
субота, 22. новембар 2014.

Recenzija: Tamerlan - AIN (2014.)

Tamerlan - AIN

"Kompletna kompozicija, oseća se zrelost, umetnik nam već na samom početku daje do znanja da je prisutan."

 [Scroll down for English] 
Maestro Timur Iskandarov, rusko - srpski instrumentalista nastavlja da oduševljava muzički svet svojom umetnošću koju stvara. Eksperimentisanje klasičnom gitarom u muzici je ono što ga čini posebnim. Put započet albumom  Gemini - Worlds Of Eternal Creation, nastavljen je novim AIN albumom. Album konceptualno sadrži devet pesama, a za razliku od prethodnog karakteriše ga veliki broj saradnika na albumu (Olja Frolo iz fenomenalnog hrvatskog benda Loell Duinn, Cecilia Bjargo iz benda Arkana, Lesley Malone - Sol Invictus, Tony Wakeford iz benda Sol Invictus, Mike O’Brien -  Melankolia i Mattias Borgh - Arkana).
Pa, vreme je da počnemo! Naslovna numera Eternal i glas Tonija Wakeforda, polako nas uvodi u svet AIN-a. Pesma krajnje opuštena, gitara rukovodi igrom nota. Savršen sklad i put ka večnosti, definitivno. Kompletna kompozicija, oseća se zrelost, umetnik nam već na samom početku daje do znanja da je prisutan. Sa ushićenjem započinjemo slušanje druge numere The Countless Reflections Of Non Matte. Mirnim ženskim glasom Sesilije Bjargo, tonemo negde, ko zna gde?! I nije ni bitno, jer u potpunosti uživamo. Nismo ni svesni da smo već u sledećoj numeri Dance Of The Twilight Stars. U pitanju je obrada pesme Marc Hoylanda. Jedna savršena igra klavira i klasične gitare. Timur i Mike O’Brien (Melankolia) to odlično rade. Doživljaj je upravo takav, kamin, čaša vina i igra može da počne. Zavalite se u fotelju i počnite! Nemojte gubiti vreme! Na taj način ćete najbolje sačekati sledeću numeru My Estranged Sanctuary. Jedna krajnje opuštajuća numera, koja nas vodi u sledeću Thy Kingdom Come i nastavljamo uživanje.

Negde smo na sredini albuma i shvatamo da je ovo čista umetnost, koja ima srce i dušu. Da, da... umetnik je i ovde itekako prisutan. Božanski glas Olje Frolo, vođen dirigentskom palicom umetnika čini da zadrhtimo celi dok ovu možda i najbolju numeru na albumu slušamo. O, da, Kraljevstvo stvarno dolazi. Ushićeno prelazimo na šestu pesmu Children Of The Lesser God (Qliphotic Hunger)
Nežnim tonovima vodi nas ka sledećoj numeri Thus The Soul Awakens. Tihi tonovi opuštaju nas, jedna sasvim skladna i opuštajuća melodija. Osma numera The Inner Sunrise Ritual, shvatamo koliko je ovaj album zaista dobar. I dalje su prisutne mirne melodije, uz glas samog umetnika, što daje posebnu lepotu ovoj numeri i ovom albumu. Poslednja numera Ignite The Dawn, savršeno uklopljena završava na pomalo jedan mističan način ovaj savršeni album. Užitak je potpun i poželećemo da opet pustimo album ispočetka!
AIN je prosto savršenstvo, i svakako zaslužuje da se nađe u vašoj muzičkoj arhivi. Ja sam svoju kopiju albuma kupio u digitalnoj formi i priznajem pogrešio sam, ali zato ovih dana naručujem svoj primerak fizičkog izdanja albuma., što i vama najtoplije preporučujem putem BandCamp stranice i Debemur Morti Productions. Verujte mi, nećete se pokajati!
dark folk/neoclassical/ambient
Debemur Morti Productions (2014.)
01: Eternal
02: The Countless Reflections Of Non Matter
03: Dance Of The Twilight Stars
04: My Estranged Sanctuary
05: Thy Kingdom Come 
06: Children Of The Lesser God (Qliphotic Hunger)
07: Thus The Soul Awakens
08: The Inner Sunrise Ritual
09: Ignite The Dawn

Ocena: 10/10.

"Complete compositions, feels maturity, the artist us at the very beginning makes it clear that the present."

Maestro Timur Iskandarov, Russian - Serbian instrumentalist continues to impress the music world with his art he creates. Experimenting classical guitar music is what makes it special. Put initiated album Gemini - Worlds Of Eternal Creation, continued AIN new album. Conceptual album contains nine songs, but unlike the previous characterized by a large number of collaborators on the album (Olja Frolo from Loell Duinn, Cecilia Bjargo from Arkana, Lesley Malone - Sol Invictus, Tony Wakeford from Sol Invictus, Mike O’Brien -  Melankolia i Mattias Borgh - Arkana).
Well, it's time to start! The title track Eternal and the voice of Tony Wakeford, slowly introduces us to the world of AIN-a. Song utterly relaxed, guided play guitar notes. Perfect harmony and the road to eternity, definitely. Complete compositions, feels maturity, the artist us at the very beginning makes it clear that the present. Enthusiastically start listening to other tracks Countless Reflections Of The Non Matte. The calm female voice Cecilia Bjargo, sinking somewhere, who knows where ?! And it does not matter, because fully enjoy. We are not even aware that power already in the following numerical Dance Of The Twilight Stars. It is the processing of songs Marc Hoyland. A perfect game piano and classical guitar. Timur and Mike O'Brien (Melankólia) this excellent work. The experience is exactly that, a fireplace, a glass of wine and the game can begin. Sit back and start! Do not waste your time! This way you wait for the next best track My Estranged Sanctuary. An extremely relaxing tunes, which leads to the next Thy Kingdom Come, and we continue to enjoy.
Sometime we are in the middle of the album and realize that this is pure art, which has a heart and a soul. Yes, yes ... the artist is very much present here. The divine voice Olja Frolo, led by the baton of artists makes them tremble whole while this may be the best track on the album droughts. Oh yes, really comes Kingdom. Enthusiastically pass on the sixth song Children Of The Lesser God (Qliphotic Hunger).
Gentle tones leads us to the next numerical Thus The Soul Awakens. Silent tones relax us, a completely harmonious and relaxing tunes. The eight tracks The Inner Sunrise Ritual, we realize how good this album. There are still peaceful melodies, with the voice of the artist, which gives a special beauty to this track, and this album. Last tracks Ignite The Dawn, perfectly blended ends on a somewhat mystical way this perfect album. Enjoyment is complete and you'll want to let album again from scratch!
AIN is simply perfect, and certainly deserves to be found in your music archive. I've bought your copy of the album in digital form, and I admit I was wrong, but because these days I order my own copy of the physical edition of the album. Which i strongly recommend you via Bandcamp page and Debemur Morti Productions. Believe me, you will not regret it!

dark folk/neoclassical/ambient
Debemur Morti Productions (2014.)
01: Eternal
02: The Countless Reflections Of Non Matter
03: Dance Of The Twilight Stars
04: My Estranged Sanctuary
05: Thy Kingdom Come 
06: Children Of The Lesser God (Qliphotic Hunger)
07: Thus The Soul Awakens
08: The Inner Sunrise Ritual
09: Ignite The Dawn

Mark: 10/10.


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