtachor, Mael Mordha or Laochra?
Stíofán: I think Celtachor will be the first to come, this will be our second album to date, but no set dates have been finalized yet so it could take some time.It is going to be a very busy year for all three bands :) As i always say i can rest when i am dead ha! There is a new release for Mordha too at some point this year and a Laochra album out in the summer with any luck.

8. And in the end what to tell the readers in Serbia? Maybe a concert in Serbia?
Stíofán: I would like to thank you for the interview and a thanks to all our fans in Serbia for the ongoing support! We would love to do a concert in Serbia, so i take this oppurtunity now if there are any promoters who would like to have Celtachor there for a show/festival or for more shows, send us a email to celtachorbooking@hotmail.com

Thank you again and i wish you and yours a good year! Slainte agus tainte!




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