Heather Wasteland – Under the Red Wolfish Moon, (2016.)
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Nekoliko stvari me je privuklo ovom albumu. Pre svega, to je činjenica da je jedan od mojih omiljenih likova u horor filmovima vukodlak. Ni sam ne mogu da objasnim zašto je to tako. Ali eto, jednostavno jeste. Zatim, tu je činjenica da je muzika koja je prezentovana na ovom albumu totalno neverovatna, potpuno žanrovski nedefinisana, a opet tako mistična i nadrealna. Da li muziku koju Heather Wasteland izvodi možemo da nazovemo folk metalom? Pa ne znam baš da li bi to mogao sa sigurnošću da tvrdim. Ja bih je pre opisao kao mešavinu srednjevekovne muzike i nekih elemenata koji čine metal muziku.
Radi se o potpuno insrumentalnom projektu od četiri člana, i to tri basiste i jednog bubnjara. Kao projekat, moram da kažem da je ovo prilično ambiciozan iskorak jer se prvo postavlja pitanje koliku će publiku ovakav jedan muzički projekat imati. EP ima skoro celih 24 minute materijala, pri čemu se naslovna pesma ponavlja u dve verzije – regularnoj i singl verziji. Ono što je svakako genijalno u ovom projektu jeste činjenica da je on pokazao koliko bas može biti zahvalan instrument. Dok jedan od njih svira ritam, drugi cepa solo deonice. Tu su zvuci syntha, raznih drvenih i žičanih instrumenata, ali su svi odsvirani u bas tonalitetu, tako da sve deluje kao veoma vešto osmišljena muzička avantura, čak se usudjujem reći, veoma interesantna za slušanje, čak i ako niste ljubitelj basa ili čak i ako sami ne svirate bas. Dodavanje nekih vokala bi ovaj projekat sigurno upotpunilo. Ovako, ovde pred sobom imate veoma solidan muzički pasaž, vrhunski isproduciran, što je nekako i razumljivo u pogledu ovog projekta. Sva tri instrumenta su na ovom materijalu definitivno odsvirali svoje uloge uz potpunu angažovanost. I ponovo pitnje od milion dolara: Da li je ovo folk metal? Ja ne bih rekao. Interesantno za slušanje? Definitivno. U očekivanju nastavka priče, moja će se recenzija završiti ovde uz zaključak: sigurno ćete se iznenaditi nekim muzičkim rešenjima koja ćete čuti na ovom EP-ju.
Heather Wasteland – Under the Red Wolfish Moon
pagan metal (mada nisam siguran)
Independent (Decembar, 2016.)
Ocena: 7,5/10.
Recenziju napisao: Igor Živić
Heather Wasteland – Under the Red Wolfish Moon, (2016.)
There are few things that made this album attractive to me. First of all, this is the fact that one of my favorite characters from horror movies is a warewolf. I cannot explain why is that. But, simpli, it is. Then, there is the fact that the music on this release is totally unreal, completelly undefinitive in ters of the genre, and in the same time so mystical and surreal. Can we pigeohole the music Heather Wasteland is performing as a pagan folk metal? Well, I am not quite sure that I would be able to do that with absolute certainty. I would rather describe it as a mixture of medeival music with some elements of metal.
Here we have completely instrumental project, consisted of four members – three bass players and one drummer (!?). As a project, I have to say that this is very ambitious step into umknown, because we have to ask how much this kind of musical project will be interesting for metal fans. EP is made of almost 24 minutes of material, with the title track repeated in two versions – the regular one and the one relased as a single. What is really work of a genius in this project is that it showed how gratifying bass guitar as an instrument can really be. One of bass players plays rhythm, the second one rips some pretty cool solos. Everything is enriched with the sounds of synth, manny diferent wooden and string folk instruents, all played in bass key, so everything packed sound as a cleaverly designed adventure, on moments very interesting for listening, even if you are not a bass guitar lover, od if you do not play it yourself. Adding some vocals will definitelly make this picture fuller. This way, yo have in front of yourself a very solid musical passage, with top notch production, which is understandable in terms of this kind of project. All three instruments have definitelly played their roles in this material with 100% og their strengths and possibilities.
And again, a million dollars question: Is this a pagan folk metal project? I would not say so. Interesting to listen to? Definitelly! In the time of the expectation of continuation of Heather Wasteland story, I will finish my review with these words: You will be surelly surprised by some musical solutions you will hear on this EP.
Heather Wasteland – Under the Red Wolfish Moon
pagan folk metal (although I am not sure about that)
Independent (December, 2016.)
Mark: 7,5/10.
Made by: Igor Živić
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