
недеља, 30. новембар 2014.

Najava - Corte Di Lunas (Lady of the Lake), (2014.)

Corte Di Lunas

[Scroll down for English]
Italijanski renaissance celtic folk rock bend Corte Di Lunas, objavio je svoj treći album Lady of the Lake. U sastavu: Giordana (vokal), Coghy ( bagpipe, bouzouki, vokal), Manuela ( bombard, flute, redpipe, vokal), Thomas ( bouzouki, gitara, didqerido), Rango (bass), Rik (bubanj, perkusije).

Sve govori da će ovo biti jedan odličan album, a bend nastavlja sa svojom pozitivnom energijom i uživa u muzici koju stvara! Uskoro očekujte recenziju novog albuma od strane Celtic - Slavic Webzine Serbia, a do tada možete poslušati i uživati u prvom singlu sa novog albuma.

Italian renaissance celtic folk rock band Corte Di Lunas, he released his third album Lady of the Lake. The band consists of: Giordana (voice), Coghy ( bagpipe, bouzouki, voice), Manuela ( bombard, flute, redpipe, voice), Thomas ( bouzouki, guitar, didqerido), Rango (bass), Rik (drum, percussions). Everything indicates that this will be a great album, and the band continued with their positive energy and enjoy the music they created!
Soon expect a review of the new album by Celtic - Slavic Webzine Serbia, but until then you can listen to and enjoy the first single from the new album.

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