

уторак, 6. август 2019.

Recenzija: Jowisz - Trench Rat's Banquet II, (2018.)

Jowisz - Trench Rat's Banquet II, (2018.) 

(Scroll down for English)
Jowisz, martial dark ambient iz Poljske, sa kojim smo se upoznali u prošloj recenziji , obradovao nas je novim albumom Trench Rat's Banquet II. Album je i ovaj put izdala Spatha Production. Mr. Wolf, nastavlja tamo i gde je stao sa prošlim albumom. Vek je od zavržetka Velikog rata, rata koji je trebao da okonča sve ratove. Album ima jedanaest pesama i mi plovimo u vihor rata.

Album otvara numera, The Touch of Crna Ruka, tonovima koji nas uvode u priču o mladom Gavrilu, borcu za slobodu južnoslovenskuh naroda od čizme Habzburga. Auto kreće i prestolonaslednik obilazi okupirano Sarajevo. Dva pucnja. Mrak je nastupio. Puške na ramena carski vojnici! U osvetu krećemo! Sledeća numera Emperors Call. Glas cara nas poziva na mobilizaciju. Imperija je ugrožena. Na oružje! Treća numera Le esprit des mille da la Marne. Na Zapadu smo. Rovovi su oko nas. Teški tonovi, koji podsećaju na zvuk artiljerije, nas obasipaju. Marna je pakao! Horsko pevanje nas priprema za napad i odlazak u sigurnu smrt. Neprijatelj nas gleda kroz nišan mitraljeza. Gubici su veliki na obe strane. Samo je smrt sigurna u ovom uzaludnom jurišu. Četvrta numera Schutzengrabengeist i peta Flowers, Death and Tradition. Tonovi straha se nastavljaju, dok se nova ofanziva sprema. Samo je prelazak preko ničije zemlje siguran. Šesta numera Everyone have their own Galipoli, vodi nas do moreuza. Stradanja Saveznika su sigurna, dok bezuspešno sprovode ambicije Admiraliteta Britanije. Iskrcavanje je samoubilački potez u takvim uslovima. Obala je dobro branjena, dok se broj stradalih sve više i više povećava. Svako preživljava svoje Galipolje! Sedma numera From the No mans Land. Ostalo je ćutanje. Vojnik treba preći taj put i ne poginuti. Ali kako? Sa suprotne strane su mitraljezi i sigurna smrt! Osma numera In the Cage of Shell Shock. Strahovi rata koji su vojnici doživeli, samo oni razumeju. Topovi, gas, mitraljezi, bombardovanja, agonija..stradanja. Deveta numera Kaiserschlacht (The Last Hope), poslednji napad i poslednja nada u pobedu. Usledio je samo poraz. Deseta numera American Dance of Death, Saveznicima se priljučuje Amerika, pobeda je blizu uz velika stradanja. Poslednja jedanaesta numera Darkness in Our Veins, ostaje crnilo i ništavilo za kraj. Tuga na svim stranama! Slava palim junacima Velikog rata!
Utisci? Mr. Wolf, nastavlja da pruža lekcije iz istorije na jedan sasvim novi i zanimljiv način. Topla preporuka za sve ljubitelje istorije i martial žanra.

martial dark ambient
Spatha Production, (2018.)
Ocena: 9,5/10.
made by: Predrag G.

Jowisz - Trench Rat's Banquet II, (2018.)

Jowisz, a martial dark ambient from Poland, whom we met in a previous review, made us happy with his new album Trench Rat's Banquet II. The album was also released this time by Spatha Production. Mr. Wolf, continues where he left off with his last album. It has been a century since the end of the Great War, a war that was supposed to end all wars. The album has eleven songs and we sail in a whirlwind of war.
The album opens the track, The Touch of Black Hand, in tones that introduce us to the story of young Gavrilo, a fighter for freedom of the South Slavs from the boot of Habsburg. The car moves and the Crown Prince visits the occupied Sarajevo. Two shots. Darkness ensued. Rifles on the shoulders Imperial soldiers! We're on our revenge! The next track is Emperors Call. The voice of the Emperor calls us for mobilization. The empire is threatened. On the weapon! Third track Le esprit des mille da la Marne. We're in the West. The trenches are all around us. Heavy tones, reminiscent of the sound of artillery, dazzle us. Marna is hell! Choir singing prepares us to attack and go to certain death. The enemy looks at us through the machine-gun sight. The losses are large on both sides. Only death is certain in this futile rush. Schutzengrabengeist fourth track and Flowers, Death and Tradition fifth. The tones of fear continue as the new offensive sets in. Only crossing No man's land is safe. Sixth track Everyone has their own Galipoli, taking us to the Strait. The Allies' sufferings are certain, while unsuccessfully pursuing the ambitions of the Admiralty of Britain. Disembarking is a suicidal move in such conditions. The coast is well defended, while the number of casualties is increasing. Everyone is surviving their Gallipoli! The seventh track From the No mans Land. The silence remained. The soldier should cross that path and not be killed. But how? On the opposite side are machine guns and certain death! The eighth track In the Cage of Shell Shock. The fears of war that the soldiers have experienced, only they understand. Cannons, gas, machine guns, bombing, agony ... suffering. The ninth track of Kaiserschlacht (The Last Hope), the last attack and the last hope of victory. Only defeat ensued. The tenth track of American Dance of Death, America joined in the Allies side, victory is close with great casualties. The last eleven tracks of Darkness in Our Veins, remains blackness and nothingness to the end. Sadness on all sides! Glory to fallen heroes of the Great War!
Impressions? Mr. Wolf, continues to provide history lessons in a whole new and interesting way. A warm recommendation for all history lovers and the martial genre.

martial dark ambient
Spatha Production, (2018.)
Mark: 9,5/10:
made by: Predrag G.

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